< Master index Index for matpower5.1 >

Index for matpower5.1

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 add_userfcnADD_USERFCN Appends a userfcn to the list to be called for a case.
 bustypesBUSTYPES Builds index lists for each type of bus (REF, PV, PQ).
 case118CASE118 Power flow data for IEEE 118 bus test case.
 case1354pegaseCASE1354PEGASE Power flow data for medium part of European system.
 case14CASE14 Power flow data for IEEE 14 bus test case.
 case2383wpCASE2383WP Power flow data for Polish system - winter 1999-2000 peak.
 case24_ieee_rtsCASE24_IEEE_RTS Power flow data for the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM.
 case2736spCASE2736SP Power flow data for Polish system - summer 2004 peak.
 case2737sopCASE2737SOP Power flow data for Polish system - summer 2004 off-peak.
 case2746wopCASE2746WOP Power flow data for Polish system - winter 2003-04 off-peak.
 case2746wpCASE2746WP Power flow data for Polish system - winter 2003-04 evening peak.
 case2869pegaseCASE2869PEGASE Power flow data for large part of European system.
 case30CASE30 Power flow data for 30 bus, 6 generator case.
 case300CASE300 Power flow data for IEEE 300 bus test case.
 case3012wpCASE3012WP Power flow data for Polish system - winter 2007-08 evening peak.
 case30QCASE30Q Case 30 with costs for reactive generation.
 case30pwlCASE30PWL Case 30 with piece-wise linear generator costs.
 case3120spCASE3120SP Power flow data for Polish system - summer 2008 morning peak.
 case3375wpCASE3375WP Power flow data for Polish system - winter 2007-08 evening peak.
 case39CASE39 Power flow data for 39 bus New England system.
 case4gsCASE4GS Power flow data for 4 bus, 2 gen case from Grainger & Stevenson.
 case5CASE5 Power flow data for modified 5 bus, 5 gen case based on PJM 5-bus system
 case57CASE57 Power flow data for IEEE 57 bus test case.
 case6wwCASE6WW Power flow data for 6 bus, 3 gen case from Wood & Wollenberg.
 case89pegaseCASE89PEGASE Power flow data for small part of European system.
 case9CASE9 Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case.
 case9241pegaseCASE9241PEGASE Power flow data for European system.
 case9QCASE9Q Case 9 with costs for reactive generation.
 case9targetCASE9TARGET Target injection power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case.
 case_ieee30CASE_IEEE30 Power flow data for IEEE 30 bus test case.
 case_infoCASE_INFO Prints information about islands in a network.
 caseformatCASEFORMAT Defines the MATPOWER case file format.
 cdf2mpcCDF2MPC Converts an IEEE CDF data file into a MATPOWER case struct.
 clp_optionsCLP_OPTIONS Sets options for CLP.
 compare_caseCOMPARE_CASE Compares the bus, gen, branch matrices of 2 MATPOWER cases.
 connected_componentsCONNECTED_COMPONENTS Returns the connected components of a graph
 cpf_correctorCPF_CORRECTOR Solves the corrector step of a continuation power flow using a
 cpf_default_callbackCPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK Default callback function for CPF
 cpf_pCPF_P Computes the value of the CPF parameterization function.
 cpf_p_jacCPF_P_JAC Computes partial derivatives of CPF parameterization function.
 cpf_predictorCPF_PREDICTOR Performs the predictor step for the continuation power flow
 cplex_optionsCPLEX_OPTIONS Sets options for CPLEX.
 d2AIbr_dV2D2AIBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of |complex current|^2 w.r.t. V.
 d2ASbr_dV2D2ASBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of |complex power flow|^2 w.r.t. V.
 d2Ibr_dV2D2IBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of complex branch current w.r.t. voltage.
 d2Sbr_dV2D2SBR_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of complex power flow w.r.t. voltage.
 d2Sbus_dV2D2SBUS_DV2 Computes 2nd derivatives of power injection w.r.t. voltage.
 dAbr_dVDABR_DV Partial derivatives of squared flow magnitudes w.r.t voltage.
 dIbr_dVDIBR_DV Computes partial derivatives of branch currents w.r.t. voltage.
 dSbr_dVDSBR_DV Computes partial derivatives of power flows w.r.t. voltage.
 dSbus_dVDSBUS_DV Computes partial derivatives of power injection w.r.t. voltage.
 dcopfDCOPF Solves a DC optimal power flow.
 dcopf_solverDCOPF_SOLVER Solves a DC optimal power flow.
 dcpfDCPF Solves a DC power flow.
 define_constantsDEFINE_CONSTANTS Defines constants for named column indices to data matrices.
 e2i_dataE2I_DATA Converts data from external to internal indexing.
 e2i_fieldE2I_FIELD Converts fields of MPC from external to internal indexing.
 ext2intEXT2INT Converts external to internal indexing.
 extract_islandsfunction mpck = extract_islands(mpc, groups, k, custom)
 fairmaxFAIRMAX Same as built-in MAX, except breaks ties randomly.
 fdpfFDPF Solves the power flow using a fast decoupled method.
