H = PLOT_UC_DATA(UC1, ...)
UC1 (optional) matrix of 1's and 0's indicating commitment status for
first commitment schedule (red)
each row corresponds to a generator, each column to a period
UC2 (optional) commitment statuses for second commitment schedule
OPT options struct with the following (all optional) fields, where
default values are shown in parenthesis:
'title' ('Unit Commitment - %s') title for the plot, where
%s is an optional placeholder for the subtitle
'subtitle' ({'First', 'Second', 'Both'}) cell array of labels
to use for legend (if two schedules are provided)
and to replace a placeholder in the title (based
on which commitment schedule(s) is(are) provided in
UC1 and/or UC2); can also be a simple string, in
which case no legend will be displayed even if both
UC1 and UC2 are supplied
'xlabel' ('Period') label for horizontal axis
'ylabel' (<empty>) label for vertical axis
'rowlabels' ({'1', '2', '3', ...) labels for rows
'saveit' (false) flag to indicate whether to create PDF file
'savepath' ('') path to directory to save files in
'savename' ('uc-%s.pdf') name of PDF file
%s is optional placeholder for commitment schedule
index ('1', '2', or 'both')
'size_factor' (1) to scale font/marker sizes in case you want to
do sub-plots or something
Returns handle to current figure window.