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TEST_SE_14BUS Test state estimation on IEEE 14-bus system


function test_se_14bus


TEST_SE_14BUS    Test state estimation on IEEE 14-bus system
    created by Rui Bo on Jan 6, 2010


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function test_se_14bus
0002 %TEST_SE_14BUS    Test state estimation on IEEE 14-bus system
0003 %    created by Rui Bo on Jan 6, 2010
0005 %   MATPOWER
0006 %   Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0007 %   by Rui Bo
0008 %
0009 %   $Id: test_se_14bus.m 2644 2015-03-11 19:34:22Z ray $
0010 %
0011 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0012 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0013 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0015 %%------------------------------------------------------
0016 % using data for IEEE 14-bus system
0017 %%------------------------------------------------------
0018 % NOTE:
0019 % 1) all eight members of 'idx', 'measure' and 'sigma' must be
0020 % defined. They should be null vectors([]) if they do not have data
0021 % 2) all data used in this code are for testing purpose only
0022 %% which measurements are available
0023 idx.idx_zPF = [1;3;8;9;10;13;15;16;17;19];
0024 idx.idx_zPT = [4;5;7;11];
0025 idx.idx_zPG = [1;2;3;4;5];
0026 idx.idx_zVa = [];
0027 idx.idx_zQF = [1;3;8;9;10;13;15;19];
0028 idx.idx_zQT = [4;5;7;11];
0029 idx.idx_zQG = [1;2];
0030 idx.idx_zVm = [2;3;6;8;10;14];
0032 %% specify measurements
0033 measure.PF = [1.5708;0.734;0.2707;0.1546;0.4589;0.1834;0.2707;0.0523;0.0943;0.0188];
0034 measure.PT = [-0.5427;-0.4081;0.6006;-0.0816];
0035 measure.PG = [2.32;0.4;0;0;0];
0036 measure.Va = [];
0037 measure.QF = [-0.1748;0.0594;-0.154;-0.0264;-0.2084;0.0998;0.148;0.0141];
0038 measure.QT = [0.0213;-0.0193;-0.1006;-0.0864];
0039 measure.QG = [-0.169;0.424];
0040 measure.Vm = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
0042 %% specify measurement variances
0043 sigma.sigma_PF = 0.02;
0044 sigma.sigma_PT = 0.02;
0045 sigma.sigma_PG = 0.015;
0046 sigma.sigma_Va = [];
0047 sigma.sigma_QF = 0.02;
0048 sigma.sigma_QT = 0.02;
0049 sigma.sigma_QG = 0.015;
0050 sigma.sigma_Vm = 0.01;
0052 %% check input data integrity
0053 nbus = 14;
0054 [success, measure, idx, sigma] = checkDataIntegrity(measure, idx, sigma, nbus);
0055 if ~success
0056     error('State Estimation input data are not complete or sufficient!');
0057 end
0059 %% run state estimation
0060 casename = 'case14.m';
0061 type_initialguess = 2; % flat start
0062 [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, success, et, z, z_est, error_sqrsum] = run_se(casename, measure, idx, sigma, type_initialguess);

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