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PLOT_GEN Plot generator results


function hh = plot_gen(md, idx, varargin)


PLOT_GEN   Plot generator results

   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, OPT, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
   H = PLOT_GEN(MD, ...)

   IDX is the gen index. If IDX is a vector, it sums them first,
   if empty, it includes all generators in MD. Options can be
   specified as an OPT struct or as individual pairs of 'name' and 'value'
   arguments. The possible options include the following, where the default
   is shown in parenthesis:
       'saveit'        (false) flag to indicate whether to create PDF file
       'saveall'       (false) flag to indicate whether to create individual
                       PDF files for each element of IDX, as well as
                       aggregate, when IDX is a vector (or empty)
       'savepath'      ('') path to directory to save files in
       'savename'      ('gen-%s.pdf') name of PDF file
                       %s is optional placeholder for storage unit index
       'size_factor'   (1) to scale font/marker sizes in case you want to
                       do sub-plots or something
       'show_Pc'                   (true) Pc, the energy contract
       'show_variable_Pmax'        (true) non-constant Pmax
       'show_limits'               (true) max Pmax and min Pmin
       'show_contingencies'        (true) contingency dispatches
       'show_reserves'             (false) contingency & ramping reserves
       'show_grid'                 (true) vertical lines to divide periods

   Returns handle to current figure window.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function hh = plot_gen(md, idx, varargin)
0002 %PLOT_GEN   Plot generator results
0003 %
0004 %   PLOT_GEN(MD)
0005 %   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX)
0006 %   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
0007 %   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, OPT)
0008 %   PLOT_GEN(MD, IDX, OPT, '<option1_name>', '<option1_value', ...)
0009 %   H = PLOT_GEN(MD, ...)
0010 %
0011 %   IDX is the gen index. If IDX is a vector, it sums them first,
0012 %   if empty, it includes all generators in MD. Options can be
0013 %   specified as an OPT struct or as individual pairs of 'name' and 'value'
0014 %   arguments. The possible options include the following, where the default
0015 %   is shown in parenthesis:
0016 %       'saveit'        (false) flag to indicate whether to create PDF file
0017 %       'saveall'       (false) flag to indicate whether to create individual
0018 %                       PDF files for each element of IDX, as well as
0019 %                       aggregate, when IDX is a vector (or empty)
0020 %       'savepath'      ('') path to directory to save files in
0021 %       'savename'      ('gen-%s.pdf') name of PDF file
0022 %                       %s is optional placeholder for storage unit index
0023 %       'size_factor'   (1) to scale font/marker sizes in case you want to
0024 %                       do sub-plots or something
0025 %       'show_Pc'                   (true) Pc, the energy contract
0026 %       'show_variable_Pmax'        (true) non-constant Pmax
0027 %       'show_limits'               (true) max Pmax and min Pmin
0028 %       'show_contingencies'        (true) contingency dispatches
0029 %       'show_reserves'             (false) contingency & ramping reserves
0030 %       'show_grid'                 (true) vertical lines to divide periods
0031 %
0032 %   Returns handle to current figure window.
0034 %   TO DO: Include separate plot/subplot of reserves, ramping reserves.
0035 %          Include options for enabling/disabling specific portions.
0036 %          Do initial invisible plot to get v axis parameters.
0037 %          Make sure it makes sense for dispatchable loads (should
0038 %          indicate dispatchable load in title).
0040 %   MOST
0041 %   Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0042 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0043 %
0044 %   This file is part of MOST.
0045 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0046 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/most for more info.
0048 %% define named indices into data matrices
0051     QC2MIN, QC2MAX, RAMP_AGC, RAMP_10, RAMP_30, RAMP_Q, APF] = idx_gen;
0053 %% gather data
0054 my_xlabel = 'Period';