 find_islandsFIND_ISLANDS Finds islands in a network
 fmincopfFMINCOPF Solves an AC optimal power flow using FMINCON (Opt Tbx 2.x & later).
 fmincopf_solverFMINCOPF_SOLVER Solves AC optimal power flow using FMINCON.
 gausspfGAUSSPF Solves the power flow using a Gauss-Seidel method.
 get_lossesGET_LOSSES Returns series losses (and reactive injections) per branch.
 get_reorderGET_REORDER Returns A with one of its dimensions indexed.
 glpk_optionsGLPK_OPTIONS Sets options for GLPK.
 gurobi_optionsGUROBI_OPTIONS Sets options for GUROBI (version 5.x and greater).
 gurobiverGUROBIVER Prints or returns GUROBI version info.
 hasPQcapHASPQCAP Checks for P-Q capability curve constraints.
 have_fcnHAVE_FCN Test for optional functionality / version info.
 i2e_dataI2E_DATA Converts data from internal to external bus numbering.
 i2e_fieldI2E_FIELD Converts fields of MPC from internal to external bus numbering.
 idx_brchIDX_BRCH Defines constants for named column indices to branch matrix.
 idx_busIDX_BUS Defines constants for named column indices to bus matrix.
 idx_costIDX_COST Defines constants for named column indices to gencost matrix.
 idx_dclineIDX_DCLINE Defines constants for named column indices to dcline matrix.
 idx_genIDX_GEN Defines constants for named column indices to gen matrix.
 int2extINT2EXT Converts internal to external bus numbering.
 ipopt_optionsIPOPT_OPTIONS Sets options for IPOPT.
 ipoptopf_solverIPOPTOPF_SOLVER Solves AC optimal power flow using MIPS.
 isloadISLOAD Checks for dispatchable loads.
 ktropf_solverKTROPF_SOLVER Solves AC optimal power flow using KNITRO.
 load2dispLOAD2DISP Converts fixed loads to dispatchable.
 loadcaseLOADCASE Load .m or .mat case files or data struct in MATPOWER format.
 makeAangMAKEAANG Construct constraints for branch angle difference limits.
 makeApqMAKEAPQ Construct linear constraints for generator capability curves.
 makeAvlMAKEAVL Construct linear constraints for constant power factor var loads.
 makeAyMAKEAY Make the A matrix and RHS for the CCV formulation.
 makeBMAKEB Builds the FDPF matrices, B prime and B double prime.
 makeBdcMAKEBDC Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow.
 makeJacMAKEJAC Forms the power flow Jacobian.
 makeLODFMAKELODF Builds the line outage distribution factor matrix.
 makePTDFMAKEPTDF Builds the DC PTDF matrix for a given choice of slack.
 makeSbusMAKESBUS Builds the vector of complex bus power injections.
 makeYbusMAKEYBUS Builds the bus admittance matrix and branch admittance matrices.
 margcostMARGCOST Computes marginal cost for generators at given output level.
 mipsMIPS MATLAB Interior Point Solver.
 mipsopf_solverMIPSOPF_SOLVER Solves AC optimal power flow using MIPS.
 mipsverMIPSVER Prints or returns MIPS version info for current installation.
 miqps_cplexMIQPS_CPLEX Mixed Integer Quadratic Program Solver based on CPLEX.
 miqps_glpkMIQPS_GLPK Mixed Integer Linear Program Solver based on GLPK - GNU Linear Programming Kit.
 miqps_gurobiMIQPS_GUROBI Mixed Integer Quadratic Program Solver based on GUROBI.
 miqps_matpowerMIQPS_MATPOWER Mixed Integer Quadratic Program Solver for MATPOWER.
 miqps_mosekMIQPS_MOSEK Mixed Integer Quadratic Program Solver based on MOSEK.
 miqps_otMIQPS_OT Mixed Integer Linear Program Solver based on INTLINPROG.
 modcostMODCOST Modifies generator costs by shifting or scaling (F or X).
 mosek_optionsMOSEK_OPTIONS Sets options for MOSEK.
 mosek_symbconMOSEK_SYMBCON Returns struct containing MOSEK's symbolic constants
 mplinsolveMPLINSOLVE Solves A * x = b using specified solver
 mpoptionMPOPTION Used to set and retrieve a MATPOWER options struct.
 mpoption_info_clpMPOPTION_INFO_CLP Returns MATPOWER option info for CLP.
 mpoption_info_cplexMPOPTION_INFO_CPLEX Returns MATPOWER option info for CPLEX.
 mpoption_info_fminconMPOPTION_INFO_FMINCON Returns MATPOWER option info for FMINCON.
 mpoption_info_glpkMPOPTION_INFO_GLPK Returns MATPOWER option info for GLPK.
 mpoption_info_gurobiMPOPTION_INFO_GUROBI Returns MATPOWER option info for Gurobi.
 mpoption_info_intlinprogMPOPTION_INFO_INTLINPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for INTLINPROG.
 mpoption_info_ipoptMPOPTION_INFO_IPOPT Returns MATPOWER option info for IPOPT.
 mpoption_info_knitroMPOPTION_INFO_KNITRO Returns MATPOWER option info for KNITRO.
