Contents | MATPOWER |
add_userfcn | ADD_USERFCN Appends a userfcn to the list to be called for a case. |
apply_changes | APPLY_CHANGES Applies a set of changes to a MATPOWER case |
bustypes | BUSTYPES Builds index lists for each type of bus (REF, PV, PQ). |
calc_branch_angle | CALC_BRANCH_ANGLE Calculate branch angle differences across active branches |
calc_v_i_sum | CALC_V_I_SUM Solves the power flow using the current summation method. |
calc_v_pq_sum | CALC_V_PQ_SUM Solves the power flow using the power summation method. |
calc_v_y_sum | CALC_V_Y_SUM Solves the power flow using the admittance summation method. |
case_info | CASE_INFO Prints information about islands in a network. |
caseformat | CASEFORMAT Defines the MATPOWER case file format. |
cdf2mpc | CDF2MPC Converts an IEEE CDF data file into a MATPOWER case struct. |
compare_case | COMPARE_CASE Compares the bus, gen, branch matrices of 2 MATPOWER cases. |
connected_components | CONNECTED_COMPONENTS Returns the connected components of a graph |
cpf_corrector | CPF_CORRECTOR Solves the corrector step of a continuation power flow |
cpf_current_mpc | CPF_CURRENT_MPC Construct MPC for current continuation step. |
cpf_default_callback | CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK Default callback function for CPF |
cpf_detect_events | CPF_DETECT_EVENTS Detect events from event function values |
cpf_flim_event | CPF_FLIM_EVENT Event function to detect branch flow limit (MVA) violations |
cpf_flim_event_cb | CPF_FLIM_EVENT_CB Callback to handle FLIM events |
cpf_nose_event | CPF_NOSE_EVENT Event function to detect the nose point |
cpf_nose_event_cb | CPF_NOSE_EVENT_CB Callback to handle NOSE events |
cpf_p | CPF_P Computes the value of the CPF parameterization function. |
cpf_p_jac | CPF_P_JAC Computes partial derivatives of CPF parameterization function. |
cpf_plim_event | CPF_PLIM_EVENT Event function to detect gen active power limit violations |
cpf_plim_event_cb | CPF_PLIM_EVENT_CB Callback to handle PLIM events |
cpf_predictor | CPF_PREDICTOR Performs the predictor step for the continuation power flow |
cpf_qlim_event | CPF_QLIM_EVENT Event function to detect gen reactive power limit violations |
cpf_qlim_event_cb | CPF_QLIM_EVENT_CB Callback to handle QLIM events |
cpf_register_callback | CPF_REGISTER_CALLBACK Register CPF callback functions |
cpf_register_event | CPF_REGISTER_EVENT Register event functions= |
cpf_tangent | CPF_TANGENT Computes normalized tangent predictor for continuation power flow |
cpf_target_lam_event | CPF_TARGET_LAM_EVENT Event function to detect a target lambda value |
cpf_target_lam_event_cb | CPF_TARGET_LAM_EVENT_CB Callback to handle TARGET_LAM events |
cpf_vlim_event | CPF_VLIM_EVENT Event function to detect bus voltage limit violations |
cpf_vlim_event_cb | CPF_VLIM_EVENT_CB Callback to handle VLIM events |
d2AIbr_dV2 | D2AIBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of |complex current|^2 w.r.t. V. |
d2ASbr_dV2 | D2ASBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of |power flow|^2 w.r.t. V. |
d2Abr_dV2 | D2ABR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of |branch flow|^2 w.r.t. V. |
d2Ibr_dV2 | D2IBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of complex branch current w.r.t. voltage. |
d2Imis_dV2 | D2IMIS_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of current balance w.r.t. voltage. |
d2Imis_dVdSg | D2IMIS_DVDSG Computes 2nd derivatives of current balance w.r.t. V and Sg. |
d2Sbr_dV2 | D2SBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of complex brch power flow w.r.t. voltage. |
d2Sbus_dV2 | D2SBUS_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of power injection w.r.t. voltage. |
dAbr_dV | DABR_DV Partial derivatives of squared flow magnitudes w.r.t voltage. |
dIbr_dV | DIBR_DV Computes partial derivatives of branch currents w.r.t. voltage. |
