Home > matpower5.1 > extras > sdp_pf > case2local.m



CASE2LOCAL Power flow data for 2-bus system used in [1].


function mpc = case2local


CASE2LOCAL    Power flow data for 2-bus system used in [1].
   Please see CASEFORMAT for details on the case file format.

   The semidefinite relaxation of the OPF problem fails to solve
   case2local for upper limits on bus two voltage magnitude between 
   0.985 and 1.04. See [1] for more details.

   [1] W. Bukhsh, A. Grothey, K. McKinnon, and P. Trodden, "Local
       Solutions of Optimal power Flow," Tech. Report. ERGO-11-017,
       University of Edinburgh School of Mathematics, Edinburgh Research
       Group in Optimization, 2011. [Online]. Available:


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function mpc = case2local
0002 %CASE2LOCAL    Power flow data for 2-bus system used in [1].
0003 %   Please see CASEFORMAT for details on the case file format.
0004 %
0005 %   The semidefinite relaxation of the OPF problem fails to solve
0006 %   case2local for upper limits on bus two voltage magnitude between
0007 %   0.985 and 1.04. See [1] for more details.
0008 %
0009 %   [1] W. Bukhsh, A. Grothey, K. McKinnon, and P. Trodden, "Local
0010 %       Solutions of Optimal power Flow," Tech. Report. ERGO-11-017,
0011 %       University of Edinburgh School of Mathematics, Edinburgh Research
0012 %       Group in Optimization, 2011. [Online]. Available:
0013 %       http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ERGO/pubs/ERGO-11-017.html
0015 t = 17.625;
0017 %% MATPOWER Case Format : Version 2
0018 mpc.version = '2';
0020 %%-----  Power Flow Data  -----%%
0021 %% system MVA base
0022 mpc.baseMVA = 100;
0024 %% bus data
0025 %    bus_i    type    Pd    Qd    Gs    Bs    area    Vm    Va    baseKV    zone    Vmax    Vmin
0026 mpc.bus = [
0027     1    3    0    0    0    0    1    0.9703    0    345    1    1.05    0.95;
0028     2    1    20*t    -20.3121*t    0    0    1    1.03    -64.3755    345    1    1.03    0.95;
0029 ];
0031 %% generator data
0032 %    bus    Pg    Qg    Qmax    Qmin    Vg    mBase    status    Pmax    Pmin    Pc1    Pc2    Qc1min    Qc1max    Qc2min    Qc2max    ramp_agc    ramp_10    ramp_30    ramp_q    apf
0033 mpc.gen = [
0034     1    447.67    153.55    900    -900    0.9703    100    1    900    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0;
0035 ];
0037 %% branch data
0038 %    fbus    tbus    r    x    b    rateA    rateB    rateC    ratio    angle    status    angmin    angmax
0039 mpc.branch = [
0040     1    2    0.04    0.20    0.0    900    900    900    0    0    1    -360    360;
0041 ];
0043 %%-----  OPF Data  -----%%
0044 %% area data
0045 %    area    refbus
0046 mpc.areas = [
0047     1    1;
0048 ];
0050 %% generator cost data
0051 %    1    startup    shutdown    n    x1    y1    ...    xn    yn
0052 %    2    startup    shutdown    n    c(n-1)    ...    c0
0053 mpc.gencost = [
0054     2    1500    0    3    0    1    0;
0055 ];

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