 mpoption_info_linprogMPOPTION_INFO_LINPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for LINPROG.
 mpoption_info_mipsMPOPTION_INFO_MIPS Returns MATPOWER option info for MIPS (optional fields).
 mpoption_info_mosekMPOPTION_INFO_MOSEK Returns MATPOWER option info for MOSEK.
 mpoption_info_quadprogMPOPTION_INFO_QUADPROG Returns MATPOWER option info for QUADPROG.
 mpoption_oldMPOPTION_OLD Used to set and retrieve old-style MATPOWER options vector.
 mpverMPVER Prints or returns MATPOWER version info for current installation.
 nested_struct_copyNESTED_STRUCT_COPY Copies values from one nested struct to another.
 newtonpfNEWTONPF Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method.
 opfOPF Solves an optimal power flow.
 opf_argsOPF_ARGS Parses and initializes OPF input arguments.
 opf_consfcnOPF_CONSFCN Evaluates nonlinear constraints and their Jacobian for OPF.
 opf_costfcnOPF_COSTFCN Evaluates objective function, gradient and Hessian for OPF.
 opf_executeOPF_EXECUTE Executes the OPF specified by an OPF model object.
 opf_hessfcnOPF_HESSFCN Evaluates Hessian of Lagrangian for AC OPF.
 opf_setupOPF Constructs an OPF model object from a MATPOWER case struct.
 pfsolnPFSOLN Updates bus, gen, branch data structures to match power flow soln.
 poly2pwlPOLY2PWL Converts polynomial cost variable to piecewise linear.
 polycostPOLYCOST Evaluates polynomial generator cost & derivatives.
 pqcostPQCOST Splits the gencost variable into two pieces if costs are given for Qg.
 printpfPRINTPF Prints power flow results.
 psse2mpcPSSE2MPC Converts a PSS/E RAW data file into a MATPOWER case struct.
 psse_convertPSSE_CONVERT Converts data read from PSS/E RAW file to MATPOWER case.
 psse_convert_hvdcPSSE_CONVERT_HVDC Convert HVDC data from PSS/E RAW to MATPOWER
 psse_convert_xfmrPSSE_CONVERT_XFMR Convert transformer data from PSS/E RAW to MATPOWER
 psse_parsePSSE_PARSE Parses the data from a PSS/E RAW data file.
 psse_parse_linePSSE_PARSE_LINE Reads and parses a single line from a PSS/E RAW data file
 psse_parse_sectionPSSE_PARSE_SECTION Parses the data from a section of a PSS/E RAW data file
 psse_readPSSE_READ Reads the data from a PSS/E RAW data file.
 qps_bpmpdQPS_BPMPD Quadratic Program Solver based on BPMPD_MEX.
 qps_clpQPS_CLP Quadratic Program Solver based on CLP - COIN-OR Linear Programming.
 qps_cplexQPS_CPLEX Quadratic Program Solver based on CPLEX.
 qps_glpkQPS_GLPK Linear Program Solver based on GLPK - GNU Linear Programming Kit.
 qps_gurobiQPS_GUROBI Quadratic Program Solver based on GUROBI.
 qps_ipoptQPS_IPOPT Quadratic Program Solver based on IPOPT.
 qps_matpowerQPS_MATPOWER Quadratic Program Solver for MATPOWER.
 qps_mipsQPS_MIPS Quadratic Program Solver based on MIPS.
 qps_mosekQPS_MOSEK Quadratic Program Solver based on MOSEK.
 qps_otQPS_OT Quadratic Program Solver based on QUADPROG/LINPROG.
 remove_userfcnREMOVE_USERFCN Removes a userfcn from the list to be called for a case.
 run_userfcnRUN_USERFCN Runs the userfcn callbacks for a given stage.
 runcpfRUNCPF Runs a full AC continuation power flow
 rundcopfRUNDCOPF Runs a DC optimal power flow.
 rundcpfRUNDCPF Runs a DC power flow.
 runduopfRUNDUOPF Runs a DC optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.
 runopfRUNOPF Runs an optimal power flow.
 runopf_w_resRUNOPF_W_RES Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.
 runpfRUNPF Runs a power flow.
 runuopfRUNUOPF Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.
 savecaseSAVECASE Saves a MATPOWER case file, given a filename and the data.
 scale_loadSCALE_LOAD Scales fixed and/or dispatchable loads.
 set_reorderSET_REORDER Assigns B to A with one of the dimensions of A indexed.
 toggle_dclineTOGGLE_DCLINE Enable, disable or check status of DC line modeling.
 toggle_iflimsTOGGLE_IFLIMS Enable, disable or check status of set of interface flow limits.
 toggle_reservesTOGGLE_RESERVES Enable, disable or check status of fixed reserve requirements.
 toggle_softlimsTOGGLE_SOFTLIMS Relax DC optimal power flow branch limits.
 total_loadTOTAL_LOAD Returns vector of total load in each load zone.
 totcostTOTCOST Computes total cost for generators at given output level.
 uopfUOPF Solves combined unit decommitment / optimal power flow.
 update_mupqUPDATE_MUPQ Updates values of generator limit shadow prices.

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