0001 function rv = mpver(varargin)
0028 v{1} = struct( 'Name', 'MATPOWER', ...
0029 'Version', '7.1', ...
0030 'Release', '', ...
0031 'Date', '08-Oct-2020' );
0032 if nargout > 0
0033 if nargin > 0
0034 rv = v{1};
0035 else
0036 rv = v{1}.Version;
0037 end
0038 else
0039 if have_feature('octave')
0042 vv = ver;
0043 for k = 1:length(vv)
0044 if strcmp(vv(k).Name, 'Octave')
0045 v{2} = vv(k);
0046 break;
0047 end
0048 end
0050 if ~isempty(v{2}.Date)
0051 v{2}.Date = datestr(v{2}.Date, 'dd-mmm-yyyy');
0052 end
0053 else
0054 v{2} = ver('matlab');
0055 if length(v{2}) > 1
0056 warning('The built-in VER command is behaving strangely, probably as a result of installing a 3rd party toolbox in a directory named ''matlab'' on your path. Check each element of the output of ver(''matlab'') to find the offending toolbox, then move the toolbox to a more appropriately named directory.');
0057 v{2} = v{2}(1);
0058 end
0059 end
0060 v{3} = ver('optim');
0061 if length(v{3}) > 1
0062 warning('The built-in VER command is behaving strangely, probably as a result of installing a 3rd party toolbox in a directory named ''optim'' on your path. Check each element of the output of ver(''optim'') to find the offending toolbox, then move the toolbox to a more appropriately named directory.');
0063 v{3} = v{3}(1);
0064 end
0065 for n = 1:3
0066 if n == 3
0067 if isempty(v{3}) || isempty(v{3}.Version)
0068 if have_feature('matlab')
0069 fprintf('\n%-22s -- not installed --', 'Optimization Toolbox');
0070 else
0071 fprintf('\n%-22s -- not installed --', 'optim');
0072 end
0073 continue;
0074 elseif have_feature('matlab') && ~license('test', 'optimization_toolbox')
0075 fprintf('\n%-22s -- no license --', 'Optimization Toolbox');
0076 continue;
0077 end
0078 end
0079 fprintf('\n%-22s Version %-9s', v{n}.Name, v{n}.Version);
0080 if ~isempty(v{n}.Date)
0081 fprintf(' %11s', v{n}.Date);
0082 if ~isempty(v{n}.Release)
0083 fprintf(' Release: %-10s', v{n}.Release);
0084 end
0085 end
0086 end
0087 fprintf('\n');
0088 mptestver;
0089 mipsver;
0090 mpomver;
0091 if have_feature('most')
0092 mostver;
0093 else
0094 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'MOST');
0095 end
0096 if have_feature('e4st')
0097 e4st_ver;
0098 end
0099 if have_feature('sdp_pf')
0100 sdp_pf_ver;
0101 else
0102 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'SDP_PF');
0103 end
0104 if have_feature('syngrid')
0105 sgver;
0106 else
0107 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'SynGrid');
0108 end
0109 if have_feature('knitro')
0110 s = have_feature('knitro', 'all');
0111 if isempty(s.vstr)
0112 vn = '<unknown>';
0113 else
0114 vn = s.vstr;
0115 end
0116 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'Artelys Knitro', vn, s.date);
0117 else
0118 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'Artelys Knitro');
0119 end
0120 if have_feature('bpmpd')
0121 if exist('bpver', 'file') == 2
0122 bpver;
0123 else
0124 fprintf('%-22s Version 2.21 or earlier\n', 'BPMPD_MEX');
0125 end
0126 else
0127 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'BPMPD_MEX');
0128 end
0129 if have_feature('clp')
0130 s = have_feature('clp', 'all');
0131 if isempty(s.vstr)
0132 vn = '<unknown>';
0133 else
0134 vn = s.vstr;
0135 end
0136 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'CLP', vn, s.date);
0137 else
0138 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'CLP');
0139 end
0140 if have_feature('cplex')
0141 s = have_feature('cplex', 'all');
0142 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'CPLEX', s.vstr, s.date);
0143 else
0144 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'CPLEX');
0145 end
0146 if have_feature('glpk')
0147 s = have_feature('glpk', 'all');
0148 if isempty(s.vstr)
0149 vn = '<unknown>';
0150 else
0151 vn = s.vstr;
0152 end
0153 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'GLPK', vn, s.date);
0154 else
0155 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'GLPK');
0156 end
0157 gurobiver;
0158 if have_feature('ipopt')
0159 s = have_feature('ipopt', 'all');
0160 if isempty(s.vstr)
0161 vn = '<unknown>';
0162 else
0163 vn = s.vstr;
0164 end
0165 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'IPOPT', vn, s.date);
0166 else
0167 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'IPOPT');
0168 end
0169 if have_feature('minopf')
0170 if exist('minopfver', 'file') == 2
0171 minopfver;
0172 else
0173 fprintf('%-22s Version 3.0b2 or earlier\n', 'MINOPF');
0174 end
0175 else
0176 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'MINOPF');
0177 end
0178 if have_feature('mosek')
0179 s = have_feature('mosek', 'all');
0180 if isempty(s.vstr)
0181 vn = '<unknown>';
0182 else
0183 vn = s.vstr;
0184 end
0185 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'MOSEK', vn, s.date);
0186 else
0187 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'MOSEK');
0188 end
0189 osqpver;
0190 if have_feature('pardiso')
0191 s = have_feature('pardiso', 'all');
0192 if isempty(s.vstr)
0193 vn = '<unknown>';
0194 else
0195 vn = s.vstr;
0196 end
0197 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'PARDISO', vn, s.date);
0198 else
0199 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'PARDISO');
0200 end
0201 if have_feature('pdipmopf')
0202 pdipmopfver;
0203 else
0204 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'PDIPMOPF');
0205 end
0206 if have_feature('scpdipmopf')
0207 scpdipmopfver;
0208 else
0209 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'SCPDIPMOPF');
0210 end
0211 if have_feature('sdpt3')
0212 s = have_feature('sdpt3', 'all');
0213 if isempty(s.vstr)
0214 vn = '<unknown>';
0215 else
0216 vn = s.vstr;
0217 end
0218 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'SDPT3', vn, s.date);
0219 else
0220 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'SDPT3');
0221 end
0222 if have_feature('sedumi')
0223 s = have_feature('sedumi', 'all');
0224 if isempty(s.vstr)
0225 vn = '<unknown>';
0226 else
0227 vn = s.vstr;
0228 end
0229 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'SeDuMi', vn, s.date);
0230 else
0231 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'SeDuMi');
0232 end
0233 if have_feature('tralmopf')
0234 tralmopfver;
0235 else
0236 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'TRALMOPF');
0237 end
0238 if have_feature('yalmip')
0239 s = have_feature('yalmip', 'all');
0240 fprintf('%-22s Version %-10s %-11s\n', 'YALMIP', s.vstr, s.date);
0241 else
0242 fprintf('%-22s -- not installed --\n', 'YALMIP');
0243 end
0245 fprintf('%-22s %s\n\n', 'Architecture:', computer);
0247 fprintf(' MATPOWER %s is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.\n', v{1}.Version);
0248 fprintf(' Please see the LICENSE file for details.\n\n');
0249 end