Home > matpower7.0 > lib > runpf.m



RUNPF Runs a power flow.


function [MVAbase, bus, gen, branch, success, et] =runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)


RUNPF  Runs a power flow.

   Runs a power flow (full AC Newton's method by default), optionally
   returning a RESULTS struct and SUCCESS flag.

   Inputs (all are optional):
       CASEDATA : either a MATPOWER case struct or a string containing
           the name of the file with the case data (default is 'case9')
           (see also CASEFORMAT and LOADCASE)
       MPOPT : MATPOWER options struct to override default options
           can be used to specify the solution algorithm, output options
           termination tolerances, and more (see also MPOPTION).
       FNAME : name of a file to which the pretty-printed output will
           be appended
       SOLVEDCASE : name of file to which the solved case will be saved
           in MATPOWER case format (M-file will be assumed unless the
           specified name ends with '.mat')

   Outputs (all are optional):
       RESULTS : results struct, with the following fields:
           (all fields from the input MATPOWER case, i.e. bus, branch,
               gen, etc., but with solved voltages, power flows, etc.)
           order - info used in external <-> internal data conversion
           et - elapsed time in seconds
           success - success flag, 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed
       SUCCESS : the success flag can additionally be returned as
           a second output argument

   Calling syntax options:
       results = runpf;
       results = runpf(casedata);
       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt);
       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname);
       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase);
       [results, success] = runpf(...);

       Alternatively, for compatibility with previous versions of MATPOWER,
       some of the results can be returned as individual output arguments:

       [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, success, et] = runpf(...);

   If the pf.enforce_q_lims option is set to true (default is false) then, if
   any generator reactive power limit is violated after running the AC power
   flow, the corresponding bus is converted to a PQ bus, with Qg at the
   limit, and the case is re-run. The voltage magnitude at the bus will
   deviate from the specified value in order to satisfy the reactive power
   limit. If the reference bus is converted to PQ, the first remaining PV
   bus will be used as the slack bus for the next iteration. This may
   result in the real power output at this generator being slightly off
   from the specified values.

       results = runpf('case30');
       results = runpf('case30', mpoption('pf.enforce_q_lims', 1));