0055 nt = md.idx.nt;
0056 ng = size(md.mpc.gen, 1);
0057 nj_max = max(md.idx.nj);
0058 nc_max = max(max(md.idx.nc));
0060 %% input args
0061 if nargin < 2
0062     idx = [];
0063 end
0064 if isempty(idx)
0065     idx = (1:ng)';
0066 end
0067 nidx = length(idx);
0068 if nidx > 1 && size(idx, 1) == 1
0069     idx = idx';     %% convert row vector to column vector
0070 end
0071 b = md.mpc.gen(idx, GEN_BUS);
0073 %% default options
0074 opt = struct( ...
0075     'saveit', false, ...
0076     'saveall', false, ...
0077     'savepath', '', ...
0078     'savename', 'gen-%s.pdf', ...
0079     'tol', 1e-3, ...
0080     'size_factor', 1, ...
0081     'show_grid', true, ...
0082     'show_Pc', true, ...
0083     'show_variable_Pmax', 1, ...
0084     'show_limits', 1, ...
0085     'show_contingencies', 1, ...
0086     'show_reserves', 0 );
0088 %% process options
0089 if mod(length(varargin), 2) %% odd number of options, first must be OPT struct
0090     if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
0091         error('plot_gen: Single OPT argument must be a struct');
0092     end
0093     myopt = varargin{1};
0094     k = 2;
0095 else                        %% even number of options
0096     myopt = struct;
0097     k = 1;
0098 end
0099 while k < length(varargin)
0100     opt_name = varargin{k};
0101     opt_val  = varargin{k+1};
0102     if ~isfield(opt, opt_name)
0103         error('plot_gen: ''%s'' is not a valid option name', opt_name);
0104     end
0105     myopt.(opt_name) = opt_val;
0106     k = k + 2;
0107 end
0108 fields = fieldnames(myopt);
0109 for f = 1:length(fields)
0110     opt.(fields{f}) = myopt.(fields{f});
0111 end
0113 %% call recursively for individual plots if indicated
0114 if opt.saveall && nidx > 1
0115     if isempty(strfind(opt.savename, '%s'))
0116         error('plot_gen: ''savename'' must include a ''%s'' placeholder when ''saveall'' option is true.');
0117     end
0118     for i = 1:nidx
0119         plot_gen(md, idx(i), opt, 'saveit', true);
0120     end
0121 end
0123 %% initialize data structures to be plotted
0124 if isfield(md.mpc, 'genfuel')
0125     gf = md.mpc.genfuel{idx};
0126 else
0127     gf = '';
0128 end
0129 p = (1:nt)';
0130 Pg = zeros(nt, nj_max);
0131 Pgk = NaN(nt, nj_max, nc_max);
0132 maxPmax = -Inf(nt, 1);
0133 minPmin =  Inf(nt, 1);
0134 Pmax = NaN(nt, nj_max);
0135 ncPmax = NaN(nt, nj_max);
0136 ncPg = NaN(nt, nj_max);
0138 %% Pmax constant over j?
0139 constantPmax = 1;
0140 constantPmin = 1;
0141 for t = 1:nt
0142     maxPmax(t) = sum(md.flow(t,1,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMAX), 1);
0143     minPmin(t) = sum(md.flow(t,1,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMIN), 1);
0144     for j = 1:md.idx.nj(t)
0145         if sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMAX), 1) ~= maxPmax(t)
0146             constantPmax = 0;
0147             if maxPmax(t) < sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMAX), 1);
0148                 maxPmax(t) = sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMAX), 1);
0149             end
0150         end
0151         if sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMIN), 1) ~= minPmin(t)
0152             constantPmin = 0;
0153             if minPmin(t) > sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMIN), 1);
0154                 minPmin(t) = sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMIN), 1);
0155             end
0156         end
0157         Pg(t,j) = sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PG), 1);
0158         for k = 1:md.idx.nc(t,j)
0159             Pgk(t,j,k) = sum(md.flow(t,j,k+1).mpc.gen(idx, PG), 1);
0160         end
0161         Pmax(t,j) = sum(md.flow(t,j,1).mpc.gen(idx, PMAX), 1);
0162         if abs(Pmax(t,j) - Pg(t,j)) > opt.tol
0163             ncPmax(t,j) = Pmax(t,j);
0164             ncPg(t,j) = Pg(t,j);
0165         end
0166     end
0167 end
0168 ePg = sum(md.results.ExpectedDispatch(idx, :), 1);
0169 Pc = sum(md.results.Pc(idx, :), 1)';
0170 Rpp = sum(md.results.Rpp(idx, :), 1)';
0171 Rpm = sum(md.results.Rpm(idx, :), 1)';
0172 Rrp = sum(md.results.Rrp(idx, :), 1)';
0173 Rrm = sum(md.results.Rrm(idx, :), 1)';
0174 Gmax = Pc + Rpp;
0175 Gmin = Pc - Rpm;
0177 %% do plots
0178 %% figure out axis limits
0179 plot(p, maxPmax+0.001, 'LineStyle', 'none')
0180 hold on
0181 plot(p, minPmin-0.001, 'LineStyle', 'none')
0183 %% draw central path (patch)
