Home > matpower7.0 > lib > @opt_model > params_legacy_cost.m



PARAMS_LEGACY_COST Returns cost parameters for legacy user-defined costs.


function [cp, vs, i1, iN] = params_legacy_cost(om, name, idx)


PARAMS_LEGACY_COST  Returns cost parameters for legacy user-defined costs.

   With no input parameters, it assembles and returns the parameters
   for the aggregate legacy user-defined cost from all legacy cost sets
   added using ADD_LEGACY_COST. The values of these parameters are cached
   for subsequent calls. The parameters are contained in the struct CP,
   described below.

   If a NAME is provided then it simply returns parameter struct CP for the
   corresponding named set. Likewise for indexed named sets specified
   by NAME and IDX.

   An optional 2nd output argument VS indicates the variable sets used by
   this cost set. The size of CP.N will be consistent with VS.

   If NAME is provided, optional 3rd and 4th output arguments I1 and IN
   indicate the starting and ending row indices of the corresponding
   cost set in the full aggregate cost matrix CP.N.

   Let X refer to the vector formed by combining the corresponding varsets VS,
   and F_U(X, CP) be the cost at X corresponding to the cost parameters
   contained in CP, where CP is a struct with the following fields:
       N      - nw x nx sparse matrix (optional, identity matrix by default)
       Cw     - nw x 1 vector
       H      - nw x nw sparse matrix (optional, all zeros by default)
       dd, mm - nw x 1 vectors (optional, all ones by default)
       rh, kk - nw x 1 vectors (optional, all zeros by default)

   These parameters are used as follows to compute F_U(X, CP)

       R  = N*X - rh

               /  kk(i),  R(i) < -kk(i)
       K(i) = <   0,     -kk(i) <= R(i) <= kk(i)
               \ -kk(i),  R(i) > kk(i)

       RR = R + K

       U(i) =  /  0, -kk(i) <= R(i) <= kk(i)
               \  1, otherwise

       DDL(i) = /  1, dd(i) = 1
                \  0, otherwise

       DDQ(i) = /  1, dd(i) = 2
                \  0, otherwise

       Dl = diag(mm) * diag(U) * diag(DDL)
       Dq = diag(mm) * diag(U) * diag(DDQ)