   See also RUNDCPF.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [MVAbase, bus, gen, branch, success, et] = ...
0002                 runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)
0003 %RUNPF  Runs a power flow.
0005 %
0006 %   Runs a power flow (full AC Newton's method by default), optionally
0007 %   returning a RESULTS struct and SUCCESS flag.
0008 %
0009 %   Inputs (all are optional):
0010 %       CASEDATA : either a MATPOWER case struct or a string containing
0011 %           the name of the file with the case data (default is 'case9')
0012 %           (see also CASEFORMAT and LOADCASE)
0013 %       MPOPT : MATPOWER options struct to override default options
0014 %           can be used to specify the solution algorithm, output options
0015 %           termination tolerances, and more (see also MPOPTION).
0016 %       FNAME : name of a file to which the pretty-printed output will
0017 %           be appended
0018 %       SOLVEDCASE : name of file to which the solved case will be saved
0019 %           in MATPOWER case format (M-file will be assumed unless the
0020 %           specified name ends with '.mat')
0021 %
0022 %   Outputs (all are optional):
0023 %       RESULTS : results struct, with the following fields:
0024 %           (all fields from the input MATPOWER case, i.e. bus, branch,
0025 %               gen, etc., but with solved voltages, power flows, etc.)
0026 %           order - info used in external <-> internal data conversion
0027 %           et - elapsed time in seconds
0028 %           success - success flag, 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed
0029 %       SUCCESS : the success flag can additionally be returned as
0030 %           a second output argument
0031 %
0032 %   Calling syntax options:
0033 %       results = runpf;
0034 %       results = runpf(casedata);
0035 %       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt);
0036 %       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname);
0037 %       results = runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase);
0038 %       [results, success] = runpf(...);
0039 %
0040 %       Alternatively, for compatibility with previous versions of MATPOWER,
0041 %       some of the results can be returned as individual output arguments:
0042 %
0043 %       [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, success, et] = runpf(...);
0044 %
0045 %   If the pf.enforce_q_lims option is set to true (default is false) then, if
0046 %   any generator reactive power limit is violated after running the AC power
0047 %   flow, the corresponding bus is converted to a PQ bus, with Qg at the
0048 %   limit, and the case is re-run. The voltage magnitude at the bus will
0049 %   deviate from the specified value in order to satisfy the reactive power
0050 %   limit. If the reference bus is converted to PQ, the first remaining PV
0051 %   bus will be used as the slack bus for the next iteration. This may
0052 %   result in the real power output at this generator being slightly off
0053 %   from the specified values.
0054 %
0055 %   Examples:
0056 %       results = runpf('case30');
0057 %       results = runpf('case30', mpoption('pf.enforce_q_lims', 1));
0058 %
0059 %   See also RUNDCPF.
0061 %   MATPOWER
0062 %   Copyright (c) 1996-2019, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0063 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0064 %   Enforcing of generator Q limits inspired by contributions
0065 %   from Mu Lin, Lincoln University, New Zealand (1/14/05).
0066 %
0067 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0068 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0069 %   See https://matpower.org for more info.
0071 %%-----  initialize  -----
0072 %% define named indices into bus, gen, branch matrices
0074     VA, BASE_KV, ZONE, VMAX, VMIN, LAM_P, LAM_Q, MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN] = idx_bus;
0075 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0076     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0077     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0080     QC2MIN, QC2MAX, RAMP_AGC, RAMP_10, RAMP_30, RAMP_Q, APF] = idx_gen;
0082 %% default arguments
0083 if nargin < 4
0084     solvedcase = '';                %% don't save solved case
0085     if nargin < 3
0086         fname = '';                 %% don't print results to a file
0087         if nargin < 2
0088             mpopt = mpoption;       %% use default options
0089             if nargin < 1
0090                 casedata = 'case9'; %% default data file is 'case9.m'
0091             end
0092         end
0093     end
0094 end
0096 %% options
0097 qlim = mpopt.pf.enforce_q_lims;         %% enforce Q limits on gens?
0098 dc = strcmp(upper(mpopt.model), 'DC');  %% use DC formulation?
0100 %% read data
0101 mpc = loadcase(casedata);
0103 %% add zero columns to branch for flows if needed
0104 if size(mpc.branch,2) < QT
0105   mpc.branch = [ mpc.branch zeros(size(mpc.branch, 1), QT-size(mpc.branch,2)) ];
0106 end
0108 %% convert to internal indexing
0109 mpc = ext2int(mpc, mpopt);
0110 [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch] = deal(mpc.baseMVA, mpc.bus, mpc.gen, mpc.branch);
0112 if ~isempty(mpc.bus)
0113     %% get bus index lists of each type of bus
0114     [ref, pv, pq] = bustypes(bus, gen);
0116     %% generator info
