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SGVM_CALC_INJECTION_DELTA calculate desired bus injection change


function [Pbus,Qbus] = sgvm_calc_injection_delta(mpc, opt)


SGVM_CALC_INJECTION_DELTA calculate desired bus injection change

   Determine changes in real and reactive bus injections to satisfy
   flow and voltage constraints given a linearized model at the
   operating point.
   Each output is a structure with fields, 'old' and 'new' where
   'old' is the original injection and 'new is the desired injection.
   the difference, dP or dQ, calculated here is 'new' - 'old'.
   Note: outputs are in per unit.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [Pbus,Qbus] = sgvm_calc_injection_delta(mpc, opt)
0002 %SGVM_CALC_INJECTION_DELTA calculate desired bus injection change
0004 %
0005 %   Determine changes in real and reactive bus injections to satisfy
0006 %   flow and voltage constraints given a linearized model at the
0007 %   operating point.
0008 %   Each output is a structure with fields, 'old' and 'new' where
0009 %   'old' is the original injection and 'new is the desired injection.
0010 %   the difference, dP or dQ, calculated here is 'new' - 'old'.
0011 %   Note: outputs are in per unit.
0013 %   SynGrid
0014 %   Copyright (c) 2018, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0015 %   by Eran Schweitzer, Arizona State University
0016 %
0017 %   This file is part of SynGrid.
0018 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0020 %% problem setup
0021 define_constants;
0022 prob = struct();
0024 if isfield(opt.vm.nodeperm, 'nox')
0025     nox = opt.vm.nodeperm.nox;
0026 else
0027     nox = true;
0028 end
0030 if isfield(opt.vm.nodeperm, 'usedv')
0031     usedv = opt.vm.nodeperm.usedv;
0032 else
0033     usedv = false;
0034 end
0036 if isfield(opt.vm.nodeperm, 'branch_slack')
0037     branch_slack = opt.vm.nodeperm.branch_slack;
0038 else
0039     branch_slack = false;
0040 end
0042 if isfield(opt.vm.nodeperm, 'scale_s')
0043     scale_s = opt.vm.nodeperm.scale_s;
0044 else
0045     scale_s = 1;
0046 end
0048 nb = size(mpc.bus,1);
0049 nl = size(mpc.branch,1);
0051 %% get some constants
0052 if usedv
0053     % calculate derivatives at operating point
0054     Ybus = makeYbus(mpc);
0055     V = mpc.bus(:,VM).*exp(1i*mpc.bus(:,VA)*pi/180);
0056     [~, dsbus_dvm] = dSbus_dV(Ybus,V);
0057     Jpv = real(dsbus_dvm);
0058     Jqv = imag(dsbus_dvm);
0059     clear dsbus_dvm;
0061     % threshold a bit
0062     Jpv(abs(Jpv) < 1e-6) = 0;
0063     Jqv(abs(Jqv) < 1e-6) = 0;
0065     [rjpv, cjpv, vjpv] = find(Jpv);
0066     [rjqv, cjqv, vjqv] = find(Jqv);
0067     clear Jpv Jqv;
0069     V0 = abs(V);
0070     Vmin = mpc.bus(:,VMIN);
0071     Vmax = mpc.bus(:,VMAX);
0072 end
0073 Sbus  = makeSbus(mpc.baseMVA, mpc.bus, mpc.gen);
0074 dPmax = max(real(Sbus)) - min(real(Sbus));
0075 dQmax = max(imag(Sbus)) - min(imag(Sbus));
