

mpoption() - Used to set and retrieve a MATPOWER options struct.

    Returns the default options struct.

    Returns the default options struct, with some fields overridden
    by values from OVERRIDES, which can be a struct or the name of
    a function that returns a struct.

    Same as previous, except override options are specified by NAME,
    VALUE pairs. This can be used to set any part of the options
    struct. The names can be individual fields or multi-level field
    names with embedded periods. The values can be scalars or structs.

    For backward compatibility, the NAMES and VALUES may correspond
    to old-style MATPOWER option names (elements in the old-style
    options vector) as well.

    Converts an old-style options vector OPT0 into the corresponding
    options struct. If OPT0 is an options struct it does nothing.

    Applies overrides to an existing set of options, OPT0, which
    can be an old-style options vector or an options struct.

    Same as above except it uses the old-style options vector OPT0
    as a base instead of the old default options vector.

    Creates and returns an old-style options vector from an
    options struct OPT.

Note: The use of old-style MATPOWER options vectors and their
      names and values has been deprecated and will be removed
      in a future version of MATPOWER. Until then, all uppercase
      option names are not permitted for new top-level options.

    mpopt = mpoption('pf.alg', 'FDXB', 'pf.tol', 1e-4);
    mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'opf.dc.solver', 'CPLEX', 'verbose', 2);

The currently defined options are as follows:

   name                    default     description [options]
----------------------    ---------   ----------------------------------
Model options:
   model                   'AC'        AC vs. DC power flow model
       [ 'AC' - use nonlinear AC model & corresponding algorithms/options  ]
       [ 'DC' - use linear DC model & corresponding algorithms/options     ]

Power Flow options:
   pf.alg                  'NR'        AC power flow algorithm
       [ 'NR'    - Newton's method (formulation depends on values of       ]
       [           pf.current_balance and pf.v_cartesian options)          ]
       [ 'NR-SP' - Newton's method (power mismatch, polar)                 ]
       [ 'NR-SC' - Newton's method (power mismatch, cartesian)             ]
       [ 'NR-SH' - Newton's method (power mismatch, hybrid)                ]
       [ 'NR-IP' - Newton's method (current mismatch, polar)               ]
       [ 'NR-IC' - Newton's method (current mismatch, cartesian)           ]
       [ 'NR-IH' - Newton's method (current mismatch, hybrid)              ]
       [ 'FDXB'  - Fast-Decoupled (XB version)                             ]
       [ 'FDBX'  - Fast-Decoupled (BX version)                             ]
       [ 'GS'    - Gauss-Seidel                                            ]
       [ 'ZG'    - Implicit Z-bus Gauss                                     ]
       [ 'PQSUM' - Power Summation method (radial networks only)           ]
       [ 'ISUM'  - Current Summation method (radial networks only)         ]
       [ 'YSUM'  - Admittance Summation method (radial networks only)      ]
   pf.current_balance     0           type of nodal balance equation
       [ 0 - use complex power balance equations                           ]
       [ 1 - use complex current balance equations                         ]
   pf.v_cartesian         0           voltage representation
       [ 0 - bus voltage variables represented in polar coordinates        ]
       [ 1 - bus voltage variables represented in cartesian coordinates    ]
       [ 2 - hybrid, polar updates computed via modified cartesian Jacobian]
   pf.tol                  1e-8        termination tolerance on per unit
                                       P & Q mismatch            10          maximum number of iterations for
                                       Newton's method        ''          linear solver passed to MPLINSOLVE to
                                       solve Newton update step
       [ ''      - default to '\' for small systems, 'LU3' for larger ones ]
       [ '\'     - built-in backslash operator                             ]
       [ 'LU'    - explicit default LU decomposition and back substitution ]
       [ 'LU3'   - 3 output arg form of LU, Gilbert-Peierls algorithm with ]
       [           approximate minimum degree (AMD) reordering             ]
       [ 'LU4'   - 4 output arg form of LU, UMFPACK solver (same as 'LU')  ]
       [ 'LU5'   - 5 output arg form of LU, UMFPACK solver, w/row scaling  ]
       [       (see MPLINSOLVE for complete list of all options)           ]
   pf.fd.max_it            30          maximum number of iterations for
                                       fast decoupled method            1000        maximum number of iterations for
                                       Gauss-Seidel method
   pf.zg.max_it            1000        maximum number of iterations for
                                       Implicit Z-bus Gauss method
   pf.radial.max_it        20          maximum number of iterations for
                                       radial power flow methods
   pf.radial.vcorr         0           perform voltage correction procedure
                                       in distribution power flow
       [  0 - do NOT perform voltage correction                            ]
       [  1 - perform voltage correction                                   ]
   pf.enforce_q_lims       0           enforce gen reactive power limits at
                                       expense of |V|
       [  0 - do NOT enforce limits                                        ]
       [  1 - enforce limits, simultaneous bus type conversion             ]
       [  2 - enforce limits, one-at-a-time bus type conversion            ]

