Master index | Index for matpower7.0/extras/syngrid/lib |
nsw_clusterSW_clstrs | PURPOSE: analyze and show the correlation between node degree and node |
nsw_clusterSW_conn2 | Given the connectivity matrix Ma, examine if the topology is connected |
nsw_clusterSW_sel_link2 | SynGrid |
nsw_cluster_smallworld | Cluster-small world model to generation rand topo power grids |
nsw_conn_check | suppose a topology, n nodes, m links, given: |
nsw_gen_Zpr | generate the line impedances and form the network admittance matrix |
nsw_get_nonzero | get non zero elements from matrix x, |
nsw_markov | PURPOSE: run Markov flips for "n" times, get a chain of "0/1" states. |
sg_bus_type | SG_BUS_TYPE generates a random bus type assignment |
sg_datasample | SG_DATASAMPLE Select K samples from DATA (without replacement) |
sg_exprnd | SG_EXPRND Replacement for EXPRND from the Statistics Toolbox |
sg_flow_lim | SG_FLOW_LIM main function to run transmission line capacity assignment |
sg_gen_capacity | SG_GEN_CAPACITY main function to run Pg_max assignment |
sg_gen_cost | SG_GEN_COST main function to run generation cost assignment |
sg_gen_dispatch | SG_GEN_DISPATCH main function to run Pg setting |
sg_load | SG_LOAD main function to run load assignment |
sg_lognrnd | SG_LOGNRND Replacement for LOGNRND from the Statistics Toolbox |
sg_options | SG_OPTIONS Create a SynGrid options struct with default options + overrides. |
sg_poissrnd | SG_POISSRND Replacement for POISSRND from the Statistics Toolbox |
sg_random_stable | SG_RANDOM_STABLE create MM x NN matrix of random numbers from stable dist |
sg_refsys_stat | SG_REFSYS_STAT return reference system statistics |
sg_topology | SG_TOPOLOGY Generate random power grid topology using RT-nestedSmallWorld |
sgver | SGVER Prints or returns SynGrid version info for current installation. |
sgvm_GenerationClass | |
sgvm_IndClass | |
sgvm_SolnStash | |
sgvm_acptdf | SGVM_ACPTDF Calculate line sensitivitis at a given operating point. |
sgvm_add_shunts | SGVM_ADD_SHUNTS add shunt elements to MPC to satisfy voltage constraints |
sgvm_beta_variate | SGVM_BETA_VARIATE create beta distributed values |
sgvm_branch_perm | SGVM_BRANCH_PERM permute the branch properties of the mpc case |
sgvm_calc_injection_delta | SGVM_CALC_INJECTION_DELTA calculate desired bus injection change |
sgvm_collection_stats | SGVM_COLLECTION_STATS prints statistics for an array of mpc cases. |
sgvm_data2mpc | SGVM_DATA2MPC create seed MATPOWER case by sampling DATA |
sgvm_deltainjection2perm | SGVM_DELTAINJECTION2PERM convert change in injection to a permutation. |
sgvm_ensure_col_vect | SGVM_ENSURE_COL_VECT make sure x is a column vector |
sgvm_extract_perm | SGVM_EXTRACT_PERM Map matrix A to a permutation matrix (WARINING INCOMPLETE) |
sgvm_gamma_variate | SGVM_GAMMA_VARIATE generate gamma distributed samples |
sgvm_gaussian_kde | |
sgvm_getZdr | SGVM_GETZDR calculate driving point impedances |
sgvm_get_max_iter | SGVM_GET_MAX_ITER get the maximum iteration based on the AC solver. |
sgvm_minqflow | SGVM_MINQFLOW minimize magintude of reactive flows by adding shunts |
sgvm_mpc2data | SGVM_MPC2DATA create VARIATIONS MODE inputs from MATPOWER case |
sgvm_mpc_perm | SGVM_MPC_PERM main VARIATIONS MODE script |
sgvm_mult_randn | SGVM_MULT_RANDN sample N times from a multivariate normal distribution |
sgvm_nodeperm_init | SGVM_NODEPERM_INIT Initial node permutation (following branch assignment) |
sgvm_perform_permute | SGVM_PERFORM_PERMUTE perform node property permutation on MPC |
sgvm_sample_dist | SGVM_SAMPLE_DIST samples distribution object DIST N times. |
sgvm_set_max_iter | SGVM_SET_MAX_ITER set maximum iteration number in MPOPT |
sgvm_shuntsopts | SGVM_SHUNTSOPTS default options for sgvm_add_shunts procedure |
sgvm_smplopts | SGVM_SMPLOPTS default options for SGVM_DATA2MPC() |
sgvm_varargin_parse | SGVM_VARARGIN_PARSE parses VARARGIN inputs |
syngrid | SYNGRID Create a synthetic power grid model in MATPOWER format. |