< Master index Index for matpower7.0/lib/@opt_model >

Index for matpower7.0/lib/@opt_model

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 add_constraintsADD_CONSTRAINTS Adds a set of constraints to the model.
 add_costsADD_COSTS Adds a set of user costs to the model.
 add_legacy_costADD_LEGACY_COST Adds a set of user costs to the model.
 add_lin_constraintADD_LIN_CONSTRAINT Adds a set of linear constraints to the model.
 add_named_setADD_NAMED_SET Adds a named set of variables/constraints/costs to the model.
 add_nln_constraintADD_NLN_CONSTRAINT Adds a set of nonlinear constraints to the model.
 add_nln_costADD_NLN_COST Adds a set of general nonlinear costs to the model.
 add_quad_costADD_QUAD_COST Adds a set of user costs to the model.
 add_varADD_VAR Adds a set of variables to the model.
 add_varsADD_VARS Adds a set of variables to the model.
 build_cost_paramsBUILD_COST_PARAMS Builds and saves the full generalized cost parameters.
 compute_costCOMPUTE_COST Computes a user-defined cost.
 describe_idxDESCRIBE_IDX Identifies variable, constraint and cost row indices.
 displayDISPLAY Displays the object.
 eval_legacy_costEVAL_LEGACY_COST Evaluates individual or full set of legacy user costs.
 eval_nln_constraintEVAL_NLN_CONSTRAINT Builds and returns full set of nonlinear constraints.
 eval_nln_constraint_hessEVAL_NLN_CONSTRAINT_HESS Builds and returns Hessian of nonlinear constraints.
 eval_nln_costEVAL_NLN_COST Evaluates individual or full set of general nonlinear costs.
 eval_quad_costEVAL_QUAD_COST Evaluates individual or full set of quadratic costs.
 getGET Returns the value of a field.
 getNGETN Returns the number of variables, constraints or cost rows.
 get_cost_paramsGET_COST_PARAMS Returns the cost parameter struct for user-defined costs.
 get_idxGET_IDX Returns the idx struct for vars, lin/nonlin constraints, costs.
 get_userdataGET_USERDATA Used to retrieve values of user data.
 getvGETV Returns initial value, lower bound and upper bound for opt variables.
 init_indexed_nameINIT_INDEXED_NAME Initializes the dimensions for an indexed named set.
 linear_constraintsLINEAR_CONSTRAINTS Builds and returns the full set of linear constraints.
 params_legacy_costPARAMS_LEGACY_COST Returns cost parameters for legacy user-defined costs.
 params_lin_constraintPARAMS_LIN_CONSTRAINT Builds and returns linear constraint parameters.
 params_nln_costPARAMS_NLN_COST Returns cost parameters for general nonlinear costs.
 params_quad_costPARAMS_QUAD_COST Returns the cost parameters for quadratic costs.
 params_varPARAMS_VAR Returns initial value, lower bound and upper bound for opt variables.
 valid_named_set_typeVALID_NAMED_SET_TYPE Returns a label for the given named set type or empty.
 varsets_cell2structVARSETS_CELL2STRUCT Converts VARSETS from cell array to struct array.
 varsets_idxVARSETS_IDX Returns a vector of indices into X specified by VARSETS
 varsets_lenVARSETS_LEN Returns the total number of variables in VARSETS
 varsets_xVARSETS_X Returns a cell array of sub-vectors of X specified by VARSETS

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