
install_matpower(modify, save_it, verbose, rm_oldpaths)

install_matpower() - Assist user in setting path to install MATPOWER.

install_matpower(modify, save_it)
install_matpower(modify, save_it, verbose)
install_matpower(modify, save_it, verbose, rm_oldpaths)
success = install_matpower(...)

Assists the user in setting up the proper MATLAB/Octave path to be able to use MATPOWER and run its tests. With no input arguments it prompts interactively to determine how to handle the paths.


This function is generally not in your MATLAB/Octave path, unless you change your current working directory to the MATPOWER install directory where it is located.

There are two main approaches for installing MATPOWER.

  1. If you have a single version of MATPOWER, select the options to modify and save the path (interactive option 3). This will add MATPOWER to your default MATLAB/Octave path for all future sessions.

  2. If you have multiple versions of MATPOWER, select the options to not modify the path (interactive option 1), but to save the addpath() commands to a file. Then execute the saved file to use this version of MATPOWER.

All inputs and outputs are optional.

  • modify (boolean) – select how to set path

    • 0 (default) - generate relevant addpath() commands, but don’t execute them; MATPOWER is not installed

    • 1 - modify the path by executing the relevant addpath() commands; MATPOWER is installed for this session

  • save_it (integer or string) – indicates whether or not to save the results

    • 0 or [] (default) - don’t save any results

    • if modify is 0

      • save_it = <string> : the relevant addpath() commands are saved to a file whose name is provided in save_it; execute saved file in any session to make MATPOWER available for the session

      • save_it = <other true value> : the relevant addpath() commands are saved to a file named 'startup.m' in the current directory; MATPOWER is available in any session affected by this 'startup.m' file

      • otherwise : the commands are displayed, but not saved

    • if modify is 1

      • save_it = <any true value> : the path will be modified and saved with savepath(); MATPOWER is available in this and all future sessions

      • otherwise : the path will be modified but not saved

  • verbose (boolean) – prints the relevant addpath() commands if true (default), silent otherwise

  • rm_oldpaths (boolean) – remove existing installation

    • 0 (default) - do not remove existing MATPOWER from path

    • 1 - remove existing MATPOWER paths first


success (boolean) – 1 if all commands succeeded, 0 otherwise


install_matpower                    % interactive mode, prompt for options
install_matpower(0);                % print the required addpath() commands
install_matpower(0, 1);             % save the commands to startup.m
install_matpower(1, 1);             % modify my path and save
install_matpower(1, 0, 0);          % modify my path temporarily & silently
install_matpower(0, 'matpower8');   % save the commands to matpower8.m
install_matpower(0, 0, 1, 1);       % uninstall MATPOWER from path (must
                                    % call savepath() separately to make
                                    % permanent)

See also addpath, savepath.