Free, open-source electric power system simulation and optimization tools for MATLAB and Octave.

MATPOWER is a package of free, open-source Matlab-language M-files for solving steady-state power system simulation and optimization problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping the code simple to understand and modify.

  • power flow (PF)
  • continuation power flow (CPF)
  • extensible optimal power flow (OPF)
  • unit commitment (UC)
  • secure multi-interval OPF/UC

More than 60,000 downloads of previous versions in the last 2.5 years.

What's New in MATPOWER 7.0

  • Installer script install_matpower()
  • User-defined general nonlinear OPF constraints and costs
  • 14 new cases, including radial and large-scale synthetic, up to 82,000 buses
  • 3 new AC power flow and OPF variations (cartesian coordinate voltages, current mismatches)
  • 3 new radial power flow algorithms
  • PSS/E RAW export
  • Major upgrade to OPF soft limit functionality
  • MATPOWER Docker image
  • ... and much more.

See the release announcement for more highlights, or the full release notes for all the details.

If you have benefited from MATPOWER, please consider partnering with us with to ensure a strong future for MATPOWER.

Your financial contributions free us to focus on bringing you valuable new features and providing the support the MATPOWER community has come to rely on. Any amount is greatly appreciated (and is tax-deductible in the US).

All contributions are considered tax-deductible gifts to Cornell University and will be used for MATPOWER development and support. Contact us with any questions.

MATPOWER is downloaded well over 20,000 times per year, from all over the world.

Map courtesy of

Are you planning research whose results could be used to enhance the functionality in MATPOWER? Would you like to make the results of your research available to the thousands of MATPOWER users?

Contact us to discuss the possibility of adding some budget to your research proposal for us to help you get your work integrated into and distributed as part of MATPOWER.

Check out the new MATPOWER website at!