dImis_dV | DIMIS_DV Computes partial derivatives of current balance w.r.t. voltage. |
dSbr_dV | DSBR_DV Computes partial derivatives of branch power flows w.r.t. voltage. |
dSbus_dV | DSBUS_DV Computes partial derivatives of power injection w.r.t. voltage. |
dcopf | DCOPF Solves a DC optimal power flow. |
dcopf_solver | DCOPF_SOLVER Solves a DC optimal power flow. |
dcpf | DCPF Solves a DC power flow. |
define_constants | DEFINE_CONSTANTS Defines useful constants for indexing data, etc. |
e2i_data | E2I_DATA Converts data from external to internal indexing. |
e2i_field | E2I_FIELD Converts fields of MPC from external to internal indexing. |
ext2int | EXT2INT Converts external to internal indexing. |
extract_islands | function mpck = extract_islands(mpc, groups, k, custom) |
fdpf | FDPF Solves the power flow using a fast decoupled method. |
feval_w_path | FEVAL_W_PATH Calls a function located by the specified path. |
find_islands | FIND_ISLANDS Finds islands in a network |
fmincopf | FMINCOPF Solves an AC optimal power flow using FMINCON (Opt Tbx 2.x & later). |
gausspf | GAUSSPF Solves the power flow using a Gauss-Seidel method. |
genfuels | GENFUELS Return list of standard values for generator fuel types |
gentypes | GENTYPES Return list of standard values for generator unit types |
get_losses | GET_LOSSES Returns series losses (and reactive injections) per branch. |
get_reorder | GET_REORDER Returns A with one of its dimensions indexed. |
hasPQcap | HASPQCAP Checks for P-Q capability curve constraints. |
have_feature_e4st | HAVE_FEATURE_E4ST Detect availability/version info for E4ST |
have_feature_minopf | HAVE_FEATURE_MINOPF Detect availability/version info for MINOPF |
have_feature_most | HAVE_FEATURE_MOST Detect availability/version info for MOST |
have_feature_pdipmopf | HAVE_FEATURE_PDIPMOPF Detect availability/version info for PDIPMOPF |
have_feature_regexp_split | HAVE_FEATURE_REGEXP_SPLIT Detect availability/version info for REGEXP 'split' |
have_feature_scpdipmopf | HAVE_FEATURE_SCPDIPMOPF Detect availability/version info for SCPDIPMOPF |
have_feature_sdp_pf | HAVE_FEATURE_SDP_PF Detect availability/version info for SDP_PF |
have_feature_smartmarket | HAVE_FEATURE_SMARTMARKET Detect availability/version info for SMARTMARKET |
have_feature_syngrid | HAVE_FEATURE_SYNGRID Detect availability/version info for SynGrid |
have_feature_tralmopf | HAVE_FEATURE_TRALMOPF Detect availability/version info for TRALMOPF |
i2e_data | I2E_DATA Converts data from internal to external indexing. |
i2e_field | I2E_FIELD Converts fields of MPC from internal to external bus numbering. |
idx_brch | IDX_BRCH Defines constants for named column indices to branch matrix. |
idx_bus | IDX_BUS Defines constants for named column indices to bus matrix. |
idx_cost | IDX_COST Defines constants for named column indices to gencost matrix. |
idx_ct | IDX_CT Defines constants for named column indices to changes table |
idx_dcline | IDX_DCLINE Defines constants for named column indices to dcline matrix. |
idx_gen | IDX_GEN Defines constants for named column indices to gen matrix. |
int2ext | INT2EXT Converts internal to external bus numbering. |
isload | ISLOAD Checks for dispatchable loads. |
load2disp | LOAD2DISP Converts fixed loads to dispatchable. |
loadcase | LOADCASE Load .m or .mat case files or data struct in MATPOWER format. |
loadshed | LOADSHED Returns a vector of curtailments of dispatchable loads. |
makeAang | MAKEAANG Construct constraints for branch angle difference limits. |
makeApq | MAKEAPQ Construct linear constraints for generator capability curves. |
makeAvl | MAKEAVL Construct linear constraints for constant power factor var loads. |
makeAy | MAKEAY Make the A matrix and RHS for the CCV formulation. |
makeB | MAKEB Builds the FDPF matrices, B prime and B double prime. |
makeBdc | MAKEBDC Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow. |
