Home > matpower7.0 > lib > @opt_model > eval_nln_cost.m



EVAL_NLN_COST Evaluates individual or full set of general nonlinear costs.


function [f, df, d2f] = eval_nln_cost(om, x, name, idx)


EVAL_NLN_COST  Evaluates individual or full set of general nonlinear costs.
   Evaluates an individual named set or the full set of general nonlinear
   costs and their derivatives for a given value of the optimization vector
   X, based on costs added by ADD_NLN_COST.

       [f, df, d2f] = om.eval_nln_cost(x)



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [f, df, d2f] = eval_nln_cost(om, x, name, idx)
0002 %EVAL_NLN_COST  Evaluates individual or full set of general nonlinear costs.
0003 %   [F, DF, D2F] = OM.EVAL_NLN_COST(X)
0004 %   Evaluates an individual named set or the full set of general nonlinear
0005 %   costs and their derivatives for a given value of the optimization vector
0006 %   X, based on costs added by ADD_NLN_COST.
0007 %
0008 %   Example:
0009 %       [f, df, d2f] = om.eval_nln_cost(x)
0010 %
0013 %   MATPOWER
0014 %   Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0015 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0016 %
0017 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0018 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0019 %   See https://matpower.org for more info.
0021 %% initialize
0022 if nargin < 4
0023     idx = {};
0024 end
0025 nlc = om.nlc;
0027 if nargin < 3                       %% full set
0028     f = 0;
0029     nx = om.var.N;          %% number of variables
0030     if nargout > 1
0031         df = zeros(nx, 1);  %% column vector
0032         if nargout > 2
0033             d2f = sparse(nx, nx);   %% symmetric, so transpose (used for speed)
0034         end                         %% is equal
0035     end
0037     for k = 1:nlc.NS
0038         name = nlc.order(k).name;
0039         idx  = nlc.order(k).idx;
0040         [N, fcn, vs] = om.params_nln_cost(name, idx);
0041         if N ~= 1
0042             error('@opt_model/eval_nln_cost: not yet implemented for vector valued functions');
0043         end
0044         xx = om.varsets_x(x, vs);
0045         if nargout == 3
0046             [fk, dfk, d2fk] = fcn(xx);  %% evaluate kth cost, gradient, Hessian
0047         elseif nargout == 2
0048             [fk, dfk] = fcn(xx);        %% evaluate kth cost and gradient
0049         else
0050             fk = fcn(xx);               %% evaluate kth cost
0051         end
0053         f = f + fk;
0055         if nargout > 1              %% assemble gradient
0056             nk = length(dfk);
0057             if isempty(vs)          %% all rows of x
0058                 if nk == nx
0059                     df = df + dfk;
0060                     if nargout > 2  %% assemble Hessian
0061                         d2f = d2f + d2fk;
0062                     end
0063                 else                %% must have added vars since adding
0064                                     %% this cost set
0065                     df(1:nk) = df(1:nk) + dfk;
0066                     if nargout > 2      %% assemble Hessian
0067                         d2fk_all_cols = sparse(nk, nx);
0068                         d2fk_all_cols(:, 1:nk) = d2fk;
0069                         d2fk_full = sparse(nx, nx);
0070                         d2f(:, 1:nk) = d2f(:, 1:nk) + d2fk_all_cols';
0071                     end
0072                 end
0073             else                    %% selected rows of x
0074                 jj = om.varsets_idx(vs);    %% indices for var set
0075                 df(jj) = df(jj) + dfk;
0076                 if nargout > 2      %% assemble Hessian
0077                     d2fk_all_cols = sparse(nk, nx);
0078                     d2fk_all_cols(:, jj) = d2fk;
0079                     d2fk_full = sparse(nx, nx);
0080                     d2f(:, jj) = d2f(:, jj) + d2fk_all_cols';
0081                 end
0082             end
0083         end
0084     end
0085 else                                %% individual named set
0086     dims = size(nlc.idx.i1.(name));
0087     if ~isempty(idx) || prod(dims) == 1 %% indexed, or simple named set
0088         [N, fcn, vs] = om.params_nln_cost(name, idx);
0089         if N ~= 1
0090             error('@opt_model/eval_nln_cost: not yet implemented for vector valued functions');
0091         end
0092         xx = om.varsets_x(x, vs);
0093         if nargout == 3
0094             [f, df, d2f] = fcn(xx);     %% evaluate kth cost, gradient, Hessian
0095         elseif nargout == 2
0096             [f, df] = fcn(xx);          %% evaluate kth cost and gradient
0097         else
0098             f = fcn(xx);                %% evaluate kth cost
0099         end
0100     elseif nargout == 1             %% indexing required, recurse
0101         done = 0;
0102         f = 0;          %% initialize cumulative cost
0103         idx = num2cell(ones(size(dims))); %% initialize idx
0104         while ~done     %% call eval_nln_cost() recursively
0105             f = f + sum(om.eval_nln_cost(x, name, idx));
0107             %% increment idx
0108             D = length(dims);
0109             idx{D} = idx{D} + 1;    %% increment last dimension
0110             for d = D:-1:2          %% increment next dimension, if necessary
0111                 if idx{d} > dims(d)
0112                     idx{d} = 1;
0113                     idx{d-1} = idx{d-1} + 1;
0114                 end
0115             end
0116             if idx{1} > dims(1)     %% check if done
0117                 done = 1;
0118             end
0119         end
0120     else
0121         error('@opt_model/eval_nln_cost: general nonlinear cost set ''%s'' requires an IDX arg when requesting DF output', name)
0122     end
0123 end

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