If you have benefited from MATPOWER, please consider partnering with us with to ensure a strong future for MATPOWER.
Your financial contributions free us to focus on MATPOWER support and bringing you valuable new features.

Has MATPOWER helped you understand power systems operation or planning?
Is it a valuable part of your coursework or research?
Do you use it as much as your average textbook?
Consider contributing $50/semester.

Has MATPOWER helped you solve a research problem or train your students? Has it saved you valuable time in getting data and running simulations?
Is it worth as much to you as other lab equipment or educational technology?
Consider investing $500/year.

Has MATPOWER helped you create value or further your mission?
Would you like to get your business in front of tens of thousands of researchers, educators and professionals in your industry?
Become a corporate sponsor for as little as $500/month.
Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated. The above amounts are simply suggestions.
Feel free to e-mail us through the contact form with any questions about financially sponsoring the MATPOWER project.
All contributions are considered as gifts to Cornell University and therefore tax-deductible. Your gift will be used for MATPOWER development and support. Questions can be directed to us through this contact form.

The majority of research in the field of energy today relies on software as a primary research tool. MATPOWER is such a research-enabling tool as evidenced by the number of researchers citing it.
Impacting electric power grid research and education
As a set of free, open-source electric power system simulation and optimization software tools, MATPOWER has been enabling research and education related to the economic, environmental and engineering aspects of electric power grids for more than two decades, with tremendous positive impact.
- MATPOWER is among the most cited research from Cornell University’s Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, with over 750 citations in 2018 alone.
- In recent years, MATPOWER has been downloaded more than 22,000 times per year.
- MATPOWER is used in over 100 countries for research as well as for teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses related to power systems, preparing students to create a more sustainable energy future.
Help support ongoing MATPOWER development
As a free, open-source tool, MATPOWER development relies on research grants and contracts as well as support from sponsors and donors. The software is and always has been provided free of charge under an open-source license, but its development and support require significant resources. Any contributions from the community or other sponsors greatly enhance our ability to support power systems research and education through tools like MATPOWER.
Thank you for your support!
All contributions are considered as gifts to Cornell University and therefore tax-deductible. Your gift will be used for MATPOWER development and support. Questions can be directed to us through this contact form.