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HAVE_FCN Test for optional functionality / version info.


function rv = have_fcn(tag, rtype)


HAVE_FCN  Test for optional functionality / version info.
   VER_STR = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'vstr')
   VER_NUM = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'vnum')
   DATE    = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'date')
   INFO    = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'all')

   Returns availability, version and release information for optional
   MATPOWER functionality. All information is cached, and the cached values
   returned on subsequent calls. If the functionality exists, an attempt is
   made to determine the release date and version number. The second
   argument defines which value is returned, as follows:
       <none>      1 = optional functionality is available, 0 = not available
       'vstr'      version number as a string (e.g. '3.11.4')
       'vnum'      version number as numeric value (e.g. 3.011004)
       'date'      release date as a string (e.g. '20-Jan-2015')
       'all'       struct with fields named 'av' (for 'availability'), 'vstr',
                   'vnum' and 'date', and values corresponding to the above,

   For functionality that is not available, all calls with a string-valued
   second argument will return an empty value.

   Alternatively, the optional functionality specified by TAG can be toggled
   OFF or ON by calling HAVE_FCN with a numeric second argument TOGGLE with
   one of the following values:
       0 - turn OFF the optional functionality
       1 - turn ON the optional functionality (if available)
      -1 - toggle the ON/OFF state of the optional functionality

   Possible values for input TAG and their meanings:
       bpmpd       - BP, BPMPD interior point solver
       clp         - CLP, LP/QP solver(http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Clp.xml)
        opti_clp   -   version of CLP distributed with OPTI Toolbox
       cplex       - CPLEX, IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer
       fmincon     - FMINCON, solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
       fmincon_ipm - FMINCON with Interior Point solver, from Opt Tbx 4.x +
       glpk        - GLPK, GNU Linear Programming Kit
       gurobi      - GUROBI, Gurobi solver (http://www.gurobi.com/), 5.x +
       intlinprog  - INTLINPROG, MILP solver from Optimization
                     Toolbox 7.0 (R2014a)+
       ipopt       - IPOPT, NLP solver
       linprog     - LINPROG, LP solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
       linprog_ds  - LINPROG with dual-simplex solver
                       from Optimization Toolbox 7.1 (R2014b) +
       knitro      - KNITRO, NLP solver (http://www.ziena.com/)
         knitromatlab - KNITRO, version 9.0.0+
         ktrlink      - KNITRO, version < 9.0.0 (requires Opt Tbx)
       matlab      - code is running under Matlab, as opposed to Octave
       minopf      - MINOPF, MINOPF, MINOS-based OPF solver
       most        - MOST, MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool
       mosek       - MOSEK, LP/QP solver (http://www.mosek.com/)
       optimoptions - OPTIMOPTIONS, option setting funciton for Optim Tbx 6.3+
       pardiso     - PARDISO, Parallel Sparse Direct and Linear Solver
       quadprog    - QUADPROG, QP solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
       quadprog_ls - QUADPROG with large-scale interior point convex solver
                       from Optimization Toolbox 6.x +
       pdipmopf    - PDIPMOPF, primal-dual interior point method OPF solver
       scpdipmopf  - SCPDIPMOPF, step-controlled PDIPM OPF solver
       smartmarket - RUNMARKET and friends, for running an auction
       tralmopf    - TRALMOPF, trust region based augmented Langrangian
                     OPF solver
       octave      - code is running under Octave, as opposed to MATLAB
       sdp_pf      - SDP_PF applications of semi-definite programming
                     relaxation of power flow equations
       yalmip      - YALMIP SDP modeling platform
       sedumi      - SeDuMi SDP solver
       sdpt3       - SDPT3 SDP solver

       if have_fcn('minopf')
           results = runopf(mpc, mpoption('opf.ac.solver', 'MINOPF'));

   Optional functionality can also be toggled OFF and ON by calling HAVE_FCN
   with the following syntax,
   where TOGGLE takes a numeric value as follows:


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function rv = have_fcn(tag, rtype)
0002 %HAVE_FCN  Test for optional functionality / version info.