0076 wsv   = max(abs(Sbus)); % weight for violating voltage constraints
0078 % line flows
0079 Pl0 = mpc.branch(:,PF) / mpc.baseMVA;
0080 Ql0 = mpc.branch(:,QF) / mpc.baseMVA;
0081 Smax = scale_s * mpc.branch(:,RATE_A) / mpc.baseMVA;
0082 wspq = nb*max(Smax);
0084 % set Smax for lines with Smax = 0 to a relatively large number
0085 Smax(Smax == 0) = 5*max(Smax);
0087 % angle flows
0088 alpha = atan(Ql0./Pl0);
0089 alpha(Pl0 < 0) = pi - alpha(Pl0 < 0 );
0090 %%
0091 % only consider lines that are loaded at more than half of their rating
0092 lfrac = sort(sqrt(Pl0.^2 + Ql0.^2)./Smax, 'descend');
0093 if (nl < 1000) || (lfrac(1000) < 0.5)
0094     nluse = find(sqrt(Pl0.^2 + Ql0.^2)./Smax > 0.5);
0095 else
0096     nluse = find(sqrt(Pl0.^2 + Ql0.^2)./Smax > 0.75);
0097 end
0098 nl    = length(nluse);
0100 % calculate sensitivities at currrent operating point
0101 tptdf = tic;
0102 H = sgvm_acptdf(mpc, nluse);
0103 [rxpp, cxpp, vxpp] = find(H(1:nl, 1:nb));
0104 [rxqp, cxqp, vxqp] = find(H(1:nl, nb + 1: 2*nb));
0105 [rxpq, cxpq, vxpq] = find(H(nl+1:end, 1:nb));
0106 [rxqq, cxqq, vxqq] = find(H(nl+1:end, nb + 1: 2*nb));
0107 % [rxpp, cxpp, vxpp] = find(H(nluse, 1:nb));
0108 % [rxqp, cxqp, vxqp] = find(H(nluse, nb + 1: 2*nb));
0109 % [rxpq, cxpq, vxpq] = find(H(nl+nluse, 1:nb));
0110 % [rxqq, cxqq, vxqq] = find(H(nl+nluse, nb + 1: 2*nb));
0111 clear H;
0112 if opt.vm.nodeperm.verbose > 1
0113     fprintf('\t   AC-PTDF time %0.3f sec\n', toc(tptdf));
0114 end
0115 % overwrite nl to be the number of considered branches
0116 % nl    = length(nluse);
0117 Smax  = Smax(nluse);
0118 Pl0   = Pl0(nluse);
0119 Ql0   = Ql0(nluse);
0120 alpha = alpha(nluse);
0122 % if ~usedv
0123 %     x = sgvm_calc_injection_delta_greedy(...
0124 %         struct('p', sparse(rxpp, cxpp, vxpp, nl, nb), 'q', sparse(rxqq, cxqq, vxqq, nl, nb)),...
0125 %         struct('p', Pl0, 'q', Ql0), struct('p', dPmax, 'q', dQmax),...
0126 %         struct('p', abs(Smax.*cos(alpha)), 'q', abs(Smax.*sin(alpha))));
0127 %     Pbus = struct('old', real(Sbus), 'new', real(Sbus) + x.p);
0128 %   Qbus = struct('old', imag(Sbus), 'new', imag(Sbus) + x.q);
0129 %     return
0130 % end
0131 %% setup problem
0132 tsetup = tic;
0133 vars = struct('xp', struct('first', 1, 'last', nb),...
0134                   'xq', struct('first',nb+1, 'last',2*nb),...
0135                 'absx', struct('first',2*nb+1, 'last',4*nb));
0136 ptr = 4*nb;
0137 if branch_slack
0138     vars.sp = struct('first', ptr+1, 'last', ptr+nl);
0139     ptr = ptr + nl;
0140     vars.sq = struct('first', ptr+1, 'last', ptr+nl);
0141     ptr = ptr + nl;
0142 end
0143 if usedv
0144     vars.dv = struct('first',ptr+1, 'last',ptr + nb);
0145     ptr = ptr + nb;
0146     vars.sv = struct('first', ptr+1, 'last', ptr+1);
0147     ptr = ptr + 1;
0148 %     vars.sv = struct('first', ptr+1, 'last', ptr+nb);
0149 %     ptr = ptr + nb;
0150 %     vars = struct('xp', struct('first', 1, 'last', nb),...
