Related Links

Below are links to some projects MATPOWER users may find useful.

Pre-built MEX binaries of high-performance IPOPT-PARDISO for Mac and Linux from the PARDISO Project.
MATPOWER App by Richard Lincoln
A web application, based on WebAssembly, that runs MATPOWER on GNU Octave in your web browser with near-native performance.
matpower-pip by Muhammad Yasirroni
A Python package to install and access MATPOWER directly from Python.
OPTI Toolbox by Jonathan Currie
Provides an easy method to install several high-performance free solvers for MS Windows users, without the hassle of building them from source.
Steady-State AC Network Visualization in the Browser, a web-based visualization tool for MATPOWER test cases, designed to help power system researchers explore and understand the data in their MATPOWER case files.
A graphical user interface for creating MATPOWER case files (MS Windows only).