0003 %   TORF = HAVE_FCN(TAG)
0005 %   VER_STR = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'vstr')
0006 %   VER_NUM = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'vnum')
0007 %   DATE    = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'date')
0008 %   INFO    = HAVE_FCN(TAG, 'all')
0009 %
0010 %   Returns availability, version and release information for optional
0011 %   MATPOWER functionality. All information is cached, and the cached values
0012 %   returned on subsequent calls. If the functionality exists, an attempt is
0013 %   made to determine the release date and version number. The second
0014 %   argument defines which value is returned, as follows:
0015 %       <none>      1 = optional functionality is available, 0 = not available
0016 %       'vstr'      version number as a string (e.g. '3.11.4')
0017 %       'vnum'      version number as numeric value (e.g. 3.011004)
0018 %       'date'      release date as a string (e.g. '20-Jan-2015')
0019 %       'all'       struct with fields named 'av' (for 'availability'), 'vstr',
0020 %                   'vnum' and 'date', and values corresponding to the above,
0021 %                   respectively.
0022 %
0023 %   For functionality that is not available, all calls with a string-valued
0024 %   second argument will return an empty value.
0025 %
0026 %   Alternatively, the optional functionality specified by TAG can be toggled
0027 %   OFF or ON by calling HAVE_FCN with a numeric second argument TOGGLE with
0028 %   one of the following values:
0029 %       0 - turn OFF the optional functionality
0030 %       1 - turn ON the optional functionality (if available)
0031 %      -1 - toggle the ON/OFF state of the optional functionality
0032 %
0033 %   Possible values for input TAG and their meanings:
0034 %       bpmpd       - BP, BPMPD interior point solver
0035 %       clp         - CLP, LP/QP solver(http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Clp.xml)
0036 %        opti_clp   -   version of CLP distributed with OPTI Toolbox
0037 %                       (http://www.i2c2.aut.ac.nz/Wiki/OPTI/)
0038 %       cplex       - CPLEX, IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer
0039 %       fmincon     - FMINCON, solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
0040 %       fmincon_ipm - FMINCON with Interior Point solver, from Opt Tbx 4.x +
0041 %       glpk        - GLPK, GNU Linear Programming Kit
0042 %       gurobi      - GUROBI, Gurobi solver (http://www.gurobi.com/), 5.x +
0043 %       intlinprog  - INTLINPROG, MILP solver from Optimization
0044 %                     Toolbox 7.0 (R2014a)+
0045 %       ipopt       - IPOPT, NLP solver
0046 %                       (http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Ipopt.xml)
0047 %       linprog     - LINPROG, LP solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
0048 %       linprog_ds  - LINPROG with dual-simplex solver
0049 %                       from Optimization Toolbox 7.1 (R2014b) +
0050 %       knitro      - KNITRO, NLP solver (http://www.ziena.com/)
0051 %         knitromatlab - KNITRO, version 9.0.0+
0052 %         ktrlink      - KNITRO, version < 9.0.0 (requires Opt Tbx)
0053 %       matlab      - code is running under Matlab, as opposed to Octave
0054 %       minopf      - MINOPF, MINOPF, MINOS-based OPF solver
0055 %       most        - MOST, MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool
0056 %       mosek       - MOSEK, LP/QP solver (http://www.mosek.com/)
0057 %       optimoptions - OPTIMOPTIONS, option setting funciton for Optim Tbx 6.3+
0058 %       pardiso     - PARDISO, Parallel Sparse Direct and Linear Solver
0059 %                       (http://www.pardiso-project.org)
0060 %       quadprog    - QUADPROG, QP solver from Optimization Toolbox 2.x +
0061 %       quadprog_ls - QUADPROG with large-scale interior point convex solver
0062 %                       from Optimization Toolbox 6.x +
0063 %       pdipmopf    - PDIPMOPF, primal-dual interior point method OPF solver
0064 %       scpdipmopf  - SCPDIPMOPF, step-controlled PDIPM OPF solver
0065 %       smartmarket - RUNMARKET and friends, for running an auction
0066 %       tralmopf    - TRALMOPF, trust region based augmented Langrangian
0067 %                     OPF solver
0068 %       octave      - code is running under Octave, as opposed to MATLAB
0069 %       sdp_pf      - SDP_PF applications of semi-definite programming
0070 %                     relaxation of power flow equations
0071 %       yalmip      - YALMIP SDP modeling platform
0072 %       sedumi      - SeDuMi SDP solver