0151 %                   'xq', struct('first',nb+1, 'last',2*nb),...
0152 %                 'dv', struct('first',2*nb+1, 'last',3*nb),...
0153 %                 'absx', struct('first', 3*nb+1, 'last', 5*nb),...
0154 %                 'sp', struct('first', 5*nb+1, 'last', 5*nb+nl),...
0155 %                 'sq', struct('first', 5*nb+nl+1, 'last', 5*nb + 2*nl),...
0156 %                 'sv', struct('first', 5*nb+ 2*nl + 1, 'last', 5*nb+ 2*nl + 1));
0157 %     total_vars = 5*nb + 2*nl + 1;
0158 % else
0159 %     vars = struct('xp', struct('first', 1, 'last', nb),...
0160 %                   'xq', struct('first',nb+1, 'last',2*nb),...
0161 %                 'absx', struct('first', 2*nb+1, 'last', 4*nb),...
0162 %                 'sp', struct('first', 4*nb+1, 'last', 4*nb+nl),...
0163 %                 'sq', struct('first', 4*nb+nl+1, 'last', 4*nb + 2*nl));
0164 %     total_vars = 4*nb + 2*nl;
0165 end
0166 total_vars = ptr;
0167 prob.A  = [];
0168 prob.l  = [];
0169 prob.u  = [];
0170 %% Form constraints
0171 %% delta V to delta inj
0172 % xp - Jpv*deltaV = 0
0173 % xq - Jqv*deltaV = 0
0174 % Ap  = sparse(1:nb, vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last, 1, nb, 2*nb);
0175 % Aq  = sparse(1:nb, vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last, 1, nb, 2*nb);
0176 % A   = [Ap, -Jpv, sparse(nb,total_vars - 3*nb);
0177 %        Aq, -Jqv, sparse(nb,total_vars - 3*nb)];
0178 % lb = zeros(2*nb,1);
0179 % ub = zeros(2*nb,1);
0180 % prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0182 if usedv
0183     if ~nox
0184         A = sparse([1:nb, rjpv.' ], ...
0185                    [vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last, vars.dv.first - 1 + cjpv.'],...
0186                    [ones(1,nb), vjpv.'], nb, total_vars);
0187         lb = zeros(nb, 1);
0188         ub = zeros(nb, 1);
0189         prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0190     end
0192     A = sparse([1:nb, rjqv.' ], ...
0193                [vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last, vars.dv.first - 1 + cjqv.'],...
0194                [ones(1,nb), vjqv.'], nb, total_vars);
0195     lb = zeros(nb, 1);
0196     ub = zeros(nb, 1);
0197     prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0198 end
0199 %% Change of voltage limits
0200 % Vmin - V0 - s <= Delta V <= Vmax - V0 + s
0201 % becomes
0202 % Vmin - V0 <= DeltaV + s <= Inf
0203 % -Inf <= DeltaV - s <= Vmax - V0
0205 % Adv = sparse(1:nb, vars.dv.first:vars.dv.last, nb, vars.dv.last);
0206 % A   = [Adv, sparse(nb,2*nb), ones(nb,1)];
0207 if usedv
0208     A   = sparse([1:nb, 1:nb],...
0209         [vars.dv.first:vars.dv.last, vars.sv.first*ones(1,nb)],...
0210         [ones(1,nb), ones(1,nb)], nb, total_vars);
0211 %     A   = sparse([1:nb, 1:nb],...
0212 %         [vars.dv.first:vars.dv.last, vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last],...
0213 %         [ones(1,nb), ones(1,nb)], nb, total_vars);
0214     lb  = Vmin - V0;
0215     lb(abs(lb) < 1e-6) = 0;
0216     ub  = Inf(nb,1);
0217     prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0219     A   = sparse([1:nb, 1:nb],...
