< Master index Index for matpower7.1/mptest/lib >

Index for matpower7.1/mptest/lib

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 have_featureHAVE_FEATURE Test for optional functionality / version info.
 have_feature_matlabHAVE_FEATURE_MATLAB Detect availability/version info for MATLAB
 have_feature_octaveHAVE_FEATURE_OCTAVE Detect availability/version info for Octave
 mptestverMPTESTVER Prints or returns MP-Test version info.
 t_beginT_BEGIN Begin running tests.
 t_endT_END Finish running tests and print statistics.
 t_isT_IS Tests if two matrices are identical to some tolerance.
 t_okT_OK Tests whether a condition is true.
 t_run_testsT_RUN_TESTS Run a series of tests.
 t_skipT_SKIP Skips a number of tests.

Subsequent directories:

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