0073 %       sdpt3       - SDPT3 SDP solver
0074 %
0075 %   Examples:
0076 %       if have_fcn('minopf')
0077 %           results = runopf(mpc, mpoption('opf.ac.solver', 'MINOPF'));
0078 %       end
0079 %
0080 %   Optional functionality can also be toggled OFF and ON by calling HAVE_FCN
0081 %   with the following syntax,
0082 %       TORF = HAVE_FCN(TAG, TOGGLE)
0083 %   where TOGGLE takes a numeric value as follows:
0085 %   Private tags for internal use only:
0086 %       catchme         - support for 'catch me' syntax in try/catch constructs
0087 %       evalc           - support for evalc() function
0088 %       ipopt_auxdata   - support for ipopt_auxdata(), required by 3.11 and later
0089 %       regexp_split    - support for 'split' argument to regexp()
0091 %   MATPOWER
0092 %   Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0093 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0094 %
0095 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0096 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0097 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0099 if nargin > 1 && isnumeric(rtype)
0100     toggle = 1;
0101     on_off = rtype;
0102     if on_off < 0
0103         TorF = have_fcn(tag);
0104         on_off = ~TorF;
0105     end
0106 else
0107     toggle = 0;
0108 end
0110 persistent fcns;
0112 if toggle   %% change availability
0113     if on_off       %% turn on if available
0114         fcns = rmfield(fcns, tag);  %% delete field to force re-check
0115     else            %% turn off
0116         if ~isfield(fcns, tag)      %% not yet been checked
0117             TorF = have_fcn(tag);   %% cache result first
0118         end
0119         fcns.(tag).av = 0;          %% then turn off
0120     end
0121     TorF = have_fcn(tag);           %% return cached value
0122 else        %% detect availability
0123     %% info not yet cached?
0124     if ~isfield(fcns, tag)
0125         %%-----  determine installation status, version number, etc.  -----
0126         %% initialize default values
0127         TorF = 0;
0128         vstr = '';
0129         rdate = '';
0131         switch tag
0132             %%-----  public tags  -----
0133             case 'bpmpd'
0134                 TorF = exist('bp', 'file') == 3;
0135                 if TorF
0136                     v = bpver('all');
0137                     vstr = v.Version;
0138                     rdate = v.Date;
0139                 end
0140             case 'clp'
0141                 tmp = have_fcn('opti_clp', 'all');
0142                 if tmp.av   %% have opti_clp
0143                     TorF = tmp.av;
0144                     vstr = tmp.vstr;
0145                     rdate = tmp.date;
0146                 elseif exist('clp','file') == 2 && exist('mexclp','file') == 3
0147                     TorF = 1;
0148                     vstr = '';
0149                 end
0150             case 'opti_clp'
0151                 TorF = exist('opti_clp', 'file') == 2 && exist('clp', 'file') == 3;
0152                 if TorF
0153                     str = evalc('clp');
0154                     pat = 'CLP: COIN-OR Linear Programming \[v([^\s,]+), Built ([^\],])+(,[^\]]*)*\]';  %% OPTI, Giorgetti/Currie
0155                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0156                     if ~isempty(t)
0157                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0158                         rdate = datestr(t{1}{2}, 'dd-mmm-yyyy');
0159                     end
0160                 end
0161             case 'cplex'
0162                 if exist('cplexqp', 'file')
0163                     %% it's installed, but we need to check for MEX for this arch
0164                     p = which('cplexqp');   %% get the path
0165                     len = length(p) - length('cplexqp.p');
0166                     w = what(p(1:len));             %% look for mex files on the path
0167                     for k = 1:length(w.mex)
0168                         if regexp(w.mex{k}, 'cplexlink[^\.]*');
0169                             TorF = 1;
0170                             break;
0171                         end
0172                     end
0173                 end
0174                 if TorF
0175                     try
0176                         cplex = Cplex('null');
0177                         vstr = cplex.getVersion;
0178                     catch
0179                         TorF = 0;
0180                     end
0181                 end
0182             case {'fmincon', 'fmincon_ipm', 'intlinprog', 'linprog', ...
