How to Create an Extension

This guide demonstrates how to create a MATPOWER extension to package up your new functionality and make it accessible to a MATPOWER end user.

In general, new or modified functionality takes the form of additional classes that inherit from or override functionality in existing classes, or classes that are entirely new. The Customizing MATPOWER section in the MATPOWER Developer’s Manual describes how MATPOWER selects the classes to use for a given run and some mechanisms to make changes to the defaults. In particular, to change the element classes associated with a particular container (e.g. data model, network model, etc.) MATPOWER uses element class modifiers which are summarized in the Element Classes section and the Element Class Modifiers table.

In this guide, we will use the example of adding a new network element, namely the model of a DC line used by legacy MATPOWER versions. The classes that implement this functionality are described in How to Create a New Element Type. Here we show how to package these into a MATPOWER extension.

This extension adds a new legacy_dcline element for power flow (PF), continuation power flow (CPF), and optimal power flow (OPF) problems. For PF and OPF, it includes both DC and AC formulations, and for the AC formulations both cartesian and polar voltage representations are implemented. Listing 20 shows the code for this extension. As with all MATPOWER extensions, it inherits from mp.extension. In this example, no changes are required for the task or container classes, so only the methods with names ending in _element_classes are overridden.

For each model layer, it adds a single element class. For the data model element, that class depends on the task. For the network model element, it depends on the formulation, and for the math model element, it depends on both.

 1classdef xt_legacy_dcline < mp.extension
 2    methods
 3        function dmc_elements = dmc_element_classes(obj, dmc_class, fmt, mpopt)
 4            switch fmt
 5                case 'mpc2'
 6                    dmc_elements = { @mp.dmce_legacy_dcline_mpc2 };
 7                otherwise
 8                    dmc_elements = {};
 9            end
10        end
12        function dm_elements = dm_element_classes(obj, dm_class, task_tag, mpopt)
13            switch task_tag
14                case {'PF', 'CPF'}
15                    dm_elements = { @mp.dme_legacy_dcline };
16                case 'OPF'
17                    dm_elements = { @mp.dme_legacy_dcline_opf };
18                otherwise
19                    dm_elements = {};
20            end
21        end
23        function nm_elements = nm_element_classes(obj, nm_class, task_tag, mpopt)
24            switch task_tag
25                case {'PF', 'CPF'}
26                    v_cartesian =;
27                case {'OPF'}
28                    v_cartesian = mpopt.opf.v_cartesian;
29            end
30            switch upper(mpopt.model)
31                case 'AC'
32                    if v_cartesian
33                        nm_elements = { @mp.nme_legacy_dcline_acc };
34                    else
35                        nm_elements = { @mp.nme_legacy_dcline_acp };
36                    end
37                case 'DC'
38                    nm_elements = { @mp.nme_legacy_dcline_dc };
39                otherwise
40                    nm_elements = {};
41            end
42        end
44        function mm_elements = mm_element_classes(obj, mm_class, task_tag, mpopt)
45            switch task_tag
46                case {'PF', 'CPF'}
47                    switch upper(mpopt.model)
48                        case 'AC'
49                            mm_elements = { @mp.mme_legacy_dcline_pf_ac };
50                        case 'DC'
51                            mm_elements = { @mp.mme_legacy_dcline_pf_dc };
52                    end
53                case {'OPF'}
54                    switch upper(mpopt.model)
55                        case 'AC'
56                            mm_elements = { @mp.mme_legacy_dcline_opf_ac };
57                        case 'DC'
58                            mm_elements = { @mp.mme_legacy_dcline_opf_dc };
59                    end
60                otherwise
61                    dm_elements = {};
62            end
63        end
64    end     %% methods
65end         %% classdef

See lib/t/+mp/xt_legacy_dcline.m for the complete, documented mp.dmce_legacy_dcline_mpc2 source.

Using the Extension

To make use of the extension, simply pass it, as an optional argument, immediately following 'mpx' to run_pf(), run_cpf(), or run_opf(), as follows.

>> mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 0);
>> run_opf('t_case9_dcline', mpopt, 'mpx', mp.xt_legacy_dcline)

OPF succeeded in 0.27 seconds (0.23 setup + 0.04 solve)
Objective Function Value = 6518.89 $/hr
|     System Summary                                                           |
  elements                on     off    total
 --------------------- ------- ------- -------
  Buses                     9       -       9
    Areas                                   1
    Zones                                   1
  Generators                3       -       3
  Loads                     3       -       3
  Branches                  9       -       9
    Lines                   9       -       9
    Transformers            0       -       0
  DC Lines                  3       1       4

  Total generation                     319.4 MW          1.5 MVAr
  Total max generation capacity        820.0 MW        900.0 MVAr
  Total min generation capacity        110.0 MW       -900.0 MVAr
  Total load                           315.0 MW        115.0 MVAr
  Total branch losses                    3.00 MW      -124.10 MVAr
  Total DC line losses                   1.40 MW       -10.59 MVAr

                                           minimum                        maximum
                               -----------------------------  -----------------------------
  Bus voltage magnitude              1.066 p.u. @ bus 30            1.100 p.u. @ bus 1
  Bus voltage angle                   -4.51 deg @ bus 5               4.11 deg @ bus 2
  Lambda P (LMP active power)       14.99 $/MWh @ bus 6            24.48 $/MWh @ bus 9
  Lambda Q (LMP reactive power)   -0.62 $/MVArh @ bus 30          0.43 $/MVArh @ bus 7

|     Bus Data                                                                 |
                      Voltage            Lambda (LMP)
 Bus ID   Status  Mag(pu)  Ang(deg)  P($/MWh)  Q($/MVAr-hr)
--------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ------------
      1      1     1.100     0.000    15.954         0.000
      2      1     1.100     4.107    24.035         0.000
     30      1     1.066     2.277    15.047        -0.623
      4      1     1.094    -2.470    15.967         0.298
      5      1     1.078    -4.508    15.952        -0.000
      6      1     1.085    -0.277    14.992        -0.600
      7      1     1.081    -2.160    24.476         0.427
      8      1     1.097     0.205    24.043         0.112
      9      1     1.067    -4.470    24.476        -0.079

|     Load Data                                                                |
                             Power Consumption
Load ID    Bus ID   Status   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)
--------  --------  ------  --------  --------
      1         5      1       90.0      30.0
      2         7      1      100.0      35.0
      3         9      1      125.0      50.0
                            --------  --------
                   Total:     315.0     115.0

|     Branch Data                                                              |
 Branch     From       To             From Bus Injection   To Bus Injection
   ID      Bus ID    Bus ID   Status   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)
--------  --------  --------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
      1         1         4      1      90.00     14.19    -90.00    -10.24
      2         4         5      1      47.54      1.31    -47.20    -18.11
      3         5         6      1     -48.85    -12.48     49.68    -25.81
      4        30         6      1      88.02    -32.65    -88.02     37.19
      5         6         7      1      38.35    -11.39    -38.20    -11.87
      6         7         8      1     -69.64    -23.13     70.01      8.58
      7         8         2      1    -131.39     -0.99    131.39      9.95
      8         8         9      1      61.37     -7.59    -60.34    -23.03
      9         9         4      1     -51.06    -36.97     51.36     18.92

|     DC Line Data                                                             |
 DC Line    From       To              Power Flow (MW)      Loss    Reactive Inj (MVAr)
   ID      Bus ID    Bus ID   Status    From       To       (MW)      From       To
--------  --------  --------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
      1        30         4      1      10.00      8.90      1.10    -10.00     10.00
      2         7         9      1       7.84      7.84      0.00     -0.00     -0.00
      3         5         8      0       0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
      4         5         9      1       6.06      5.75      0.30     -0.59    -10.00

|     Bus Constraints                                                          |
                     Voltage Magnitude Limits
 Bus ID     mu LB      LB       vm       UB       mu UB
--------  ---------  -------  -------  -------   --------
      1       -       0.900    1.100    1.100    566.231
      2       -       0.900    1.100    1.100    197.010

|     Generator Constraints                                                    |
                                  Active Power Limits
 Gen ID    Bus ID     mu LB      LB       pg       UB       mu UB
--------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  -------   --------
      1         1      9.046    90.00    90.00   250.00       -
      2        30       -       10.00    98.02   270.00      0.047

                                 Reactive Power Limits
 Gen ID    Bus ID     mu LB      LB       qg       UB       mu UB
--------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  -------   --------
      2        30      0.623  -300.00   -22.65   300.00       -

|     Branch Constraints            (S in MVA)                                 |
 Branch     From        "From" End       Limit       "To" End         To
   ID      Bus ID    mu_sm_fr   sm_fr    sm_ub    sm_to    mu_sm_to  Bus ID
--------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  -------  ---------  --------
      5         6      2.762    40.00    40.00    40.00      7.375         7

|     DC Line Constraints                                                      |
 DC Line    From       To                   Active Power Flow (MW)
   ID      Bus ID    Bus ID     mu LB       LB      p_fr      UB      mu UB
--------  --------  --------  ---------  -------  -------  -------  ---------
      1        30         4       -        1.00    10.00    10.00      0.760

See Also