0220         [vars.dv.first:vars.dv.last, vars.sv.first*ones(1,nb)],...
0221         [ones(1,nb), -ones(1,nb)], nb, total_vars);
0222 %      A   = sparse([1:nb, 1:nb],...
0223 %         [vars.dv.first:vars.dv.last, vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last],...
0224 %         [ones(1,nb), -ones(1,nb)], nb, total_vars);
0225     % A   = [Adv, sparse(nb,2*nb), -ones(nb,1)];
0226     lb  = -Inf(nb,1);
0227     ub  = Vmax - V0;
0228     ub(abs(ub) < 1e-6) = 0;
0229     prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0230 end
0231 %% Line limits
0232 % -|Smax*cos(alpha)| - sp <= Pl0 + Hp*x <= |Smax*cos(alpha)| + sp
0233 % -|Smax*sin(alpha)| - sq <= Ql0 + Hq*x <= |Smax*sin(alpha)| + sq
0235 % Ap = [H(1:nl,:), sparse(nl,total_vars - 2*nb)];
0236 % Aq = [H(nl+1:2*nl,:), sparse(nl,total_vars - 2*nb)];
0238 % -|Smax*cos(alpha)| - Pl0 <= Hp*x + sp <= Inf
0239 r = rxpp.';
0240 c = vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.';
0241 v = vxpp.';
0242 if ~nox
0243     r = [r, rxqp.'];
0244     c = [c, vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqp.'];
0245     v = [v, vxqp.'];
0246 end
0247 if branch_slack
0248     r = [r, 1:nl];
0249     c = [c, vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last];
0250     v = [v, ones(1,nl)];
0251 end
0252 A = sparse(r, c, v, nl, total_vars);
0253 % if nox
0254 %     A  = sparse( [rxpp.', 1:nl], ...
0255 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.', vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last], ...
0256 %         [vxpp.', ones(1,nl)],...
0257 %         nl, total_vars);
0258 % else
0259 %     A  = sparse( [rxpp.', rxqp.', 1:nl], ...
0260 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.', vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqp.', vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last], ...
0261 %         [vxpp.', vxqp.', ones(1,nl)],...
0262 %         nl, total_vars);
0263 % end
0264 lb = -abs(Smax.*cos(alpha)) - Pl0;
0265 lb(abs(lb) < 1e-6) = 0;
0266 ub = Inf(nl,1);
0267 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0269 % -Inf <= Hp*x - sp <= |Smax*cos(alpha)| - Pl0
0270 r = rxpp.';
0271 c = vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.';
0272 v = vxpp.';
0273 if ~nox
0274     r = [r, rxqp.'];
0275     c = [c, vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqp.'];
0276     v = [v, vxqp.'];
0277 end
0278 if branch_slack
0279     r = [r, 1:nl];
0280     c = [c, vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last];
0281     v = [v, -ones(1,nl)];
0282 end
0283 A = sparse(r, c, v, nl, total_vars);
0284 % if nox
0285 %     A  = sparse( [rxpp.', 1:nl], ...
0286 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.', vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last], ...
0287 %         [vxpp.', -ones(1,nl)],...
0288 %         nl, total_vars);
0289 % else
0290 %     A  = sparse( [rxpp.', rxqp.', 1:nl], ...
0291 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpp.', vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqp.', vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last], ...
0292 %         [vxpp.', vxqp.', -ones(1,nl)],...
0293 %         nl, total_vars);
0294 % end
0295 lb = -Inf(nl,1);
0296 ub = abs(Smax.*cos(alpha)) - Pl0;
0297 ub(abs(ub) < 1e-6) = 0;
0298 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0300 % -|Smax*sin(alpha)| - Ql0 <= Hq*x + sq <= Inf
0301 r = rxqq.';
0302 c = vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.';
0303 v = vxqq.';
0304 if ~nox
0305     r = [r, rxpq.'];
0306     c = [c, vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpq.'];
0307     v = [v, vxpq.'];
0308 end
0309 if branch_slack
0310     r = [r, 1:nl];
0311     c = [c, vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last];
0312     v = [v, ones(1,nl)];
0313 end
0314 A = sparse(r, c, v, nl, total_vars);
0315 % if nox
0316 %     A  = sparse( [rxqq.', 1:nl], ...
