MATPOWER User’s Manual

The new web-based version of the User’s Manual is not yet available. Please, continue to use the PDF version of the MATPOWER User's Manual for now.
Legacy Framework
User documentation for the legacy framework is found in the legacy MATPOWER User's Manual.
The legacy MATPOWER User's Manual decribes the legacy MATPOWER framework and interface, that is, the functionality and features fully compatible with MATPOWER 7.x or earlier.
For example, you can run an AC OPF on the nine bus case as follows.
By default, this uses the legacy MATPOWER framework, for full compatibility with legacy features and extensions, with MP-Core providing the underlying modeling. However, MP-Core can be bypassed completely, with legacy code being used for everything by passing an option to a specific run.
mpopt = mpoption('exp.use_legacy_core', 1);
runopf('case9', mpopt)
Or MP-Core can be disabled globally for the current session with the following command, in which case no legacy commands will use MP-Core internally.
have_feature('mp_core', 0)
New Flexible Framework
User documentation for the new flexible framework is found mainly in the MATPOWER Reference Manual, with some additional information in the MATPOWER Developer’s Manual.
To run an AC OPF on the nine bus case in this mode you need to use the version of the run
commands with an underscore in the name.
See the Installer section in the MATPOWER Reference Manual to get started.