Continuation Power Flow options:
   cpf.parameterization    3           choice of parameterization
       [  1 - natural                                                      ]
       [  2 - arc length                                                   ]
       [  3 - pseudo arc length                                            ]
   cpf.stop_at             'NOSE'      determines stopping criterion
       [ 'NOSE'     - stop when nose point is reached                      ]
       [ 'FULL'     - trace full nose curve                                ]
       [ <lam_stop> - stop upon reaching specified target lambda value     ]
   cpf.enforce_p_lims      0           enforce gen active power limits
       [  0 - do NOT enforce limits                                        ]
       [  1 - enforce limits, simultaneous bus type conversion             ]
   cpf.enforce_q_lims      0           enforce gen reactive power limits at
                                       expense of |V|
       [  0 - do NOT enforce limits                                        ]
       [  1 - enforce limits, simultaneous bus type conversion             ]
   cpf.enforce_v_lims      0           enforce bus voltage magnitude limits
       [  0 - do NOT enforce limits                                        ]
       [  1 - enforce limits, termination on detection                     ]
   cpf.enforce_flow_lims   0           enforce branch flow MVA limits
       [  0 - do NOT enforce limits                                        ]
       [  1 - enforce limits, termination on detection                     ]
   cpf.step                0.05        continuation power flow step size
   cpf.adapt_step          0           toggle adaptive step size feature
       [  0 - adaptive step size disabled                                  ]
       [  1 - adaptive step size enabled                                   ]
   cpf.step_min            1e-4        minimum allowed step size
   cpf.step_max            0.2         maximum allowed step size
   cpf.adapt_step_damping  0.7         damping factor for adaptive step
   cpf.adapt_step_tol      1e-3        tolerance for adaptive step sizing
   cpf.target_lam_tol      1e-5        tolerance for target lambda detection
   cpf.nose_tol            1e-5        tolerance for nose point detection (pu)
   cpf.p_lims_tol          0.01        tolerance for generator active
                                       power limit enforcement (MW)
   cpf.q_lims_tol          0.01        tolerance for generator reactive
                                       power limit enforcement (MVAR)
   cpf.v_lims_tol          1e-4        tolerance for bus voltage
                                       magnitude enforcement (p.u)
   cpf.flow_lims_tol       0.01        tolerance for line MVA flow
                                       enforcement (MVA)
   cpf.plot.level          0           control plotting of nose curve
       [  0 - do not plot nose curve                                       ]
       [  1 - plot when completed                                          ]
       [  2 - plot incrementally at each iteration                         ]
       [  3 - same as 2, with 'pause' at each iteration                    ]
   cpf.plot.bus            <empty>     index of bus whose voltage is to be
   cpf.user_callback       <empty>     string containing the name of a user
                                       callback function, or struct with
                                       function name, and optional priority
                                       and/or args, or cell array of such
                                       strings and/or structs, see
                                       'help cpf_default_callback' for details