0317 %         [vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.', vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last], ...
0318 %         [vxqq.', ones(1,nl)],...
0319 %         nl, total_vars);
0320 % else
0321 %     A  = sparse( [rxpq.', rxqq.', 1:nl], ...
0322 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpq.', vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.', vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last], ...
0323 %         [vxpq.', vxqq.', ones(1,nl)],...
0324 %         nl, total_vars);
0325 % end
0326 lb = -abs(Smax.*sin(alpha)) - Ql0;
0327 lb(abs(lb) < 1e-6) = 0;
0328 ub = Inf(nl,1);
0329 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0331 % -Inf <= Hq*x - sq <= |Smax*sin(alpha)| - Ql0
0332 r = rxqq.';
0333 c = vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.';
0334 v = vxqq.';
0335 if ~nox
0336     r = [r, rxpq.'];
0337     c = [c, vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpq.'];
0338     v = [v, vxpq.'];
0339 end
0340 if branch_slack
0341     r = [r, 1:nl];
0342     c = [c, vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last];
0343     v = [v, -ones(1,nl)];
0344 end
0345 A = sparse(r, c, v, nl, total_vars);
0346 % if nox
0347 %     A  = sparse( [rxqq.', 1:nl], ...
0348 %         [vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.', vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last], ...
0349 %         [vxqq.', -ones(1,nl)],...
0350 %         nl, total_vars);
0351 % else
0352 %     A  = sparse( [rxpq.', rxqq.', 1:nl], ...
0353 %         [vars.xp.first - 1 + cxpq.', vars.xq.first - 1 + cxqq.', vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last], ...
0354 %         [vxpq.', vxqq.', -ones(1,nl)],...
0355 %         nl, total_vars);
0356 % end
0357 lb = -Inf(nl,1);
0358 ub = abs(Smax.*sin(alpha)) - Ql0;
0359 ub(abs(ub) < 1e-6) = 0;
0360 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0362 %% zero net change
0363 % 1' * x_p = 0
0364 % 1' * x_q = 0
0366 A  = sparse(1,vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last, 1, 1, total_vars);
0367 lb = 0;
0368 ub = 0;
0369 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0371 A = sparse(1,vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last, 1, 1, total_vars);
0372 lb = 0;
0373 ub = 0;
0374 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0376 %% magnitude of x
0377 % absx + x >= 0
0378 % absx - x >= 0
0379 A = sparse([1:2*nb,1:2*nb],...
0380     [vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last, vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last, vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last],...
0381     1, 2*nb, total_vars);
0382 lb = zeros(2*nb,1);
0383 ub = Inf(2*nb,1);
0384 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0386 A = sparse([1:2*nb,1:2*nb],...
0387     [vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last, vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last, vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last], ...
