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GET_IDX Returns the idx struct for vars, lin/nonlin constraints, costs.


function varargout = get_idx(om, varargin)


GET_IDX  Returns the idx struct for vars, lin/nonlin constraints, costs.
   VV = OM.GET_IDX()
   [VV, LL] = OM.GET_IDX()
   [VV, LL, NNE] = OM.GET_IDX()
   [VV, LL, NNE, NNI] = OM.GET_IDX()
   [VV, LL, NNE, NNI, QQ] = OM.GET_IDX()

   Returns a structure for each with the beginning and ending
   index value and the number of elements for each named block.
   The 'i1' field (that's a one) is a struct with all of the
   starting indices, 'iN' contains all the ending indices and
   'N' contains all the sizes. Each is a struct whose fields are
   the named blocks.

   Alternatively, you can specify the type of named set(s) directly
   as inputs ...

   [IDX1, IDX2, ...] = OM.GET_IDX(SET_TYPE1, SET_TYPE2, ...);
   VV = OM.GET_IDX('var');
   [LL, NNE, NNI] = OM.GET_IDX('lin', 'nle', 'nli');

   The specific type of named set being referenced is
   given by the SET_TYPE inputs, with the following valid options:
       SET_TYPE = 'var'   => variable set
       SET_TYPE = 'lin'   => linear constraint set
       SET_TYPE = 'nle'   => nonlinear equality constraint set
       SET_TYPE = 'nli'   => nonlinear inequality constraint set
       SET_TYPE = 'qdc'   => quadratic cost set
       SET_TYPE = 'nnc'   => nonlinear cost set

       [vv, ll, nne] = om.get_idx();
       [vv, ll, qq] = om.get_idx('var', 'lin', 'qdc');

       For a variable block named 'z' we have ...
           vv.i1.z - starting index for 'z' in optimization vector x
           vv.iN.z - ending index for 'z' in optimization vector x
           vv.N.z  - number of elements in 'z'

       To extract a 'z' variable from x:
           z = x(vv.i1.z:vv.iN.z);

       To extract the multipliers on a linear constraint set
       named 'foo', where mu_l and mu_u are the full set of
       linear constraint multipliers:
           mu_l_foo = mu_l(ll.i1.foo:ll.iN.foo);
           mu_u_foo = mu_u(ll.i1.foo:ll.iN.foo);

       The number of nonlinear equality constraints in a set named 'bar':
           nbar = nne.N.bar;
         (note: the following is preferable ...
           nbar = om.getN('nle', 'bar');
         ... if you haven't already called get_idx to get nne.)

       If 'z', 'foo' and 'bar' are indexed sets, then you can
       replace them with something like 'z(i,j)', 'foo(i,j,k)'
       or 'bar(i)' in the examples above.

            ADD_QUAD_COST, and ADD_NLN_COST.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = get_idx(om, varargin)
0002 %GET_IDX  Returns the idx struct for vars, lin/nonlin constraints, costs.
0003 %   VV = OM.GET_IDX()
0004 %   [VV, LL] = OM.GET_IDX()
0005 %   [VV, LL, NNE] = OM.GET_IDX()
0006 %   [VV, LL, NNE, NNI] = OM.GET_IDX()
0007 %   [VV, LL, NNE, NNI, QQ] = OM.GET_IDX()
0008 %   [VV, LL, NNE, NNI, QQ, NNC] = OM.GET_IDX()
0009 %
0010 %   Returns a structure for each with the beginning and ending
0011 %   index value and the number of elements for each named block.
0012 %   The 'i1' field (that's a one) is a struct with all of the
0013 %   starting indices, 'iN' contains all the ending indices and
0014 %   'N' contains all the sizes. Each is a struct whose fields are
0015 %   the named blocks.
0016 %
0017 %   Alternatively, you can specify the type of named set(s) directly
0018 %   as inputs ...
0019 %
0020 %   [IDX1, IDX2, ...] = OM.GET_IDX(SET_TYPE1, SET_TYPE2, ...);
0021 %   VV = OM.GET_IDX('var');
0022 %   [LL, NNE, NNI] = OM.GET_IDX('lin', 'nle', 'nli');
0023 %
0024 %   The specific type of named set being referenced is
0025 %   given by the SET_TYPE inputs, with the following valid options:
0026 %       SET_TYPE = 'var'   => variable set
0027 %       SET_TYPE = 'lin'   => linear constraint set
0028 %       SET_TYPE = 'nle'   => nonlinear equality constraint set
0029 %       SET_TYPE = 'nli'   => nonlinear inequality constraint set
0030 %       SET_TYPE = 'qdc'   => quadratic cost set
0031 %       SET_TYPE = 'nnc'   => nonlinear cost set
0032 %
0033 %   Examples:
0034 %       [vv, ll, nne] = om.get_idx();
0035 %       [vv, ll, qq] = om.get_idx('var', 'lin', 'qdc');
0036 %
0037 %       For a variable block named 'z' we have ...
0038 %           vv.i1.z - starting index for 'z' in optimization vector x
0039 %           vv.iN.z - ending index for 'z' in optimization vector x
0040 %           vv.N.z  - number of elements in 'z'
0041 %
0042 %       To extract a 'z' variable from x:
0043 %           z = x(vv.i1.z:vv.iN.z);
0044 %
0045 %       To extract the multipliers on a linear constraint set
0046 %       named 'foo', where mu_l and mu_u are the full set of
0047 %       linear constraint multipliers:
0048 %           mu_l_foo = mu_l(ll.i1.foo:ll.iN.foo);
0049 %           mu_u_foo = mu_u(ll.i1.foo:ll.iN.foo);
0050 %
0051 %       The number of nonlinear equality constraints in a set named 'bar':
0052 %           nbar = nne.N.bar;
0053 %         (note: the following is preferable ...
0054 %           nbar = om.getN('nle', 'bar');
0055 %         ... if you haven't already called get_idx to get nne.)
0056 %
0057 %       If 'z', 'foo' and 'bar' are indexed sets, then you can
0058 %       replace them with something like 'z(i,j)', 'foo(i,j,k)'
0059 %       or 'bar(i)' in the examples above.
0060 %
0062 %            ADD_QUAD_COST, and ADD_NLN_COST.
0064 %   MP-Opt-Model
0065 %   Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0066 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0067 %
0068 %   This file is part of MP-Opt-Model.
0069 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0070 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model for more info.
0072 if nargin == 1
0073     varargout{1} = om.var.idx;
0074     if nargout > 1
0075         varargout{2} = om.lin.idx;
0076         if nargout > 2
0077             varargout{3} = om.nle.idx;
0078             if nargout > 3
0079                 varargout{4} = om.nli.idx;
0080                 if nargout > 4
0081                     varargout{5} = om.qdc.idx;
0082                     if nargout > 5
0083                         varargout{6} = om.nlc.idx;
0084                     end
0085                 end
0086             end
0087         end
0088     end
0089 else
0090     %% call parent method (also checks for valid type for named set)
0091     [varargout{1:nargout}] = get_idx@mp_idx_manager(om, varargin{:});
0092 end

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