0183                         'linprog_ds', 'optimoptions', 'quadprog', 'quadprog_ls'}
0184                 matlab = have_fcn('matlab');
0185                 if ~matlab || (matlab && license('test', 'optimization_toolbox'))
0186                     v = ver('optim');
0187                     if length(v) > 1
0188                         warning('The built-in VER command is behaving strangely, probably as a result of installing a 3rd party toolbox in a directory named ''optim'' on your path. Check each element of the output of ver(''optim'') to find the offending toolbox, then move the toolbox to a more appropriately named directory.');
0189                         v = v(1);
0190                     end
0191                     vstr = v.Version;
0192                     rdate = v.Date;
0193                     otver = vstr2num(vstr);
0194                     switch tag
0195                         case 'fmincon'
0196                             TorF = (exist('fmincon', 'file') == 2 || ...
0197                                 exist('fmincon', 'file') == 6) & matlab;
0198                         case 'intlinprog'
0199                             TorF = exist('intlinprog', 'file') == 2 & matlab;
0200                         case 'linprog'
0201                             TorF = exist('linprog', 'file') == 2 & matlab;  %% don't try to use Octave linprog
0202                         case 'quadprog'
0203                             TorF = exist('quadprog', 'file') == 2;
0204                             %% Octave optim 1.5.0 and earlier, had problems with
0205                             %% incorrect lambdas, including opposite sign
0206                             %% convention for equality multipliers
0207                             if ~matlab && otver <= 1.005
0208                                 TorF = 0;
0209                             end
0210                         otherwise
0211                             if matlab
0212                                 switch tag
0213                                     case 'fmincon_ipm'
0214                                         if otver >= 4       %% Opt Tbx 4.0+ (R208a+, Matlab 7.6+)
0215                                             TorF = 1;
0216                                         else
0217                                             TorF = 0;
0218                                         end
0219                                     case 'linprog_ds'
0220                                         if otver >= 7.001   %% Opt Tbx 7.1+ (R2014b+, Matlab 8.4+)
0221                                             TorF = 1;
0222                                         else
0223                                             TorF = 0;
0224                                         end
0225                                     case 'optimoptions'
0226                                         if otver >= 6.003   %% Opt Tbx 6.3+ (R2013a+, Matlab 8.1+)
0227                                             TorF = 1;
0228                                         else
0229                                             TorF = 0;
0230                                         end
0231                                     case 'quadprog_ls'
0232                                         if otver >= 6       %% Opt Tbx 6.0+ (R2011a+, Matlab 7.12+)
0233                                             TorF = 1;
0234                                         else
0235                                             TorF = 0;
0236                                         end
0237                                 end
0238                             else    %% octave
0239                                 TorF = 0;
0240                             end
0241                     end
0242                 else
0243                     TorF = 0;
0244                 end
0245             case 'glpk'
0246                 if exist('glpk','file') == 3    %% Windows OPTI install (no glpk.m)
0247                     TorF = 1;
0248                     str = evalc('glpk');
0249                     pat = 'GLPK: GNU Linear Programming Kit \[v([^\s,]+), Built ([^\],])+(,[^\]]*)*\]';  %% OPTI, Giorgetti/Currie
0250                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0251                     if ~isempty(t)
0252                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0253                         rdate = datestr(t{1}{2}, 'dd-mmm-yyyy');
0254                     end
0255                 elseif exist('glpk','file') == 2    %% others have glpk.m and ...
