
calc_v_pq_sum(Vslack, nb, nl, f, Zb, Ybf, Ybt, Yd, Sd, pv, Pg, Vg, mpopt)

calc_v_pq_sum() - Solves the power flow using the power summation method.

[V, Qpv, Sf, St, Sslack, iter, success] = calc_v_pq_sum(Vslack,nb,nl,f,Zb,Ybf,Ybt,,Yd,Sd,pv,Pg,Vg,tol,iter_max)

Solves for bus voltages, generator reactive power, branch active and
reactive power flows and slack bus active and reactive power. The input
data consist of slack bus voltage, vector "from bus" indices, branch
impedance and shunt admittance, vector of bus shunt admittances and
load demand, as well as vectors with indicies of PV buses with their
specified voltages and active powers. It is assumed that the branches
are ordered using the principle of oriented ordering: indicies of
sending nodes are smaller then the indicies of the receiving nodes. The
branch index is equal to the index of their receiving node. Branch
addmittances are added in Yd and treated as constant admittance bus
loads. The applied method is Voltage correction power flow (VCPF) taken
D. Rajicic, R. Ackovski and R. Taleski, "Voltage correction power flow,"
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1056-1062, Apr 1994.

See also radial_pf().