0117     on = find(gen(:, GEN_STATUS) > 0);      %% which generators are on?
0118     gbus = gen(on, GEN_BUS);                %% what buses are they at?
0120     %%-----  run the power flow  -----
0121     t0 = tic;
0122     its = 0;            %% total iterations
0123     if mpopt.verbose > 0
0124         v = mpver('all');
0125         fprintf('\nMATPOWER Version %s, %s', v.Version, v.Date);
0126     end
0127     if dc                               %% DC formulation
0128         if mpopt.verbose > 0
0129           fprintf(' -- DC Power Flow\n');
0130         end
0131         %% initial state
0132         Va0 = bus(:, VA) * (pi/180);
0134         %% build B matrices and phase shift injections
0135         [B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj] = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch);
0137         %% compute complex bus power injections (generation - load)
0138         %% adjusted for phase shifters and real shunts
0139         Pbus = real(makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen)) - Pbusinj - bus(:, GS) / baseMVA;
0141         %% "run" the power flow
0142         [Va, success] = dcpf(B, Pbus, Va0, ref, pv, pq);
0143         its = 1;
0145         %% update data matrices with solution
0146         branch(:, [QF, QT]) = zeros(size(branch, 1), 2);
0147         branch(:, PF) = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA;
0148         branch(:, PT) = -branch(:, PF);
0149         bus(:, VM) = ones(size(bus, 1), 1);
0150         bus(:, VA) = Va * (180/pi);
0151         %% update Pg for slack generator (1st gen at ref bus)
0152         %% (note: other gens at ref bus are accounted for in Pbus)
0153         %%      Pg = Pinj + Pload + Gs
0154         %%      newPg = oldPg + newPinj - oldPinj
0155         refgen = zeros(size(ref));
0156         for k = 1:length(ref)
0157             temp = find(gbus == ref(k));
0158             refgen(k) = on(temp(1));
0159         end
0160         gen(refgen, PG) = gen(refgen, PG) + (B(ref, :) * Va - Pbus(ref)) * baseMVA;
0161     else                                %% AC formulation
0162         alg = upper(mpopt.pf.alg);
0163         switch alg
0164             case 'NR-SC'
0165                 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'pf.current_balance', 0, 'pf.v_cartesian', 1);
0166             case 'NR-IP'
0167                 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'pf.current_balance', 1, 'pf.v_cartesian', 0);
0168             case 'NR-IC'
0169                 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'pf.current_balance', 1, 'pf.v_cartesian', 1);
0170         end
0171         if mpopt.verbose > 0
0172             switch alg
0173                 case 'NR'
0174                     solver = 'Newton';
0175                 case 'NR-SC'
0176                     solver = 'Newton-SC';
0177                 case 'NR-IP'
0178                     solver = 'Newton-IP';
0179                 case 'NR-IC'
0180                     solver = 'Newton-IC';
0181                 case 'FDXB'
0182                     solver = 'fast-decoupled, XB';
0183                 case 'FDBX'
0184                     solver = 'fast-decoupled, BX';
0185                 case 'GS'
0186                     solver = 'Gauss-Seidel';
0187                 case 'PQSUM'
0188                     solver = 'Power Summation';
0189                 case 'ISUM'
0190                     solver = 'Current Summation';
0191                 case 'YSUM'
0192                     solver = 'Admittance Summation';
0193                 otherwise
0194                     solver = 'unknown';
0195             end
0196             fprintf(' -- AC Power Flow (%s)\n', solver);
0197         end
0198         switch alg
0199             case {'NR', 'NR-SC', 'NR-IP', 'NR-IC'}  %% all 4 variants supported
0200             otherwise                   %% only power balance, polar is valid
0201                 if mpopt.pf.current_balance || mpopt.pf.v_cartesian
0202                     error('runpf: power flow algorithm ''%s'' only supports power balance, polar version\nI.e. both ''pf.current_balance'' and ''pf.v_cartesian'' must be set to 0.');
0203                 end
0204         end
0205         if have_zip_loads(mpopt)
0206             if mpopt.pf.current_balance || mpopt.pf.v_cartesian
0207                 warnstr = 'Newton algorithm (current or cartesian versions) do';
0208             elseif strcmp(alg, 'GS')
0209                 warnstr = 'Gauss-Seidel algorithm does';
0210             else
0211                 warnstr = '';
0212             end
0213             if warnstr
0214                 warning('runpf: %s not support ZIP load model. Converting to constant power loads.', warnstr);
0215                 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'exp.sys_wide_zip_loads', ...
0216                                 struct('pw', [], 'qw', []));
0217             end
0218         end
0220         %% initial state
0221         % V0    = ones(size(bus, 1), 1);            %% flat start
0222         V0  = bus(:, VM) .* exp(1j * pi/180 * bus(:, VA));
0223         vcb = ones(size(V0));           %% create mask of voltage-controlled buses
0224         vcb(pq) = 0;                    %% exclude PQ buses
0225         k = find(vcb(gbus));            %% in-service gens at v-c buses