0256                     if exist('__glpk__','file') == 3    %% octave __glpk__ MEX
0257                         TorF = 1;
0258                         if have_fcn('evalc')
0259                             str = evalc('glpk(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ''U'', ''C'', -1, struct(''msglev'', 3))');
0260                             pat = 'GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v([^\s,]+)';
0261                             [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0262                             if ~isempty(t)
0263                                 vstr = t{1}{1};
0264                             end
0265                         end
0266                     elseif exist('glpkcc','file') == 3  %% Matlab glpkcc MEX
0267                         TorF = 1;
0268                         str = evalc('glpk');
0269                         pat = 'GLPK Matlab interface\. Version: ([^\s,]+)';     %% glpkccm, Giorgetti/Klitgord
0270                         [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0271                         if ~isempty(t)
0272                             vstr = t{1}{1};
0273                         end
0274                     end
0275                 end
0276             case 'gurobi'
0277                 TorF = exist('gurobi', 'file') == 3;
0278                 if TorF
0279                     try
0280                         model = struct( ...
0281                             'A', sparse(1), ...
0282                             'rhs', 1, ...
0283                             'sense', '=', ...
0284                             'vtype', 'C', ...
0285                             'obj', 1, ...
0286                             'modelsense', 'min' ...
0287                         );
0288                         params = struct( ...
0289                             'outputflag', 0 ...
0290                         );
0291                         result = gurobi(model, params);
0292                         vstr = sprintf('%d.%d.%d', result.versioninfo.major, result.versioninfo.minor, result.versioninfo.technical);
0293                     catch % gurobiError
0294                         fprintf('Gurobi Error!\n');
0295 %                         disp(gurobiError.message);
0296                     end
0297                 end
0298             case 'ipopt'
0299                 TorF = exist('ipopt', 'file') == 3;
0300                 if TorF
0301                     str = evalc('qps_ipopt([],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,struct(''verbose'', 2))');
0302                     pat = 'Ipopt version ([^\s,]+)';
0303                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0304                     if ~isempty(t)
0305                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0306                         if vstr2num(vstr) >= 3.011 && ...
0307                                 ~exist('ipopt_auxdata', 'file')
0308                             TorF = 0;
0309                             warning('Improper installation of IPOPT. Version %s detected, but IPOPT_AUXDATA.M is missing.', vstr);
0310                         end
0311                     end
0312                 end
0313             case 'knitro'       %% any Knitro
0314                 tmp = have_fcn('knitromatlab', 'all');
0315                 if tmp.av
0316                     TorF = tmp.av;
0317                     vstr = tmp.vstr;
0318                     rdate = tmp.date;
0319                 else
0320                     tmp = have_fcn('ktrlink', 'all');
0321                     if tmp.av
0322                         TorF = tmp.av;
0323                         vstr = tmp.vstr;
0324                         rdate = tmp.date;
0325                     end
0326                 end
0327             case {'knitromatlab', 'ktrlink'}
0328                 %% knitromatlab for Knitro 9.0 or greater
0329                 %% ktrlink for pre-Knitro 9.0, requires Optim Toolbox
0330                 TorF = exist(tag, 'file') == 2;
0331                 if TorF
0332                     try
0333                         str = evalc(['[x fval] = ' tag '(@(x)1,1);']);
0334                     end
0335                     TorF = exist('fval', 'var') && fval == 1;
0336                     if TorF
0337                         pat = 'KNITRO ([^\s]+)\n|Knitro ([^\s]+)\n';
0338                         [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0339                         if ~isempty(t)
0340                             vstr = t{1}{1};
0341                         end
0342                     end
0343                 end
0344             case 'matlab'
0345                 v = ver('matlab');
0346                 if length(v) > 1
0347                     warning('The built-in VER command is behaving strangely, probably as a result of installing a 3rd party toolbox in a directory named ''matlab'' on your path. Check each element of the output of ver(''matlab'') to find the offending toolbox, then move the toolbox to a more appropriately named directory.');
0348                     v = v(1);
