

uopf() - Solves combined unit decommitment / optimal power flow.


Returns either a RESULTS struct and an optional SUCCESS flag, or individual
data matrices, the objective function value and a SUCCESS flag. In the
latter case, there are additional optional return values. See Examples
below for the possible calling syntax options.

    Output argument options:

    results = uopf(...)
    [results, success] = uopf(...)
    [bus, gen, branch, f, success] = uopf(...)
    [bus, gen, branch, f, success, info, et, g, jac, xr, pimul] = uopf(...)

    Input arguments options:

    uopf(mpc, mpopt)
    uopf(mpc, userfcn, mpopt)
    uopf(mpc, A, l, u)
    uopf(mpc, A, l, u, mpopt)
    uopf(mpc, A, l, u, mpopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    uopf(mpc, A, l, u, mpopt, N, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu)

    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, mpopt)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, userfcn, mpopt)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, A, l, u)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, A, l, u, mpopt)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, A, l, u, ...
                                mpopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    uopf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost, A, l, u, ...
                                mpopt, N, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu)

See OPF for more information on input and output arguments.

Solves a combined unit decommitment and optimal power flow for a single
time period. Uses an algorithm similar to dynamic programming. It proceeds
through a sequence of stages, where stage N has N generators shut down,
starting with N=0. In each stage, it forms a list of candidates (gens at
their Pmin limits) and computes the cost with each one of them shut down.
It selects the least cost case as the starting point for the next stage,
continuing until there are no more candidates to be shut down or no
more improvement can be gained by shutting something down.
If MPOPT.verbose (see MPOPTION) is true, it prints progress
info, if it is > 1 it prints the output of each individual opf.

See also opf(), runuopf().