0226         V0(gbus(k)) = gen(on(k), VG) ./ abs(V0(gbus(k))).* V0(gbus(k));
0228         if qlim
0229             ref0 = ref;                         %% save index and angle of
0230             Varef0 = bus(ref0, VA);             %%   original reference bus(es)
0231             limited = [];                       %% list of indices of gens @ Q lims
0232             fixedQg = zeros(size(gen, 1), 1);   %% Qg of gens at Q limits
0233         end
0235         %% build admittance matrices
0236         [Ybus, Yf, Yt] = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch);
0238         repeat = 1;
0239         while (repeat)
0240             %% function for computing V dependent complex bus power injections
0241             %% (generation - load)
0242             Sbus = @(Vm)makeSbus(baseMVA, bus, gen, mpopt, Vm);
0244             %% run the power flow
0245             switch alg
0246                 case {'NR', 'NR-SC', 'NR-IP', 'NR-IC'}
0247                     if mpopt.pf.current_balance
0248                         if mpopt.pf.v_cartesian     %% current, cartesian
0249                             newtonpf_fcn = @newtonpf_I_cart;
0250                         else                        %% current, polar
0251                             newtonpf_fcn = @newtonpf_I_polar;
0252                         end
0253                     else
0254                         if mpopt.pf.v_cartesian     %% power, cartesian
0255                             newtonpf_fcn = @newtonpf_S_cart;
0256                         else                        %% default - power, polar
0257                             newtonpf_fcn = @newtonpf;
0258                         end
0259                     end
0260                     [V, success, iterations] = newtonpf_fcn(Ybus, Sbus, V0, ref, pv, pq, mpopt);
0261                 case {'FDXB', 'FDBX'}
0262                     [Bp, Bpp] = makeB(baseMVA, bus, branch, alg);
0263                     [V, success, iterations] = fdpf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Bp, Bpp, ref, pv, pq, mpopt);
0264                 case 'GS'
0265                     [V, success, iterations] = gausspf(Ybus, Sbus([]), V0, ref, pv, pq, mpopt);
0266                 case {'PQSUM', 'ISUM', 'YSUM'}
0267                     [mpc, success, iterations] = radial_pf(mpc, mpopt);
0268                 otherwise
0269                     error('runpf: ''%s'' is not a valid power flow algorithm. See ''pf.alg'' details in MPOPTION help.', alg);
0270             end
0271             its = its + iterations;
0273             %% update data matrices with solution
0274             switch alg
0275                 case {'NR', 'NR-SC', 'NR-IP', 'NR-IC', 'FDXB', 'FDBX', 'GS'}
0276                     [bus, gen, branch] = pfsoln(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, Ybus, Yf, Yt, V, ref, pv, pq, mpopt);
0277                 case {'PQSUM', 'ISUM', 'YSUM'}
0278                     bus = mpc.bus;
0279                     gen = mpc.gen;
0280                     branch = mpc.branch;
0281             end
0283             if success && qlim      %% enforce generator Q limits
0284                 %% find gens with violated Q constraints
0285                 mx = find( gen(:, GEN_STATUS) > 0 ...
0286                         & gen(:, QG) > gen(:, QMAX) + mpopt.opf.violation );
0287                 mn = find( gen(:, GEN_STATUS) > 0 ...
0288                         & gen(:, QG) < gen(:, QMIN) - mpopt.opf.violation );
0290                 if ~isempty(mx) || ~isempty(mn)  %% we have some Q limit violations
0291                     %% first check for INFEASIBILITY
0292                     infeas = union(mx', mn')';  %% transposes handle fact that
0293                         %% union of scalars is a row vector
0294                     remaining = find( gen(:, GEN_STATUS) > 0 & ...
0295                                     ( bus(gen(:, GEN_BUS), BUS_TYPE) == PV | ...
0296                                       bus(gen(:, GEN_BUS), BUS_TYPE) == REF ));
0297                     if length(infeas) == length(remaining) && all(infeas == remaining) && ...
0298                             (isempty(mx) || isempty(mn))
0299                         %% all remaining PV/REF gens are violating AND all are
0300                         %% violating same limit (all violating Qmin or all Qmax)
0301                         if mpopt.verbose
0302                             fprintf('All %d remaining gens exceed their Q limits : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM\n', length(infeas));
0303                         end
0304                         success = 0;
0305                         break;
0306                     end
0308                     %% one at a time?
0309                     if qlim == 2    %% fix largest violation, ignore the rest
0310                         [junk, k] = max([gen(mx, QG) - gen(mx, QMAX);
0311                                          gen(mn, QMIN) - gen(mn, QG)]);
0312                         if k > length(mx)
0313                             mn = mn(k-length(mx));
0314                             mx = [];
0315                         else
0316                             mx = mx(k);
0317                             mn = [];
0318                         end
0319                     end
0321                     if mpopt.verbose && ~isempty(mx)
0322                         fprintf('Gen %d at upper Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n', mx);
