- idx_brch()
- Defines constants for named column indices tobranch
matrix.Example: [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ... TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ... ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch; Some examples of usage, after defining the constants using the line above, are: branch(4, BR_STATUS) = 0; % take branch 4 out of service Ploss = branch(:, PF) + branch(:, PT); % compute real power loss vector The index, name and meaning of each column of the branch matrix is given below: columns 1-11 must be included in input matrix (in case file) 1 F_BUS f, from bus number 2 T_BUS t, to bus number 3 BR_R r, resistance (p.u.) 4 BR_X x, reactance (p.u.) 5 BR_B b, total line charging susceptance (p.u.) 6 RATE_A rateA, MVA rating A (long term rating) 7 RATE_B rateB, MVA rating B (short term rating) 8 RATE_C rateC, MVA rating C (emergency rating) 9 TAP ratio, transformer off nominal turns ratio 10 SHIFT angle, transformer phase shift angle (degrees) 11 BR_STATUS initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service 12 ANGMIN minimum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees) 13 ANGMAX maximum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees) (The voltage angle difference is taken to be unbounded below if ANGMIN < -360 and unbounded above if ANGMAX > 360. If both parameters are zero, it is unconstrained.) columns 14-17 are added to matrix after power flow or OPF solution they are typically not present in the input matrix 14 PF real power injected into "from" end of branch (MW) 15 QF reactive power injected into "from" end of branch (MVAr) 16 PT real power injected into "to" end of branch (MW) 17 QT reactive power injected into "to" end of branch (MVAr) columns 18-21 are added to matrix after OPF solution they are typically not present in the input matrix (assume OPF objective function has units, u) 18 MU_SF Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on MVA limit at "from" bus (u/MVA) 19 MU_ST Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on MVA limit at "to" bus (u/MVA) 20 MU_ANGMIN Kuhn-Tucker multiplier lower angle difference limit (u/degree) 21 MU_ANGMAX Kuhn-Tucker multiplier upper angle difference limit (u/degree)
See also