
i2e_data(mpc, val, oldval, ordering, dim)

i2e_data() - Converts data from internal to external indexing.


For a case struct using internal indexing, this function can be
used to convert other data structures as well by passing in 3 or 4
extra parameters in addition to the case struct. If the value passed
in the 2nd argument (VAL) is a column vector or cell array, it will
be converted according to the ordering specified by the 4th argument
(ORDERING, described below). If VAL is an n-dimensional matrix or
cell array, then the optional 5th argument (DIM, default = 1) can be
used to specify which dimension to reorder. The 3rd argument (OLDVAL)
is used to initialize the return value before converting VAL to
external indexing. In particular, any data corresponding to off-line
gens or branches or isolated buses or any connected gens or branches
will be taken from OLDVAL, with VAL supplying the rest of the
returned data.

The ORDERING argument is used to indicate whether the data
corresponds to bus-, gen- or branch-ordered data. It can be one
of the following three strings: 'bus', 'gen' or 'branch'. For
data structures with multiple blocks of data, ordered by bus,
gen or branch, they can be converted with a single call by
specifying ORDERING as a cell array of strings.

Any extra elements, rows, columns, etc. beyond those indicated
in ORDERING, are not disturbed.

    A_ext = i2e_data(mpc, A_int, A_orig, {'bus','bus','gen','gen'}, 2);

    Converts an A matrix for user-supplied OPF constraints from
    internal to external ordering, where the columns of the A
    matrix correspond to bus voltage angles, then voltage
    magnitudes, then generator real power injections and finally
    generator reactive power injections.

    gencost_ext = i2e_data(mpc, gencost_int, gencost_orig, {'gen','gen'}, 1);

    Converts a GENCOST matrix that has both real and reactive power
    costs (in rows 1--ng and ng+1--2*ng, respectively).

See also e2i_data(), i2e_field(), int2ext().