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0001 classdef sgvm_gaussian_kde < handle
0002 %SGVM_GAUSSIAN_KDE multivariate gaussian kde object
0003 %   G = SGVM_GAUSSIAN_KDE(DATASET) creates the kde object G from
0004 %   DATASET. IF DATASET is size N x D, then it contains N observations
0005 %   in D dimensions.
0006 %
0007 %   Essentially a minimal copy of the scipy implementation of a
0008 %   multivariate gaussian just enabling sampling
0010 %   SynGrid
0011 %   Copyright (c) 2018, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0012 %   by Eran Schweitzer, Arizona State University
0013 %
0014 %   This file is part of SynGrid.
0015 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0017     properties
0018         dataset    %(#data, #dims) ie, observations are row vectors
0019         bw_method
0020         d          % number of dimentions
0021         n          % number of samples in data
0022         factor     % factor multipying the covariance matrix determined by bw_method
0023         covariance % covariance matrix of dataset scaled by factor
0024         invcov     % inverse of the covariance matrix
0025         norm_factor% normalization factor of all individual exponentials
0026     end
0027     methods
0028         function self = sgvm_gaussian_kde(dataset, varargin)
0029             self.bw_method = sgvm_varargin_parse(varargin,'bw_method', 'scott');
0031             self.dataset = dataset;
0032             [self.n, self.d] = size(dataset);
0033             self.set_bandwidth(self.bw_method)
0034         end
0036         function set_bandwidth(self, bw_method)
0037             if strcmp(bw_method,'scott')
0038                 self.factor = self.n^(-1/(self.d + 4));
0039             elseif strcmp(bw_method,'silverman')
0040                 self.factor = (self.n*(self.d + 2)/4)^(-1/(self.d + 4));
0041             elseif isscalar(bw_method)
0042                 self.factor = bw_method;
0043             else
0044                 error('bw_method should be ''scott'', ''silverman'', or a scalar')
0045             end
0046             self.covariance = cov(self.dataset)*self.factor^2;
0047             self.invcov = inv(cov(self.dataset))/self.factor^2;
0048             self.norm_factor = sqrt(det(2*pi*self.covariance))*self.n;
0049         end
0051         function z = resample(self, n)
0052             sigma = sgvm_mult_randn(n, self.covariance);
0053             idx   = randi(self.n, n, 1);
0054             means = self.dataset(idx,:);
0055             z = means + sigma;
0056         end
0058         function z = single_sample(self, actual_vals, subset)
0059             if nargin == 1
0060                 actual_vals = false;
0061             elseif nargin == 2
0062                 subset = 'all';
0063             end
0064             if actual_vals
0065                 if strcmp('all', subset)
0066                     I = randi(self.n);
0067                 else
0068                     I = subset(randi(length(subset)));
0069                 end
0070                 z = self.dataset(I,:);
0071             else
0072                 z = self.resample(1);
0073             end
0074         end
0076         function result = evaluate(self, points)
0077             % evaluate the kde at each of the points given.
0078             [m, d] = size(points); %#ok<PROPLC>
0079             if d ~= self.d %#ok<PROPLC>
0080                 error('sgvm_gaussian_kde/evaluate: points array must have as many columns as the kde dimensions')
0081             end
0083             result = zeros(m, 1);
0084             if m >= self.n
0085                 % more points than data, loop over data
0086                 for k = 1:self.n
0087                     df = repmat(self.dataset(k,:), m, 1) - points;
0088                     tdiff  = self.invcov*df.';
0089                     energy = sum(df'.*tdiff, 1).'/2;
0090                     result = result + exp(-energy);
0091                 end
0092             else
0093                 % loop over points
0094                 for k = 1:m
0095                     df = self.dataset - repmat(points(k,:), self.n, 1);
0096                     tdiff = self.invcov*df.';
0097                     energy = sum(df'.*tdiff, 1).'/2;
0098                     result(k) = sum(exp(-energy), 1);
0099                 end
0100             end
0101             result = result/self.norm_factor;
0102         end
0103     end
0104 end

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