makeJac | MAKEJAC Forms the power flow Jacobian. |
makeLODF | MAKELODF Builds the line outage distribution factor matrix. |
makePTDF | MAKEPTDF Builds the DC PTDF matrix for a given choice of slack. |
makeSbus | MAKESBUS Builds the vector of complex bus power injections. |
makeSdzip | MAKESDZIP Builds vectors of nominal complex bus power demands for ZIP loads. |
makeYbus | MAKEYBUS Builds the bus admittance matrix and branch admittance matrices. |
make_vcorr | MAKE_VCORR Voltage Correction used in distribution power flow |
make_zpv | MAKE_ZPV Calculates loop impedances for all PV buses. |
margcost | MARGCOST Computes marginal cost for generators at given output level. |
miqps_matpower | MIQPS_MATPOWER Deprecated, please use MIQPS_MASTER instead. |
modcost | MODCOST Modifies generator costs by shifting or scaling (F or X). |
mpoption | MPOPTION Used to set and retrieve a MATPOWER options struct. |
mpoption_info_clp | MPOPTION_INFO_CLP Returns MATPOWER option info for CLP. |
mpoption_info_cplex | MPOPTION_INFO_CPLEX Returns MATPOWER option info for CPLEX. |
mpoption_info_fmincon | MPOPTION_INFO_FMINCON Returns MATPOWER option info for FMINCON. |
mpoption_info_glpk | MPOPTION_INFO_GLPK Returns MATPOWER option info for GLPK. |
mpoption_info_gurobi | MPOPTION_INFO_GUROBI Returns MATPOWER option info for Gurobi. |
mpoption_info_intlinprog | MPOPTION_INFO_INTLINPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for INTLINPROG. |
mpoption_info_ipopt | MPOPTION_INFO_IPOPT Returns MATPOWER option info for IPOPT. |
mpoption_info_knitro | MPOPTION_INFO_KNITRO Returns MATPOWER option info for Artelys Knitro. |
mpoption_info_linprog | MPOPTION_INFO_LINPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for LINPROG. |
mpoption_info_mips | MPOPTION_INFO_MIPS Returns MATPOWER option info for MIPS (optional fields). |
mpoption_info_mosek | MPOPTION_INFO_MOSEK Returns MATPOWER option info for MOSEK. |
mpoption_info_osqp | MPOPTION_INFO_OSQP Returns MATPOWER option info for OSQP. |
mpoption_info_quadprog | MPOPTION_INFO_QUADPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for QUADPROG. |
mpoption_old | MPOPTION_OLD Used to set and retrieve old-style MATPOWER options vector. |
mpver | MPVER Prints or returns MATPOWER version info for current installation. |
newtonpf | NEWTONPF Solves power flow using full Newton's method (power/polar) |
newtonpf_I_cart | NEWTONPF_I_CART Solves power flow using full Newton's method (current/cartesian) |
newtonpf_I_hybrid | NEWTONPF_I_HYBRID Solves power flow using full Newton's method (current/hybrid) |
newtonpf_I_polar | NEWTONPF_I_POLAR Solves power flow using full Newton's method (current/cartesian) |
newtonpf_S_cart | NEWTONPF_S_CART Solves power flow using full Newton's method (power/cartesian) |
newtonpf_S_hybrid | NEWTONPF_S_HYBRID Solves power flow using full Newton's method (power/hybrid) |
nlpopf_solver | NLPOPF_SOLVER Solves AC optimal power flow using MP-Opt-Model. |
opf | OPF Solves an optimal power flow. |
opf_args | OPF_ARGS Parses and initializes OPF input arguments. |
opf_branch_ang_fcn | OPF_BRANCH_ANG_FCN Evaluates branch angle difference constraints and gradients. |
opf_branch_ang_hess | OPF_BRANCH_ANG_HESS Evaluates Hessian of branch angle difference constraints. |
opf_branch_flow_fcn | OPF_BRANCH_FLOW_FCN Evaluates AC branch flow constraints and Jacobian. |
opf_branch_flow_hess | OPF_BRANCH_FLOW_HESS Evaluates Hessian of branch flow constraints. |
opf_current_balance_fcn | OPF_CURRENT_BALANCE_FCN Evaluates AC current balance constraints and their gradients. |
opf_current_balance_hess | OPF_CURRENT_BALANCE_HESS Evaluates Hessian of current balance constraints. |
opf_execute | OPF_EXECUTE Executes the OPF specified by an OPF model object. |
opf_gen_cost_fcn | OPF_GEN_COST_FCN Evaluates polynomial generator costs and derivatives. |
