
plot_gen(md, idx, varargin)

plot_gen() - Plot generator results

PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, OPT, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
H = PLOT_GEN(MD, ...)

IDX is the gen index. If IDX is a vector, it sums them first,
if empty, it includes all generators in MD. Options can be
specified as an OPT struct or as individual pairs of 'name' and 'value'
arguments. The possible options include the following, where the default
is shown in parenthesis:
    'saveit'        (false) flag to indicate whether to create PDF file
    'saveall'       (false) flag to indicate whether to create individual
                    PDF files for each element of IDX, as well as
                    aggregate, when IDX is a vector (or empty)
    'savepath'      ('') path to directory to save files in
    'savename'      ('gen-%s.pdf') name of PDF file
                    %s is optional placeholder for storage unit index
    'size_factor'   (1) to scale font/marker sizes in case you want to
                    do sub-plots or something
    'show_Pc'                   (true) Pc, the energy contract
    'show_variable_Pmax'        (true) non-constant Pmax
    'show_limits'               (true) max Pmax and min Pmin
    'show_contingencies'        (true) contingency dispatches
    'show_reserves'             (false) contingency & ramping reserves
    'show_grid'                 (true) vertical lines to divide periods

Returns handle to current figure window.