
cpf_register_callback(cpf_callbacks, fcn, priority, args)

cpf_register_callback() - Register CPF callback functions.


Registers a CPF callback function to be called by RUNCPF.

    CPF_CALLBACKS : struct containing info about registered CPF
                    callback fcns
    FCN : string containing name of callback function
    PRIORITY : number that determines order of execution for multiple
               callback functions, where higher numbers run first,
               default priority is 20, where the standard callbacks
               are called with the following priority:
                    cpf_flim_event_cb       53
                    cpf_vlim_event_cb       52
                    cpf_nose_event_cb       51
                    cpf_target_lam_event_cb 50
                    cpf_qlim_event_cb       41
                    cpf_plim_event_cb       40
                    cpf_default_callback    0
    ARGS : arguments to be passed to the callback each time it is invoked

    CPF_CALLBACKS : updated struct containing info about registered
                    CPF callback fcns

User Defined CPF Callback Functions:
    The user can define their own callback functions which take
    the same form and are called in the same contexts as
    CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK. These are specified via the MATPOWER
    option 'cpf.user_callback'. This option can be a string containing
    the name of the callback function, or a struct with the following
    fields, where all but the first are optional:
        'fcn'       - string with name of callback function
        'priority'  - numerical value specifying callback priority
             (default = 20, see CPF_REGISTER_CALLBACK for details)
        'args'      - arbitrary value (any type) passed to the callback
                      as CB_ARGS each time it is invoked
    Multiple user callbacks can be registered by assigning a cell array
    of such strings and/or structs to the 'cpf.user_callback' option.

See also runcpf(), cpf_default_callback().