- mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt)
- MATPOWER Interior Point Solver (MIPS).[x, f, exitflag, output, lambda] = ... mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt); x = mips(f_fcn, x0) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn) x = mips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt) x = mips(problem) where problem is a struct with fields: f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt all fields except f_fcn and x0 are optional x = mips(...) [x, f] = mips(...) [x, f, exitflag] = mips(...) [x, f, exitflag, output] = mips(...) [x, f, exitflag, output, lambda] = mips(...)
Primal-dual interior point method for NLP (nonlinear programming). Minimize a function \(f(\x)\) beginning from a starting point
, subject to optional linear and nonlinear constraints and variable bounds.(1)\[\min_\x f(\x)\]subject to
(2)\[\g(\x) = 0\](3)\[\h(\x) \le 0\](4)\[\param{\rvec{l}} \le \param{\rmat{A}} \x \le \param{\rvec{u}}\](5)\[\param{\x}_\mathrm{min} \le \x \le \param{\x}_\mathrm{max}\]where (1)–(5) are, respectively, the objective function, nonlinear equality constraints, nonlinear inequality constraints, linear constraints, and variable bounds.
- Inputs:
(all optional except
)f_fcn (function handle) – handle to function that evaluates the objective function \(f(\x)\), its gradients and Hessian for a given value of \(x\). If there are nonlinear constraints, the Hessian information is provided by the
function passed in the 9th argument and is not required here. Calling syntax for this function:[f, df, d2f] = f_fcn(x)
x0 (double) – starting value of optimization vector \(\x\)
A, l, u (double) – (optional, respective defaults \([empty, -\infty, +\infty]\) ) matrix \(\param{\cmat{A}}\) and vectors \(\param{\rvec{l}}\) and \(\param{\rvec{u}}\) to define the linear constraints in (4)
xmin, xmax (double) – (optional, respective defaults \([-\infty, +\infty]\) ) lower and upper bounds, \(\param{\x}_\mathrm{min}\) and \(\param{\x}_\mathrm{max}\), on the optimization variables \(\x\)
gh_fcn (function handle) – (optional) handle to function that evaluates the nonlinear constraints \(\g(\x)\) and \(\h(\x)\) and their gradients for a given value of \(x\). Calling syntax for this function is:
[h, g, dh, dg] = gh_fcn(x)
where the columns of
are the gradients of the corresponding elements ofh
, i.e.dh
are transposes of the Jacobians ofh
, respectively.hess_fcn (function handle) – (optional) handle to function that computes the Hessian of the Lagrangian for given values of \(\x\), \(\lam\) and \(\muv\), where \(\lam\) and \(\muv\) are the multipliers on the equality and inequality constraints, \(\g\) and \(\h\), respectively. The calling syntax for this function is:
Lxx = hess_fcn(x, lam)
where \(\lam\) =
and \(\muv\) =lam.ineqnonlin
.opt (struct) – (optional) options structure with the following fields, all of which are also optional (default values shown in parentheses)
(0) - controls level of progress output displayed0 = no progress output
1 = some progress output
2 = verbose progress output
) - linear system solver for solving update steps''
= default solver (currently same as'\'
= built-in\
= PARDISO solver (if available)
(1e-6) - termination tolerance for feasibility conditiongradtol
(1e-6) - termination tolerance for gradient conditioncomptol
(1e-6) - termination tolerance for complementarity conditioncosttol
(1e-6) - termination tolerance for cost conditionmax_it
(150) - maximum number of iterationsstep_control
(0) - set to 1 to enable step-size controlsc.red_it
(20) - maximum number of step-size reductions if step-control is oncost_mult
(1) - cost multiplier used to scale the objective function for improved conditioning. Note: This value is also passed as the 3rd argument to the Hessian evaluation function so that it can appropriately scale the objective function term in the Hessian of the Lagrangian.xi
(0.99995) - constant \(\xi\) used in \(alpha\) updates [1]sigma
(0.1) - centering parameter \(\sigma\) [1]z0
(1) - used to initialize slack variables [1]alpha_min
(1e-8) - returnsexitflag
= -1 if either alpha parameter, \(\alpha_p\) or \(\alpha_d\) becomes smaller than this value [1]rho_min
(0.95) - lower bound onrho_t
(1.05) - upper bound onrho_t
(1e-5) - KT multipliers smaller than this value for non-binding constraints are forced to zeromax_stepsize
(1e10) - returnsexitflag
= -1 if the 2-norm of the reduced Newton step exceeds this value [1]full_hist
(0) - set to 1 to enable saving inoutput.hist
trajectories ofx
problem (struct) – The inputs can alternatively be supplied in a single
struct with fields corresponding to the input arguments described above, namely,f_fcn
, andopt
, where all exceptf_fcn
are optional
- Outputs:
x (double) – solution vector, \(\x\)
f (double) – final objective function value, \(f(\x)\)
exitflag (integer) – exit flag
1 = first order optimality conditions satisfied
0 = maximum number of iterations reached
-1 = numerically failed
output (struct) – output struct with fields:
- number of iterations performedhist
- struct array with trajectories of the following:feascond
- exit message
lambda (struct) – struct containing the Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on the constraints, with fields:
- nonlinear equality constraintsineqnonlin
- nonlinear inequality constraintsmu_l
- lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraintsmu_u
- upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraintslower
- lower bound on optimization variablesupper
- upper bound on optimization variables
Note: The calling syntax is almost identical to that of
from MathWorks’ Optimization Toolbox. The main difference is that the linear constraints are specified withA
instead ofA
. The functions for evaluating the objective function, constraints and Hessian are identical.Example: (problem from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonlinear_programming):
function [f, df, d2f] = f2(x) f = -x(1)*x(2) - x(2)*x(3); if nargout > 1 % gradient is required df = -[x(2); x(1)+x(3); x(2)]; if nargout > 2 % Hessian is required d2f = -[0 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 0]; % actually not used since end % 'hess_fcn' is provided end function [h, g, dh, dg] = gh2(x) h = [ 1 -1 1; 1 1 1] * x.^2 + [-2; -10]; dh = 2 * [x(1) x(1); -x(2) x(2); x(3) x(3)]; g = []; dg = []; function Lxx = hess2(x, lam, cost_mult) if nargin < 3, cost_mult = 1; end mu = lam.ineqnonlin; Lxx = cost_mult * [0 -1 0; -1 0 -1; 0 -1 0] + ... [2*[1 1]*mu 0 0; 0 2*[-1 1]*mu 0; 0 0 2*[1 1]*mu]; problem = struct( ... 'f_fcn', @(x)f2(x), ... 'gh_fcn', @(x)gh2(x), ... 'hess_fcn', @(x, lam, cost_mult)hess2(x, lam, cost_mult), ... 'x0', [1; 1; 0], ... 'opt', struct('verbose', 2) ... ); [x, f, exitflag, output, lambda] = mips(problem);
Ported by Ray Zimmerman from C code written by H. Wang for his PhD dissertation:
H. Wang, On the Computation and Application of Multi-period Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow for Real-time Electricity Market Operations, Ph.D. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, May 2007.
Please see also:
H. Wang, C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, R. D. Zimmerman, R. J. Thomas, “On Computational Issues of Market-Based Optimal Power Flow”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, Aug. 2007, pp. 1185-1193. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2007.901301