- mpopt2qpopt(mpopt, model, alg)
- Create/modifyqps_master()
options struct frommpopt
.QPOPT = MPOPT2QPOPT(MPOPT, MODEL) QPOPT = MPOPT2QPOPT(MPOPT, MODEL, ALG) Uses a MATPOWER options struct, MPOPT, to create or modify an MIQPS_MASTER or QPS_MASTER options struct. Inputs (default values in parentheses): MPOPT : MATPOWER options struct MODEL ('MIQP') : (optional) one of the following model types, required for selection of solver in case ALG is 'DEFAULT' (solver precedence for each model type list in parentheses): 'LP' - linear program with all continuous variables (GUROBI, CPLEX, MOSEK, OT (if MATLAB), GLPK, BPMPD, MIPS) 'QP' - quadratic program with all continuous variables (GUROBI, CPLEX, MOSEK, OT (if large-scale alg available), BPMPD, MIPS) 'MILP' - LP with mixed integer/continuous variables (GUROBI, CPLEX, MOSEK, OT, GLPK) 'MIQP' - (default) QP with mixed integer/continuous variables (GUROBI, CPLEX, MOSEK) ALG ('opf.dc') : (optional) 'opf.dc', 'most', or any valid value of OPT.alg for QPS_MASTER or MIQPS_MASTER. The first two options indicate that it should be taken from MPOPT.opf.dc.solver or MPOPT.most.solver, respectively. Output: QPOPT : an options struct for use by QPS_MASTER or MIQPS_MASTER and friends
See also