0323                     end
0324                     if mpopt.verbose && ~isempty(mn)
0325                         fprintf('Gen %d at lower Q limit, converting to PQ bus\n', mn);
0326                     end
0328                     %% save corresponding limit values
0329                     fixedQg(mx) = gen(mx, QMAX);
0330                     fixedQg(mn) = gen(mn, QMIN);
0331                     mx = [mx;mn];
0333                     %% convert to PQ bus
0334                     gen(mx, QG) = fixedQg(mx);      %% set Qg to binding limit
0335                     gen(mx, GEN_STATUS) = 0;        %% temporarily turn off gen,
0336                     for i = 1:length(mx)            %% (one at a time, since
0337                         bi = gen(mx(i), GEN_BUS);   %%  they may be at same bus)
0338                         bus(bi, [PD,QD]) = ...      %% adjust load accordingly,
0339                             bus(bi, [PD,QD]) - gen(mx(i), [PG,QG]);
0340                     end
0341                     if length(ref) > 1 && any(bus(gen(mx, GEN_BUS), BUS_TYPE) == REF)
0342                         error('runpf: Sorry, MATPOWER cannot enforce Q limits for slack buses in systems with multiple slacks.');
0343                     end
0344                     bus(gen(mx, GEN_BUS), BUS_TYPE) = PQ;   %% & set bus type to PQ
0346                     %% update bus index lists of each type of bus
0347                     ref_temp = ref;
0348                     [ref, pv, pq] = bustypes(bus, gen);
0349                     %% previous line can modify lists to select new REF bus
0350                     %% if there was none, so we should update bus with these
0351                     %% just to keep them consistent
0352                     if ref ~= ref_temp
0353                         bus(ref, BUS_TYPE) = REF;
0354                         bus( pv, BUS_TYPE) = PV;
0355                         if mpopt.verbose
0356                             fprintf('Bus %d is new slack bus\n', ref);
0357                         end
0358                     end
0359                     limited = [limited; mx];
0360                 else
0361                     repeat = 0; %% no more generator Q limits violated
0362                 end
0363             else
0364                 repeat = 0;     %% don't enforce generator Q limits, once is enough
0365             end
0366         end
0367         if qlim && ~isempty(limited)
0368             %% restore injections from limited gens (those at Q limits)
0369             gen(limited, QG) = fixedQg(limited);    %% restore Qg value,
0370             for i = 1:length(limited)               %% (one at a time, since
0371                 bi = gen(limited(i), GEN_BUS);      %%  they may be at same bus)
0372                 bus(bi, [PD,QD]) = ...              %% re-adjust load,
0373                     bus(bi, [PD,QD]) + gen(limited(i), [PG,QG]);
0374             end
0375             gen(limited, GEN_STATUS) = 1;               %% and turn gen back on
0376             if ref ~= ref0
0377                 %% adjust voltage angles to make original ref bus correct
0378                 bus(:, VA) = bus(:, VA) - bus(ref0, VA) + Varef0;
0379             end
0380         end
0381     end
0382 else
0383     t0 = tic;
0384     success = 0;
0385     its = 0;
0386     if mpopt.verbose
0387         fprintf('Power flow not valid : MATPOWER case contains no connected buses');
0388     end
0389 end
0390 mpc.et = toc(t0);
0391 mpc.success = success;
0392 mpc.iterations = its;
0394 %%-----  output results  -----
0395 %% convert back to original bus numbering & print results
0396 [mpc.bus, mpc.gen, mpc.branch] = deal(bus, gen, branch);
0397 results = int2ext(mpc);
0399 %% zero out result fields of out-of-service gens & branches
0400 if ~isempty(results.order.gen.status.off)
0401   results.gen(results.order.gen.status.off, [PG QG]) = 0;
0402 end
0403 if ~isempty(results.order.branch.status.off)
0404   results.branch(results.order.branch.status.off, [PF QF PT QT]) = 0;
0405 end
0407 if fname
0408     [fd, msg] = fopen(fname, 'at');
0409     if fd == -1
0410         error(msg);
0411     else
0412         if mpopt.out.all == 0
0413             printpf(results, fd, mpoption(mpopt, 'out.all', -1));
0414         else
0415             printpf(results, fd, mpopt);
0416         end
0417         fclose(fd);
0418     end
0419 end
0420 printpf(results, 1, mpopt);
0422 %% save solved case
0423 if solvedcase
0424     savecase(solvedcase, results);
0425 end
0427 if nargout == 1 || nargout == 2
0428     MVAbase = results;
0429     bus = success;
0430 elseif nargout > 2
0431     [MVAbase, bus, gen, branch, et] = ...
0432         deal(results.baseMVA, results.bus, results.gen, results.branch, results.et);
0433 % else  %% don't define MVAbase, so it doesn't print anything
0434 end
0436 function TorF = have_zip_loads(mpopt)
0437 if (~isempty(mpopt.exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.pw) && ...
0438         any(mpopt.exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.pw(2:3))) || ...
0439         (~isempty(mpopt.exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.qw) && ...
0440         any(mpopt.exp.sys_wide_zip_loads.qw(2:3)))
0441     TorF = 1;
0442 else
0443     TorF = 0;
0444 end

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