
loadmd(mpci, transmati, xgdi, storagei, contabi, profilesi, trajdatai)

loadmd() - Loads all required data and constructs MD for MOST.

md = loadmd(mpc)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd, contab)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd, contab, profiles)
md = loadmd(mpc, transmat, xgd, sd, contab, profiles, trajdata)
md = loadmd(mpc, nt, ...)

All inputs can have the format described below or can be given as strings containing the name of the MAT-file or M-file that contains the data in the proper format.

  • mpc (struct) – a standard MATPOWER case struct, optionally with additional fields such as genfuel and i<type>

    Note: Bus numbers must be consecutive beginning at 1 (i.e. internal ordering).

  • transmat (cell array) – (optional) \(n_t\) dimensional cell array of matrices, where transmat{t} is an \(n_j^t \times n_j^{t-1}\) matrix containing the transition probabilities from period \(t-1\) to period \(t\). The first element transmat{1} is a column vector of transition probabilities from period 0 (\(n_j^0 = 1\)) to period 1. Default value is the integer 1 (see nt below).

  • nt (integer) – (optional) For deterministic cases, transmat can be specified simply as an integer nt (\(n_t\), number of periods), which gets expanded internally to a cell array of 1’s. Default value is 1.

  • xgd (struct) – (optional) xGenData struct, see loadxgendata() for details.

  • sd (struct) – (optional) StorageData struct, see loadstoragedata() for details.

  • contab (double) – (optional) contingency table with master set of contingencies used for security throughout entire horizon

  • profiles (struct array) – (optional) a struct array of Profiles (see idx_profile() and apply_profile() for details), specifying changes in the system and operational conditions, xGenData, StorageData and/or contingencies across time periods and scenarios. Alternatively, for backward compatibility with the older centroids format, profiles can take the form of a struct with the following fields:

    • wind - 3-dim array (\(n_t \times n_j^{max} \times n_w\)), \(n_w\) is the number of wind sites

    • load - 3-dim array (\(n_t \times n_j^{max} \times n_z\)), \(n_z\) is the number of load zones

    If empty, no changes are made across time.

  • trajdata (struct) – (optional) struct array in same format as profiles specifying a set of trajectories for a stage 2 solution. The \(j\) dimension of the profile in this case indexes the trajectories.


md (struct) – MOST data structure (see MOST User's Manual for details)

See also most().