
t_skip(cnt, msg)

t_skip() - Skips a number of tests.

t_skip(cnt, msg)
  • cnt (integer) – number of tests to skip

  • msg (char array) – message to display for this set of skipped tests

Increments the global test count and skipped tests count. Prints “skipped x..y : “ followed by the msg, unless t_begin() was called with input quiet equal true.

Intended to be called between calls to t_begin() and t_end().


quiet = 0;
t_begin(5, quiet);
t_ok(pi > 3, 'size of pi');
t_skip(3, 'not yet written');
t_is(2+2, 4, 12, '2+2 still equals 4');

See also t_ok(), t_is(), t_file_match(), t_str_match(), t_begin(), t_end(), t_run_tests().