0349                 end
0350                 if ~isempty(v) && isfield(v, 'Version') && ~isempty(v.Version)
0351                     TorF = 1;
0352                     vstr = v.Version;
0353                     rdate = v.Date;
0354                 end
0355             case 'minopf'
0356                 TorF = exist('minopf', 'file') == 3;
0357                 if TorF
0358                     v = minopfver('all');
0359                     vstr = v.Version;
0360                     rdate = v.Date;
0361                 end
0362             case 'most'
0363                 TorF = exist('most', 'file') == 2;
0364                 if TorF
0365                     v = mpver('all');
0366                     vstr = v.Version;
0367                     rdate = v.Date;
0368                 end
0369             case 'mosek'
0370                 TorF = exist('mosekopt', 'file') == 3;
0371                 if TorF
0372                     % MOSEK Version (Build date: 2010-10-26 13:03:27)
0373                     % MOSEK Version (Build date: 2011-3-17 10:46:54)
0374                     % MOSEK Version (Build date: 2014-10-2 11:10:02)
0375                     pat = 'Version (\.*\d)+.*Build date: (\d+-\d+-\d+)';
0376                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(evalc('mosekopt'), pat);
0377                     if ~isempty(t)
0378                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0379                         rdate = datestr(t{1}{2}, 'dd-mmm-yyyy');
0380                     end
0381                 end
0382             case 'smartmarket'
0383                 TorF = exist('runmarket', 'file') == 2;
0384                 if TorF
0385                     v = mpver('all');
0386                     vstr = v.Version;
0387                     rdate = v.Date;
0388                 end
0389             case 'octave'
0390                 TorF = exist('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') == 5;
0391                 if TorF
0392                     v = ver('octave');
0393                     vstr = v.Version;
0394                     rdate = v.Date;
0395                 end
0396             case 'pardiso'
0397                 TorF = exist('pardisoinit', 'file') == 3 && ...
0398                         exist('pardisoreorder', 'file') == 3 && ...
0399                         exist('pardisofactor', 'file') == 3 && ...
0400                         exist('pardisosolve', 'file') == 3 && ...
0401                         exist('pardisofree', 'file') == 3;
0402                 if TorF
0403                     try
0404                         A = sparse([1 2; 3 4]);
0405                         b = [1;1];
0406                         % Summary PARDISO 5.1.0: ( reorder to reorder )
0407                         pat = 'Summary PARDISO (\.*\d)+:';
0408                         info = pardisoinit(11, 0);
0409                         info = pardisoreorder(A, info, false);
0410 %                         [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(evalc('info = pardisoreorder(A, info, true);'), pat);
0411 %                         if ~isempty(t)
0412 %                             vstr = t{1}{1};
0413 %                         end
0414                         info = pardisofactor(A, info, false);
0415                         [x, info] = pardisosolve(A, b, info, false);
0416                         pardisofree(info);
0417                         if any(x ~= [-1; 1])
0418                             TorF = 0;
0419                         end
0420                     catch
0421                         TorF = 0;
0422                     end
0423                 end
0424             case {'pdipmopf', 'scpdipmopf', 'tralmopf'}
0425                 if have_fcn('matlab')
0426                     vn = have_fcn('matlab', 'vnum');
0427                     %% requires >= MATLAB 6.5 (R13) (released 20-Jun-2002)
0428                     %% older versions do not have mxCreateDoubleScalar() function
0429                     %% (they have mxCreateScalarDouble() instead)
0430                     if vn >= 6.005
0431                         switch tag
0432                             case 'pdipmopf'
0433                                 TorF = exist('pdipmopf', 'file') == 3;
0434                             case 'scpdipmopf'
0435                                 TorF = exist('scpdipmopf', 'file') == 3;
0436                             case 'tralmopf'
0437                                 %% requires >= MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b) (released 03-Aug-2006)
0438                                 %% older versions do not include the needed form of chol()
0439                                 if vn >= 7.003
0440                                     TorF = exist('tralmopf', 'file') == 3;
0441                                 else
0442                                     TorF = 0;
0443                                 end
0444                         end
0445                     else
0446                         TorF = 0;
0447                     end
0448                     if TorF