opf_legacy_user_cost_fcn | OPF_LEGACY_USER_COST_FCN Evaluates legacy user costs and derivatives. |
opf_power_balance_fcn | OPF_POWER_BALANCE_FCN Evaluates AC power balance constraints and their gradients. |
opf_power_balance_hess | OPF_POWER_BALANCE_HESS Evaluates Hessian of power balance constraints. |
opf_setup | OPF Constructs an OPF model object from a MATPOWER case struct. |
opf_veq_fcn | OPF_VEQ_FCN Evaluates voltage magnitude equality constraint and gradients. |
opf_veq_hess | OPF_VEQ_HESS Evaluates Hessian of voltage magnitude equality constraint. |
opf_vlim_fcn | OPF_VLIM_FCN Evaluates voltage magnitudes and their gradients. |
opf_vlim_hess | OPF_VLIM_HESS Evaluates Hessian of voltage magnitudes. |
opf_vref_fcn | OPF_VREF_FCN Evaluates voltage angle reference and their gradients. |
opf_vref_hess | OPF_VREF_HESS Evaluates Hessian of voltage angle reference. |
order_radial | ORDER_RADIAL Performs oriented ordering to buses and branches. |
pfsoln | PFSOLN Updates bus, gen, branch data structures to match power flow soln. |
poly2pwl | POLY2PWL Converts polynomial cost variable to piecewise linear. |
polycost | POLYCOST Evaluates polynomial generator cost & derivatives. |
pqcost | PQCOST Splits the gencost variable into two pieces if costs are given for Qg. |
printpf | PRINTPF Prints power flow results. |
psse2mpc | PSSE2MPC Converts a PSS/E RAW data file into a MATPOWER case struct. |
psse_convert | PSSE_CONVERT Converts data read from PSS/E RAW file to MATPOWER case. |
psse_convert_hvdc | PSSE_CONVERT_HVDC Convert HVDC data from PSS/E RAW to MATPOWER |
psse_convert_xfmr | PSSE_CONVERT_XFMR Convert transformer data from PSS/E RAW to MATPOWER |
psse_parse | PSSE_PARSE Parses the data from a PSS/E RAW data file. |
psse_parse_line | PSSE_PARSE_LINE Reads and parses a single line from a PSS/E RAW data file |
psse_parse_section | PSSE_PARSE_SECTION Parses the data from a section of a PSS/E RAW data file |
psse_read | PSSE_READ Reads the data from a PSS/E RAW data file. |
qps_matpower | QPS_MATPOWER Deprecated, please use QPS_MASTER instead. |
radial_pf | RADIAL_PF Solves the power flow using a backward-forward sweep method. |
remove_userfcn | REMOVE_USERFCN Removes a userfcn from the list to be called for a case. |
run_userfcn | RUN_USERFCN Runs the userfcn callbacks for a given stage. |
runcpf | RUNCPF Runs a full AC continuation power flow |
rundcopf | RUNDCOPF Runs a DC optimal power flow. |
rundcpf | RUNDCPF Runs a DC power flow. |
runduopf | RUNDUOPF Runs a DC optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic. |
runopf | RUNOPF Runs an optimal power flow. |
runopf_w_res | RUNOPF_W_RES Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves. |
runpf | RUNPF Runs a power flow. |
runuopf | RUNUOPF Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic. |
save2psse | SAVE2PSSE Saves a MATPOWER case to PSS/E RAW format. |
savecase | SAVECASE Saves a MATPOWER case file, given a filename and the data. |
savechgtab | SAVECHGTAB Save a change table to a file. |
scale_load | SCALE_LOAD Scales fixed and/or dispatchable loads. |
set_reorder | SET_REORDER Assigns B to A with one of the dimensions of A indexed. |
toggle_dcline | TOGGLE_DCLINE Enable, disable or check status of DC line modeling. |
toggle_iflims | TOGGLE_IFLIMS Enable, disable or check status of set of interface flow limits. |
toggle_reserves | TOGGLE_RESERVES Enable, disable or check status of fixed reserve requirements. |
toggle_softlims | TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS Relax DC optimal power flow branch limits. |
total_load | TOTAL_LOAD Returns vector of total load in each load zone. |
totcost | TOTCOST Computes total cost for generators at given output level. |
uopf | UOPF Solves combined unit decommitment / optimal power flow. |
update_mupq | UPDATE_MUPQ Updates values of generator limit shadow prices. |