       w = (Dl + Dq * diag(RR)) * RR

       F_U(X, CP) = 1/2 * w'*H*w + Cw'*w



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [cp, vs, i1, iN] = params_legacy_cost(om, name, idx)
0002 %PARAMS_LEGACY_COST  Returns cost parameters for legacy user-defined costs.
0006 %   [CP, VS] = OM.PARAMS_LEGACY_COST(...)
0007 %   [CP, VS, I1, IN] = OM.PARAMS_LEGACY_COST(...)
0008 %
0009 %   With no input parameters, it assembles and returns the parameters
0010 %   for the aggregate legacy user-defined cost from all legacy cost sets
0011 %   added using ADD_LEGACY_COST. The values of these parameters are cached
0012 %   for subsequent calls. The parameters are contained in the struct CP,
0013 %   described below.
0014 %
0015 %   If a NAME is provided then it simply returns parameter struct CP for the
0016 %   corresponding named set. Likewise for indexed named sets specified
0017 %   by NAME and IDX.
0018 %
0019 %   An optional 2nd output argument VS indicates the variable sets used by
0020 %   this cost set. The size of CP.N will be consistent with VS.
0021 %
0022 %   If NAME is provided, optional 3rd and 4th output arguments I1 and IN
0023 %   indicate the starting and ending row indices of the corresponding
0024 %   cost set in the full aggregate cost matrix CP.N.
0025 %
0026 %   Let X refer to the vector formed by combining the corresponding varsets VS,
0027 %   and F_U(X, CP) be the cost at X corresponding to the cost parameters
0028 %   contained in CP, where CP is a struct with the following fields:
0029 %       N      - nw x nx sparse matrix (optional, identity matrix by default)
0030 %       Cw     - nw x 1 vector
0031 %       H      - nw x nw sparse matrix (optional, all zeros by default)
0032 %       dd, mm - nw x 1 vectors (optional, all ones by default)
0033 %       rh, kk - nw x 1 vectors (optional, all zeros by default)
0034 %
0035 %   These parameters are used as follows to compute F_U(X, CP)
0036 %
0037 %       R  = N*X - rh
0038 %
0039 %               /  kk(i),  R(i) < -kk(i)
0040 %       K(i) = <   0,     -kk(i) <= R(i) <= kk(i)
0041 %               \ -kk(i),  R(i) > kk(i)
0042 %
0043 %       RR = R + K
0044 %
0045 %       U(i) =  /  0, -kk(i) <= R(i) <= kk(i)
0046 %               \  1, otherwise
0047 %
0048 %       DDL(i) = /  1, dd(i) = 1
0049 %                \  0, otherwise
0050 %
0051 %       DDQ(i) = /  1, dd(i) = 2
0052 %                \  0, otherwise
0053 %
0054 %       Dl = diag(mm) * diag(U) * diag(DDL)
0055 %       Dq = diag(mm) * diag(U) * diag(DDQ)
0056 %
0057 %       w = (Dl + Dq * diag(RR)) * RR
0058 %
0059 %       F_U(X, CP) = 1/2 * w'*H*w + Cw'*w
0060 %
0063 %   MATPOWER
0064 %   Copyright (c) 2017, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0065 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0066 %
0067 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0068 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0069 %   See https://matpower.org for more info.
0071 if nargin > 1       %% individual set
0072     if nargin < 3
0073         idx = {};
0074     end
0075     if isempty(idx)                 %% name, no index provided
0076         if prod(size(om.cost.idx.i1.(name))) == 1   %% simple named set
0077             N  = om.cost.data.N.( name);
0078             Cw = om.cost.data.Cw.(name);
0079             [nw, nx] = size(N);
0080             e1 = ones(nw, 1);
0081             e0 = zeros(nw, 1);
0082             cp = struct(...
0083                 'N',    N, ...
0084                 'Cw',   Cw, ...
0085                 'H',    sparse(nw, nw), ... %% default => no quadratic term
0086                 'dd',   e1, ...             %% default => linear
0087                 'rh',   e0, ...             %% default => no shift
0088                 'kk',   e0, ...             %% default => no dead zone
0089                 'mm',   e1 );               %% default => no scaling
0090             if isfield(om.cost.data.H, name) && ~isempty(om.cost.data.H.(name))
0091                 cp.H = om.cost.data.H.(name);
0092             end
0093             if isfield(om.cost.data.dd, name) && ~isempty(om.cost.data.dd.(name))
0094                 cp.dd = om.cost.data.dd.(name);
0095             end
0096             if isfield(om.cost.data.rh, name) && ~isempty(om.cost.data.rh.(name))
0097                 cp.rh = om.cost.data.rh.(name);
0098             end
0099             if isfield(om.cost.data.kk, name) && ~isempty(om.cost.data.kk.(name))
0100                 cp.kk = om.cost.data.kk.(name);
0101             end
0102             if isfield(om.cost.data.mm, name) && ~isempty(om.cost.data.mm.(name))
0103                 cp.mm = om.cost.data.mm.(name);
0104             end
0105             if nargout > 1
0106                 vs = om.cost.data.vs.(name);
0107                 if nargout > 3
0108                     i1 = om.cost.idx.i1.(name);     %% starting row index
0109                     iN = om.cost.idx.iN.(name);     %% ending row index
0110                 end