Optimal Power Flow options:
   name                    default     description [options]
----------------------    ---------   ----------------------------------           'DEFAULT'   AC optimal power flow solver
       [ 'DEFAULT' - choose default solver, i.e. 'MIPS'                    ]
       [ 'MIPS'    - MIPS, MATPOWER Interior Point Solver, primal/dual     ]
       [             interior point method (pure MATLAB/Octave)            ]
       [ 'FMINCON' - MATLAB Optimization Toolbox, FMINCON                  ]
       [ 'IPOPT'   - IPOPT, requires MEX interface to IPOPT solver         ]
       [             available from:                                       ]
       [                         ]
       [ 'KNITRO'  - Artelys Knitro, requires Artelys Knitro solver,       ]
       [             available from:]
       [ 'MINOPF'  - MINOPF, MINOS-based solver, requires optional         ]
       [             MEX-based MINOPF package, available from:             ]
       [                     ]
       [ 'PDIPM'   - PDIPM, primal/dual interior point method, requires    ]
       [             optional MEX-based TSPOPF package, available from:    ]
       [                     ]
       [ 'SDPOPF'  - SDPOPF, solver based on semidefinite relaxation of    ]
       [             OPF problem, requires optional packages:              ]
       [               SDP_PF, available in extras/sdp_pf                  ]
       [               YALMIP, available from:                             ]
       [                                 ]
       [               SDP solver such as SeDuMi, available from:          ]
       [                             ]
       [ 'TRALM'   - TRALM, trust region based augmented Langrangian       ]
       [             method, requires TSPOPF (see 'PDIPM')                 ]
   opf.dc.solver           'DEFAULT'   DC optimal power flow solver
       [ 'DEFAULT' - choose solver based on availability in the following  ]
       [             order: 'GUROBI', 'CPLEX', 'MOSEK', 'OT',              ]
       [             'GLPK' (linear costs only), 'BPMPD', 'MIPS'           ]
       [ 'MIPS'    - MIPS, MATPOWER Interior Point Solver, primal/dual     ]
       [             interior point method (pure MATLAB/Octave)            ]
       [ 'BPMPD'   - BPMPD, requires optional MEX-based BPMPD_MEX package  ]
       [             available from:   ]
       [ 'CLP'     - CLP, requires interface to COIN-OP LP solver          ]
       [             available from:         ]
       [ 'CPLEX'   - CPLEX, requires CPLEX solver available from:          ]
       [            ]
       [ 'GLPK'    - GLPK, requires interface to GLPK solver               ]
       [             available from:    ]
       [             (GLPK does not work with quadratic cost functions)    ]
       [ 'GUROBI'  - GUROBI, requires Gurobi optimizer (v. 5+)             ]
       [             available from:               ]
       [ 'IPOPT'   - IPOPT, requires MEX interface to IPOPT solver         ]
       [             available from:                                       ]
       [                         ]
       [ 'MOSEK'   - MOSEK, requires MATLAB interface to MOSEK solver      ]
       [             available from:                ]
       [ 'OSQP'    - OSQP, requires MATLAB interface to OSQP solver        ]
       [             available from:                     ]
       [ 'OT'      - MATLAB Optimization Toolbox, QUADPROG, LINPROG        ]
   opf.current_balance     0           type of nodal balance equation
       [ 0 - use complex power balance equations                           ]
       [ 1 - use complex current balance equations                         ]
   opf.v_cartesian         0           voltage representation
       [ 0 - bus voltage variables represented in polar coordinates        ]
       [ 1 - bus voltage variables represented in cartesian coordinates    ]
   opf.violation           5e-6        constraint violation tolerance
   opf.use_vg              0           respect gen voltage setpt     [ 0-1 ]
       [ 0 - use specified bus Vmin & Vmax, and ignore gen Vg              ]
       [ 1 - replace specified bus Vmin & Vmax by corresponding gen Vg     ]
       [ between 0 and 1 - use a weighted average of the 2 options         ]
   opf.flow_lim            'S'         quantity limited by branch flow
       [ 'S' - apparent power flow (limit in MVA)                          ]
       [ 'P' - active power flow, implemented using P   (limit in MW)      ]
       [ '2' - active power flow, implemented using P^2 (limit in MW)      ]
       [ 'I' - current magnitude (limit in MVA at 1 p.u. voltage)          ]
   opf.ignore_angle_lim    0           angle diff limits for branches
       [ 0 - include angle difference limits, if specified                 ]
       [ 1 - ignore angle difference limits even if specified              ]
   opf.softlims.default    1           behavior of OPF soft limits for
                                       which parameters are not explicitly
       [ 0 - do not include softlims if not explicitly specified           ]
       [ 1 - include softlims w/default values if not explicitly specified ]
   opf.start               0           strategy for initializing OPF start pt
       [   0 - default, MATPOWER decides based on solver                   ]
       [       (currently identical to 1)                                  ]
       [   1 - ignore current state in MATPOWER case (only applies to      ]
       [       fmincon, Ipopt, Knitro and MIPS, which use an interior pt   ]
       [       estimate; others use current state as with opf.start = 2)   ]
       [   2 - use current state in MATPOWER case                          ]
       [   3 - solve power flow and use resulting state                    ]
   opf.return_raw_der      0           for AC OPF, return constraint and
                                       derivative info in results.raw
                                       (in fields g, dg, df, d2f) [ 0 or 1 ]

