

c118swf() - Power flow data for IEEE 118 bus test case.

 Please see CASEFORMAT for details on the case file format.
 This data was converted from IEEE Common Data Format
 (ieee118cdf.txt) on 20-Sep-2004 by cdf2matp, rev. 1.11
 See end of file for warnings generated during conversion.

 Converted from IEEE CDF file from:
 With baseKV data take from the PSAP format file from the same site,
 added manually on 10-Mar-2006.

08/25/93 UW ARCHIVE           100.0  1961 W IEEE 118 Bus Test Case

Updates: Sep 15'2010 by CM and CZ. Buses grouped on four areas;
      Branch thermal limits incorporated based on: KV level, same
      cable, and safe security factor (assuming bundled config on 345KV
      and double circuit on 161 and 138KV lines).
      Transformer capacity for 9 units also set.
      Split data for parallel lines that initially had aggregated params
      RAMP_AGC,RAMP_10 & RAMP_30 set to 20% of PMAX for each generator
      function change of name to c118
Aug 13'2012 by CM and DM.
       The 118-bus test system was modified in order to allow the
       loading factor to be considerably increased without compromising
       the feasibility of the system. The procedure followed is
       described here.

       First, all the synchronous capacitors were removed from the
       system in order to decrease the size of the model. Those were
       initially 22 generators. Two of them were added again (generators
       at buses 110 and 104) because there are currently hydro
       generators close to the geographic locations where the
       synchronous capacitors were located originally. This overall
       retirement yielded a base case consisting of 34 generators, that
       is the original 54 generators minus 20 synchronous generators

       Second, the set of relevant contingencies was chosen from all
       possible contingencies. The generator contingencies selected were
       those of generators located at buses 10, 80, and 89. The branch
       contingencies selected were those of branches located between
       buses 17-30, 30-38, and 5-11. Those contingencies showed to have
       important impact over the system when using a dispatch deviation
       criterion. The criterion was applied using both DC and AC
       versions of the OPF.

       Third, the loading factor range  was obtained for the set of
       contingencies for both the DC and AC versions of the model. For
       the DC case, all the loading factors of the base case (no
       contingencies) and all the contingencies were above 1.6. For the
       AC case, however, the loading factor of the base case was around
       1.3, and even worse, the loading factor of the worst contingency
       was around 1.1. Since similar loading factor conditions were
       desired for both DC and AC cases, some changes or upgrades were

       In the AC base case there were voltage problems in buses 70
       and 76, and that was causing the system to become infeasible when
       exceeding a loading factor of 1.3. Apparently, there was not
       enough reactive power to be dispatched in that zone since all the
       synchronous capacitors were removed. Hence, two synchronous
       capacitors were added in that particular zone, namely generators
       at buses 76 and 77. Additionally, the reactive power limits of the
       generator at bus 77 were increased from [-20, 70] MVar to [-50,
       330] MVar in order to obtain a loading factor above 1.6 for the
       base case.

       Furthermore, in the case under the contingency of the generator at
       bus 10, again with the AC case, the loading factor was the one
       close to 1.1. To improve that factor, the synchronous capacitor
       at bus 6 was added and its reactive power limits increased from
       [-13, 50] MVar to [-50, 250] MVar. With these changes, the
       voltage level deficiencies at bus 6 were solved, at least for
       loading factors up to 1.5. Beyond this loading factor it gets
       more difficult to improve it without resorting to the addition of
       more synchronous generators. Therefore, the maximum loading
       factor for the AC case was defined to be 1.5 whereas for the DC
       case it was defined to be 1.6.