0111             end
0112         else                                        %% indexing required
0113             error('@opt_model/params_legacy_cost: legacy cost set ''%s'' requires an IDX arg', name);
0114         end
0115     else                            %% indexed named set
0116         % (calls to substruct() are relatively expensive ...
0117         % s = substruct('.', name, '{}', idx);
0118         % ... so replace it with these more efficient lines)
0119         sc = struct('type', {'.', '{}'}, 'subs', {name, idx});
0120         N  = subsref(om.cost.data.N,  sc);
0121         Cw = subsref(om.cost.data.Cw, sc);
0122         [nw, nx] = size(N);
0123         e1 = ones(nw, 1);
0124         e0 = zeros(nw, 1);
0125         cp = struct(...
0126             'N',    N, ...
0127             'Cw',   Cw, ...
0128             'H',    sparse(nw, nw), ... %% default => no quadratic term
0129             'dd',   e1, ...             %% default => linear
0130             'rh',   e0, ...             %% default => no shift
0131             'kk',   e0, ...             %% default => no dead zone
0132             'mm',   e1 );               %% default => no scaling
0133         if isfield(om.cost.data.H, name) && ~isempty(subsref(om.cost.data.H, sc))
0134             cp.H = subsref(om.cost.data.H,  sc);
0135         end
0136         if isfield(om.cost.data.dd, name) && ~isempty(subsref(om.cost.data.dd, sc))
0137             cp.dd = subsref(om.cost.data.dd, sc);
0138         end
0139         if isfield(om.cost.data.rh, name) && ~isempty(subsref(om.cost.data.rh, sc))
0140             cp.rh = subsref(om.cost.data.rh, sc);
0141         end
0142         if isfield(om.cost.data.kk, name) && ~isempty(subsref(om.cost.data.kk, sc))
0143             cp.kk = subsref(om.cost.data.kk, sc);
0144         end
0145         if isfield(om.cost.data.mm, name) && ~isempty(subsref(om.cost.data.mm, sc))
0146             cp.mm = subsref(om.cost.data.mm, sc);
0147         end
0148         if nargout > 1
0149             vs = subsref(om.cost.data.vs, sc);
0150             if nargout > 3
0151                 sn = sc; sn(2).type = '()';         %% num array field
0152                 i1 = subsref(om.cost.idx.i1, sn);   %% starting row index
0153                 iN = subsref(om.cost.idx.iN, sn);   %% ending row index
0154             end
0155         end
0156     end
0157 else                %% aggregate
0158     cache = om.cost.params;
0159     if isempty(cache)       %% build the aggregate
0160         nx = om.var.N;          %% number of variables
0161         nw = om.cost.N;         %% number of cost rows
0162         Nt = sparse(nx, nw);    %% use N transpose for speed
0163         Cw = zeros(nw, 1);
0164         H = sparse(nw, nw);     %% default => no quadratic term
0165         dd = ones(nw, 1);       %% default => linear
0166         rh = Cw;                %% default => no shift
0167         kk = Cw;                %% default => no dead zone
0168         mm = dd;                %% default => no scaling
0170         %% fill in each piece
0171         for k = 1:om.cost.NS
0172             name = om.cost.order(k).name;
0173             idx  = om.cost.order(k).idx;
0174             [cp, vs, i1, iN] = om.params_legacy_cost(name, idx);
0175             [mk, nk] = size(cp.N);      %% size of Nk
0176             if mk
0177                 Nkt_full = sparse(nx, nw);
0178                 if isempty(vs)
0179                     if nk == nx     %% full size
0180                         Nkt_full(:, i1:iN) = cp.N';
0181                     else            %% vars added since adding this cost set
0182                         Nk_all_cols = sparse(mk, nx);
0183                         Nk_all_cols(:, 1:nk) = cp.N;
0184                         Nkt_full(:, i1:iN) = Nk_all_cols';
0185                     end
0186                 else
0187                     jj = om.varsets_idx(vs);    %% indices for var set
0188                     Nk_all_cols = sparse(mk, nx);
0189                     Nk_all_cols(:, jj) = cp.N;
0190                     Nkt_full(:, i1:iN) = Nk_all_cols';
0191                 end
0192                 Nt = Nt + Nkt_full;
0193                 Cw(i1:iN) = cp.Cw;
0194                 H_all_cols = sparse(mk, nw);
0195                 H_all_cols(:, i1:iN) = cp.H';
0196                 H(:, i1:iN) = H_all_cols';
0197                 dd(i1:iN) = cp.dd;
0198                 rh(i1:iN) = cp.rh;
0199                 kk(i1:iN) = cp.kk;
0200                 mm(i1:iN) = cp.mm;
0201             end
0202         end
0204         %% cache aggregated parameters
0205         om.cost.params = struct( ...
0206             'N', Nt', 'Cw', Cw, 'H', H, 'dd', dd, 'rh', rh, 'kk', kk, 'mm', mm );
0207         cp = om.cost.params;
0208     else                    %% return cached values
0209         cp = cache;
0210     end
0211     if nargout > 1
0212         vs = {};
0213     end
0214 end

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