Output options:
   name                    default     description [options]
----------------------    ---------   ----------------------------------
   verbose                 1           amount of progress info printed
       [   0 - print no progress info                                      ]
       [   1 - print a little progress info                                ]
       [   2 - print a lot of progress info                                ]
       [   3 - print all progress info                                     ]
   out.all                 -1          controls pretty-printing of results
       [  -1 - individual flags control what prints                        ]
       [   0 - do not print anything (overrides individual flags, ignored  ]
       [       for files specified as FNAME arg to runpf(), runopf(), etc.)]
       [   1 - print everything (overrides individual flags)               ]
   out.sys_sum             1           print system summary       [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.area_sum            0           print area summaries       [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.bus                 1           print bus detail           [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.branch              1           print branch detail        [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.gen                 0           print generator detail     [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.lim.all             -1          controls constraint info output
       [  -1 - individual flags control what constraint info prints        ]
       [   0 - no constraint info (overrides individual flags)             ]
       [   1 - binding constraint info (overrides individual flags)        ]
       [   2 - all constraint info (overrides individual flags)            ]
   out.lim.v               1           control voltage limit info
       [   0 - do not print                                                ]
       [   1 - print binding constraints only                              ]
       [   2 - print all constraints                                       ]
       [   (same options for OUT_LINE_LIM, OUT_PG_LIM, OUT_QG_LIM)         ]
   out.lim.line            1           control line flow limit info              1           control gen active power limit info
   out.lim.qg              1           control gen reactive pwr limit info
   out.force               0           print results even if success
                                       flag = 0                   [ 0 or 1 ]
   out.suppress_detail     -1          suppress all output but system summary
       [  -1 - suppress details for large systems (> 500 buses)            ]
       [   0 - do not suppress any output specified by other flags         ]
       [   1 - suppress all output except system summary section           ]
       [       (overrides individual flags, but not out.all = 1)           ]