0388     [ones(1,2*nb), -ones(1,2*nb)], 2*nb, total_vars);
0389 lb = zeros(2*nb,1);
0390 ub = Inf(2*nb,1);
0391 prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub);
0393 %% variable limits
0394 prob.xmin = -Inf(total_vars,1);
0395 prob.xmin(vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last) = -dPmax;
0396 prob.xmin(vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last) = -dQmax;
0397 prob.xmin(vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last) = 0;
0398 if branch_slack
0399     prob.xmin(vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last) = 0;
0400     prob.xmin(vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last) = 0;
0401 end
0402 if usedv
0403     prob.xmin(vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last) = 0;
0404 end
0406 prob.xmax = Inf(total_vars,1);
0407 prob.xmax(vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last) = dPmax;
0408 prob.xmax(vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last) = dQmax;
0409 %% Linear  cost
0410 % norm(x,1) + + wspq*sum(sp) + wspq*sum(sq) + wsv*sv
0411 % norm(x,1) = sum(absx)
0412 r = vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last;
0413 v = ones(1, 2*nb);
0414 if branch_slack
0415     r = [r, vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last, vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last];
0416     v = [v, wspq*ones(1,2*nl)];
0417 end
0418 if usedv
0419     r = [r, vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last];
0420     v = [v, wsv*ones(1, vars.sv.last-vars.sv.first+1)];
0421 end
0422 prob.c = sparse(r, 1, v, total_vars, 1);
0423 % if usedv
0424 %     prob.c = sparse([vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last, ...
0425 %         vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last, vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last, vars.sv.first], 1, ...
0426 %         [ones(1, 2*nb), wspq*ones(1,2*nl), wsv], total_vars, 1);
0427 % else
0428 %     prob.c = sparse([vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last, ...
0429 %         vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last, vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last], 1, ...
0430 %         [ones(1, 2*nb), wspq*ones(1,2*nl)], total_vars, 1);
0431 % end
0432 % prob.c = zeros(total_vars,1);
0433 % prob.c(vars.absx.first:vars.absx.last) = 1;
0434 % prob.c(vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last)     = wsv;
0436 %% Quadratic cost
0437 % no quadratic cost for this problem
0438 % prob.H = sparse(total_vars,total_vars);
0440 %% initial point
0441 prob.x0 = zeros(total_vars,1);
0442 if branch_slack
0443     prob.x0(vars.sp.first:vars.sp.last) = max(0, abs(Pl0) - abs(Smax.*cos(alpha)));
0444     prob.x0(vars.sq.first:vars.sq.last) = max(0, abs(Ql0) - abs(Smax.*sin(alpha)));
0445 end
0446 if usedv
0447     prob.x0(vars.sv.first) = max(0, max(max(Vmin - V0, V0 - Vmax)));
0448 %     prob.x0(vars.sv.first:vars.sv.last) = max(0, max(Vmin - V0, V0 - Vmax));
0449 end
0450 if opt.vm.nodeperm.verbose > 1
0451     fprintf('\t   problem setup time %0.3f sec\n', toc(tsetup));
0452 end
0453 %% solve
0454 tsolve = tic;
0455 if opt.vm.nodeperm.verbose > 2
0456     prob.opt.verbose = opt.vm.nodeperm.verbose;
0457 end
0458 prob.opt.grb_opt.BarConvTol = 1e-4;
0459 [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = qps_matpower(prob);
0460 if opt.vm.nodeperm.verbose > 1
0461     fprintf('\t   solve time %0.3f sec\n', toc(tsolve));
0462 end
0463 if eflag
0464     dPb = x(vars.xp.first:vars.xp.last);
0465     dQb = x(vars.xq.first:vars.xq.last);
0466     Pbus = struct('old', real(Sbus), 'new', real(Sbus) + dPb);
0467     Qbus = struct('old', imag(Sbus), 'new', imag(Sbus) + dQb);
0468 else
0469     if ~branch_slack
0470         if opt.verbose > 0
0471             warning('sgvm_calc_injection_delta: optimization did not converge. Turning on branch slacks and retrying.')
0472         end
0473         opt.vm.nodeperm.branch_slack = true;
0474         [Pbus, Qbus] = sgvm_calc_injection_delta(mpc, opt);
0475     else
0476         error('sgvm_calc_injection_delta: optimization failed to converge.')
0477     end
0478 end
0480 function prob = update_Albub(prob, A, lb, ub)
0481 % simple utility function for updating the constraint and bounds arrays.
0483 prob.A  = [prob.A; A];
0484 prob.l  = [prob.l; lb];
0485 prob.u  = [prob.u; ub];

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