0184 maxPg = max(Pg, [], 2)+0.001;
0185 minPg = min(Pg, [], 2)-0.001;
0186 patch([p;p(end:-1:1); p(1)], [minPg; maxPg(end:-1:1); minPg(1)], 0.95*[1 1 1], 'LineStyle', 'none')
0188 %% adjust vertical axis if necessary
0189 v = axis;
0190 if v(3) > 0             %% make sure zero is included on vertical axis
0191     v(3) = 0;
0192 elseif v(4) < 0
0193     v(4) = 0;
0194 end
0195 if opt.show_reserves    %% expand for reserves if necessary
0196     if v(4) < max([max(Rpp), max(Rpm), max(Rrp), max(Rrm)])
0197         v(4) = max([max(Rpp), max(Rpm), max(Rrp), max(Rrm)]) + 0.001;
0198     end
0199 end
0201 %% draw grid
0202 if opt.show_grid
0203     m = v(3) - 100*(v(4) - v(3));
0204     M = v(4) + 100*(v(4) - v(3));
0205     for k = 0:nt
0206         line([k; k], [m; M], 'LineWidth', 0.25, 'Color', 0.9*[1 1 1]);
0207     end
0208 end
0209 axis(v);
0211 %% dispatches
0212 if opt.show_reserves
0213     plot(p, Rpp, '-.', 'Color', 0.8*[0 1 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0214     plot(p, Rpm, '-.', 'Color', 0.9*[1 0 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0215     plot(p, [NaN; Rrp], ':', 'Color', 0.8*[0 1 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0216     plot(p, [NaN; Rrm], ':', 'Color', 0.9*[1 0 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0217 end
0218 plot(p, Pg, '-', 'Color', 0.8*[1 1 1], 'LineWidth', 1);
0219 if opt.show_Pc
0220     plot(p, Pc, '--', 'Color', 0.5*[1 1 1], 'LineWidth', 2);
0221 end
0222 plot(p, Gmax, '--', 'Color', 0.8*[0 1 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0223 plot(p, Gmin, '--', 'Color', 0.9*[1 0 0], 'LineWidth', 1);
0224 plot(p, ePg', 'Color', [0 0 1], 'LineWidth', 2);
0225 if nc_max && opt.show_contingencies
0226     plot(p, reshape(Pgk, nt, nj_max*nc_max), 'x');
0227 end
0228 plot(p, Pg, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 6*opt.size_factor);
0230 %% limits
0231 if opt.show_limits
0232     plot(p, maxPmax, ':k', 'LineWidth', 1);
0233     plot(p, minPmin, ':k', 'LineWidth', 1);
0234 end
0235 if ~constantPmax && opt.show_variable_Pmax
0236 %     plot(p, ncPmax, 'v', 'Color', 0.8*[0 1 0], 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerSize', 6*opt.size_factor);
0237     plot(p, Pmax, 'v', 'MarkerSize', 6*opt.size_factor);
0238 %     plot(p, ncPg, '^', 'Color', 0.9*[1 0 0], 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerSize', 6*opt.size_factor);
0239 %     plot(p, ncPg, '^', 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerSize', 6*opt.size_factor);
0240 end
0242 hold off;
0244 if nidx == 1
0245     if ~isempty(md.Storage.UnitIdx)
0246         s = find(idx == md.Storage.UnitIdx);
0247     else
0248         s = 0;
0249     end
0250     if s
0251         title(sprintf('Real Power Output for Storage Unit %d (Gen %d) @ Bus %d', s, idx, b), 'FontSize', 18*opt.size_factor);
0252     else
0253         tt = sprintf('Real Power Output for Gen %d @ Bus %d', idx, b);
0254         if ~isempty(gf)     %% add fuel type if available
0255             tt = sprintf('%s (%s)', tt, gf);
0256         end
0257         title(tt, 'FontSize', 18*opt.size_factor);
0258     end
0259 else
0260     if nidx == ng && all(idx == (1:ng)')
0261         txt = 'All';
0262     else
0263         txt = 'Selected';
0264     end
0265     title(sprintf('Real Power Output for %s Generators', txt), 'FontSize', 18*opt.size_factor);
0266 end
0267 ylabel('Real Power, MW', 'FontSize', 16*opt.size_factor);
0268 xlabel(my_xlabel, 'FontSize', 16*opt.size_factor);
0269 %legend('contract', wlabels{1}, wlabels{2}, wlabels{3}, wlabels{4}, 'Up Res', 'Dn Res', 'Lim', 'Bind', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
0270 set(gca, 'FontSize', 12*opt.size_factor);
0271 h = gcf;
0272 set(h, 'PaperOrientation', 'landscape');
0273 %set(h, 'PaperPosition', [0.25 0.25 10.5 8]);
0274 set(h, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 11 8.5]);
0275 if opt.saveit || opt.saveall
0276     if nidx == 1
0277         txt = sprintf('%d', idx);
0278     elseif nidx == ng && all(idx == (1:ng)')
0279         txt = 'all';
0280     else
0281         txt = 'selected';
0282     end
0283     if isempty(strfind(opt.savename, '%s'))
0284         pdf_name = opt.savename;
0285     else
0286         pdf_name = sprintf(opt.savename, txt);
0287     end
0288     print('-dpdf', fullfile(opt.savepath, pdf_name));
0289 end
0290 if nargout
0291     hh = h;
0292 end

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