- idx_bus()
- Defines constants for named column indices tobus
matrix.Example: [PQ, PV, REF, NONE, BUS_I, BUS_TYPE, PD, QD, GS, BS, BUS_AREA, VM, ... VA, BASE_KV, ZONE, VMAX, VMIN, LAM_P, LAM_Q, MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN] = idx_bus; Some examples of usage, after defining the constants using the line above, are: Pd = bus(4, PD); % get the real power demand at bus 4 bus(:, VMIN) = 0.95; % set the min voltage magnitude to 0.95 at all buses The index, name and meaning of each column of the bus matrix is given below: columns 1-13 must be included in input matrix (in case file) 1 BUS_I bus number (positive integer) 2 BUS_TYPE bus type (1 = PQ, 2 = PV, 3 = ref, 4 = isolated) 3 PD Pd, real power demand (MW) 4 QD Qd, reactive power demand (MVAr) 5 GS Gs, shunt conductance (MW demanded at V = 1.0 p.u.) 6 BS Bs, shunt susceptance (MVAr injected at V = 1.0 p.u.) 7 BUS_AREA area number, (positive integer) 8 VM Vm, voltage magnitude (p.u.) 9 VA Va, voltage angle (degrees) 10 BASE_KV baseKV, base voltage (kV) 11 ZONE zone, loss zone (positive integer) 12 VMAX maxVm, maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.) 13 VMIN minVm, minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.) columns 14-17 are added to matrix after OPF solution they are typically not present in the input matrix (assume OPF objective function has units, u) 14 LAM_P Lagrange multiplier on real power mismatch (u/MW) 15 LAM_Q Lagrange multiplier on reactive power mismatch (u/MVAr) 16 MU_VMAX Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper voltage limit (u/p.u.) 17 MU_VMIN Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower voltage limit (u/p.u.) additional constants, used to assign/compare values in the BUS_TYPE column 1 PQ PQ bus 2 PV PV bus 3 REF reference bus 4 NONE isolated bus
See also