Solver specific options:
       name                    default     description [options]
   -----------------------    ---------   ----------------------------------
       mips.linsolver          ''          linear system solver
           [   '' or '\'   build-in backslash \ operator (e.g. x = A \ b)  ]
           [   'PARDISO'   PARDISO solver (if available)                   ]
       mips.feastol            0           feasibility (equality) tolerance
                                           (set to opf.violation by default)
       mips.gradtol            1e-6        gradient tolerance
       mips.comptol            1e-6        complementary condition
                                           (inequality) tolerance
       mips.costtol            1e-6        optimality tolerance
       mips.max_it             150         maximum number of iterations
       mips.step_control       0           enable step-size cntrl [ 0 or 1 ]          20          maximum number of reductions per
                                           iteration with step control
       mips.xi                 0.99995     constant used in alpha updates*
       mips.sigma              0.1         centering parameter*
       mips.z0                 1           used to initialize slack variables*
       mips.alpha_min          1e-8        returns "Numerically Failed" if
                                           either alpha parameter becomes
                                           smaller than this value*
       mips.rho_min            0.95        lower bound on rho_t*
       mips.rho_max            1.05        upper bound on rho_t*
       mips.mu_threshold       1e-5        KT multipliers smaller than this
                                           value for non-binding constraints
                                           are forced to zero
       mips.max_stepsize       1e10        returns "Numerically Failed" if the
                                           2-norm of the reduced Newton step
                                           exceeds this value*
           * See the corresponding Appendix in the manual for details.

       cplex.lpmethod          0           solution algorithm for LP problems
           [   0 - automatic: let CPLEX choose                             ]
           [   1 - primal simplex                                          ]
           [   2 - dual simplex                                            ]
           [   3 - network simplex                                         ]
           [   4 - barrier                                                 ]
           [   5 - sifting                                                 ]
           [   6 - concurrent (dual, barrier, and primal)                  ]
       cplex.qpmethod          0           solution algorithm for QP problems
           [   0 - automatic: let CPLEX choose                             ]
           [   1 - primal simplex optimizer                                ]
           [   2 - dual simplex optimizer                                  ]
           [   3 - network optimizer                                       ]
           [   4 - barrier optimizer                                       ]
       cplex.opts              <empty>     see CPLEX_OPTIONS for details
       cplex.opt_fname         <empty>     see CPLEX_OPTIONS for details
       cplex.opt               0           see CPLEX_OPTIONS for details

       fmincon.alg             4           algorithm used by fmincon() for OPF
                                           for Opt Toolbox 4 and later
            [  1 - active-set (not suitable for large problems)            ]
            [  2 - interior-point, w/default 'bfgs' Hessian approx         ]
            [  3 - interior-point, w/ 'lbfgs' Hessian approx               ]
            [  4 - interior-point, w/exact user-supplied Hessian           ]
            [  5 - interior-point, w/Hessian via finite differences        ]
            [  6 - sqp (not suitable for large problems)                   ]
       fmincon.tol_x           1e-4        termination tol on x
       fmincon.tol_f           1e-4        termination tol on f
       fmincon.max_it          0           maximum number of iterations
                                                           [  0 => default ]

       gurobi.method           0           solution algorithm (Method)
           [  -1 - automatic, let Gurobi decide                            ]
           [   0 - primal simplex                                          ]
           [   1 - dual simplex                                            ]
           [   2 - barrier                                                 ]
           [   3 - concurrent (LP only)                                    ]
           [   4 - deterministic concurrent (LP only)                      ]
           [   5 - deterministic concurrent simplex (LP only)              ]
       gurobi.timelimit        Inf         maximum time allowed (TimeLimit)
       gurobi.threads          0           max number of threads (Threads)
       gurobi.opts             <empty>     see GUROBI_OPTIONS for details
       gurobi.opt_fname        <empty>     see GUROBI_OPTIONS for details
       gurobi.opt              0           see GUROBI_OPTIONS for details

       ipopt.opts              <empty>     see IPOPT_OPTIONS for details
       ipopt.opt_fname         <empty>     see IPOPT_OPTIONS for details
       ipopt.opt               0           see IPOPT_OPTIONS for details

       knitro.tol_x            1e-4        termination tol on x
       knitro.tol_f            1e-4        termination tol on f
       knitro.maxit            0           maximum number of iterations
                                                           [  0 => default ]
       knitro.opt_fname        <empty>     name of user-supplied native
                                           Knitro options file that overrides
                                           all other options
       knitro.opt              0           if knitro.opt_fname is empty and
                                           knitro.opt is a non-zero integer N
                                           then knitro.opt_fname is auto-
                                           generated as:

       linprog                 <empty>     LINPROG options passed to
                                           OPTIMOPTIONS or OPTIMSET.
                                           see LINPROG in the Optimization
                                           Toolbox for details

       minopf.feastol          0 (1e-3)    primal feasibility tolerance
                                           (set to opf.violation by default)
       minopf.rowtol           0 (1e-3)    row tolerance
       minopf.xtol             0 (1e-4)    x tolerance
       minopf.majdamp          0 (0.5)     major damping parameter
       minopf.mindamp          0 (2.0)     minor damping parameter
       minopf.penalty          0 (1.0)     penalty parameter
       minopf.major_it         0 (200)     major iterations
       minopf.minor_it         0 (2500)    minor iterations
       minopf.max_it           0 (2500)    iterations limit
       minopf.verbosity        -1          amount of progress info printed
           [  -1 - controlled by 'verbose' option                          ]
           [   0 - print nothing                                           ]
           [   1 - print only termination status message                   ]
           [   2 - print termination status and screen progress            ]
           [   3 - print screen progress, report file (usually fort.9)     ]
       minopf.core             0 (1200*nb + 2*(nb+ng)^2) memory allocation
       minopf.supbasic_lim     0 (2*nb + 2*ng) superbasics limit
       minopf.mult_price       0 (30)      multiple price

       mosek.lp_alg            0           solution algorithm
           for MOSEK 8.x ...        (see MOSEK_SYMBCON for a "better way")
           [   0 - automatic: let MOSEK choose                             ]
           [   1 - dual simplex                                            ]
           [   2 - automatic: let MOSEK choose                             ]
           [   3 - automatic simplex (MOSEK chooses which simplex method)  ]
           [   4 - interior point                                          ]
           [   6 - primal simplex                                          ]
       mosek.max_it            0 (400)     interior point max iterations
       mosek.gap_tol           0 (1e-8)    interior point relative gap tol
       mosek.max_time          0 (-1)      maximum time allowed
       mosek.num_threads       0 (1)       max number of threads
       mosek.opts              <empty>     see MOSEK_OPTIONS for details
       mosek.opt_fname         <empty>     see MOSEK_OPTIONS for details
       mosek.opt               0           see MOSEK_OPTIONS for details

       osqp.opts               <empty>     see OSQP_OPTIONS for details

       quadprog                <empty>     QUADPROG options passed to
                                           OPTIMOPTIONS or OPTIMSET.
                                           see QUADPROG in the Optimization
                                           Toolbox for details

       pdipm.feastol           0           feasibility (equality) tolerance
                                           (set to opf.violation by default)
       pdipm.gradtol           1e-6        gradient tolerance
       pdipm.comptol           1e-6        complementary condition
                                           (inequality) tolerance
       pdipm.costtol           1e-6        optimality tolerance
       pdipm.max_it            150         maximum number of iterations
       pdipm.step_control      0           enable step-size cntrl [ 0 or 1 ]         20          maximum number of reductions per
                                           iteration with step control   0.04        piecewise linear curve smoothing

       tralm.feastol           0           feasibility tolerance
                                           (set to opf.violation by default)
       tralm.primaltol         5e-4        primal variable tolerance
       tralm.dualtol           5e-4        dual variable tolerance
       tralm.costtol           1e-5        optimality tolerance
       tralm.major_it          40          maximum number of major iterations
       tralm.minor_it          40          maximum number of minor iterations
       tralm.smooth_ratio      0.04        piecewise linear curve smoothing

Experimental Options:
   exp.use_legacy_core         0           set to 1 to bypass MP-Core and
                                           force use of legacy core code for
                                           runpf(), runcpf(), runopf().   <empty>     1 x 3 vector of active load fraction
                                           to be modeled as constant power,
                                           constant current and constant
                                           impedance, respectively, where
                                           <empty> means use [1 0 0]
   exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.qw   <empty>     same for reactive power, where
                                           <empty> means use same value as
                                           for 'pw'