0449                         v = feval([tag 'ver'], 'all');
0450                         vstr = v.Version;
0451                         rdate = v.Date;
0452                     end
0453                 end
0454             case 'sdp_pf'
0455                 TorF = have_fcn('yalmip') && exist('mpoption_info_sdp_pf', 'file') == 2;
0456                 if TorF
0457                     v = sdp_pf_ver('all');
0458                     vstr = v.Version;
0459                     rdate = v.Date;
0460                 end
0461             case 'yalmip'
0462                 TorF = ~have_fcn('octave') && exist('yalmip','file') == 2;
0463                 %% YALMIP does not yet work with Octave, rdz 1/6/14
0464                 if TorF
0465                     str = evalc('yalmip;');
0466                     pat = 'Version\s+([^\s]+)\n';
0467                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0468                     if ~isempty(t)
0469                         rdate = t{1}{1};
0470                         vstr = datestr(rdate, 'yy.mm.dd');
0471                     end
0472                 end
0473             case 'sdpt3'
0474                 TorF = exist('sdpt3','file') == 2;
0475                 if TorF
0476                     str = evalc('help sdpt3');
0477                     pat = 'version\s+([^\s]+).*Last Modified: ([^\n]+)\n';
0478                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0479                     if ~isempty(t)
0480                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0481                         rdate = datestr(t{1}{2}, 'dd-mmm-yyyy');
0482                     end
0483                 end
0484             case 'sedumi'
0485                 TorF = exist('sedumi','file') == 2;
0486                 if TorF
0487                     warn_state = warning;  %% sedumi turns (and leaves!) off all warnings
0488                     str = evalc('x = sedumi([1 1], 1, [1;2])');
0489                     warning(warn_state);
0490                     pat = 'SeDuMi\s+([^\s]+)';
0491                     [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(str, pat);
0492                     if ~isempty(t)
0493                         vstr = t{1}{1};
0494                     end
0495                 end
0497             %%-----  private tags  -----
0498             case 'catchme'  %% not supported by Matlab <= 7.4 (R2007a), Octave <= 3.6
0499                 if have_fcn('octave')
0500                     if have_fcn('octave', 'vnum') <= 3.006
0501                         TorF = 0;
0502                     else
0503                         TorF = 1;
0504                     end
0505                 else
0506                     if have_fcn('matlab', 'vnum') <= 7.004
0507                         TorF = 0;
0508                     else
0509                         TorF = 1;
0510                     end
0511                 end
0512             case 'evalc'
0513                 if have_fcn('octave')
0514                     TorF = 0;
0515                 else
0516                     TorF = 1;
0517                 end
0518             case 'ipopt_auxdata'
0519                 if have_fcn('ipopt')
0520                     vn = have_fcn('ipopt', 'vnum');
0521                     if ~isempty(vn) && vn >= 3.011
0522                         TorF = 1;
0523                     end
0524                 end
0525             case 'regexp_split'     %% missing for Matlab < 7.3 & Octave < 3.8
0526                 if have_fcn('matlab') && have_fcn('matlab', 'vnum') >= 7.003
0527                     TorF = 1;
0528                 elseif have_fcn('octave', 'vnum') >= 3.008
0529                     TorF = 1;
0530                 end
0532         %%-----  unknown tag  -----
0533             otherwise
0534                 warning('have_fcn: unknown functionality ''%s''', tag);
0535                 TorF = 0;
0536                 vstr = 'unknown';
0537         end
0539         %% assign values to cache
0540         fcns.(tag).av   = TorF;
0541         fcns.(tag).vstr = vstr;
0542         if isempty(vstr)
0543             fcns.(tag).vnum = [];
0544         else
0545             fcns.(tag).vnum = vstr2num(vstr);
0546         end
0547         fcns.(tag).date = rdate;
0548     end
0549 end
0551 %% extract desired values from cache
0552 if nargin < 2 || toggle
0553     rv = fcns.(tag).av;
0554 else
0555     switch lower(rtype)
0556         case 'vstr'
0557             rv = fcns.(tag).vstr;
0558         case 'vnum'
0559             rv = fcns.(tag).vnum;
0560         case 'date'
0561             rv = fcns.(tag).date;
0562         case 'all'
0563             rv = fcns.(tag);
0564     end
0565 end
0567 function num = vstr2num(vstr)
0568 % Converts version string to numerical value suitable for < or > comparisons
0569 % E.g. '3.11.4' -->  3.011004
0570 pat = '\.?(\d+)';
0571 [s,e,tE,m,t] = regexp(vstr, pat);
0572 b = 1;
0573 num = 0;
0574 for k = 1:length(t)
0575     num = num + b * str2num(t{k}{1});
0576     b = b / 1000;
0577 end

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