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Subroutine PreProcess do following tasks to input model:


function [mpc,ExBus]=PreProcessData(mpc,ExBus)


 Subroutine PreProcess do following tasks to input model:
 1. Eliminate all isolated buses
 2. Eliminate all out-of-service branches
 3. Eliminate all in-service but connected to isolated bus branches
 4. Eliminate all HVDC line connected to isolated buses
 5. Eliminate all generators on isolated buses
 6. Update the list of external bus (ExBus) by eliminating the isolated
 buses in the list

 mpc: struct, input original full model (MATPOWER case file)
 ExBus: 1*n array, original list of external buses

 mpc: struct, updated model
 ExBus: 1*n array, updated list of external buses


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [mpc,ExBus]=PreProcessData(mpc,ExBus)
0002 % Subroutine PreProcess do following tasks to input model:
0003 % 1. Eliminate all isolated buses
0004 % 2. Eliminate all out-of-service branches
0005 % 3. Eliminate all in-service but connected to isolated bus branches
0006 % 4. Eliminate all HVDC line connected to isolated buses
0007 % 5. Eliminate all generators on isolated buses
0008 % 6. Update the list of external bus (ExBus) by eliminating the isolated
0009 % buses in the list
0010 %
0011 %   [mpc,ExBus]=PreProcessData(mpc,ExBus)
0012 %
0013 % INPUT DATA:
0014 % mpc: struct, input original full model (MATPOWER case file)
0015 % ExBus: 1*n array, original list of external buses
0016 %
0018 % mpc: struct, updated model
0019 % ExBus: 1*n array, updated list of external buses
0021 %   MATPOWER
0022 %   Copyright (c) 2014-2015 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0023 %   by Yujia Zhu, PSERC ASU
0024 %
0025 %   $Id: PreProcessData.m 2655 2015-03-18 16:40:32Z ray $
0026 %
0027 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0028 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0029 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0031 mpc.bus = sortrows(mpc.bus,1);
0032 mpc.branch = sortrows(mpc.branch,[1,2]);
0033 numbr=size(mpc.branch,1);
0034 mpc.branch(mpc.branch(:,11)==0,:)=[];% eliminated all out-of-service lines
0035 isobus=mpc.bus(mpc.bus(:,2)==4,1);
0036 fprintf('\nEliminate %d isolated buses',length(isobus));
0037 tf1=ismember(mpc.branch(:,1),isobus);
0038 tf2=ismember(mpc.branch(:,2),isobus);
0039 mpc.branch(tf1|tf2,:)=[]; % eliminate all branch connected to isolated buses
0040 fprintf('\nEliminate %d branches',numbr-size(mpc.branch,1));
0042 mpc.bus(mpc.bus(:,2)==4,:)=[]; % eliminate all isolated buses
0043 tfgen=ismember(mpc.gen(:,1),isobus);
0044 mpc.gen(tfgen,:)=[]; % eliminate all generators on isolated buses
0045 fprintf('\nEliminate %d generators',length(tfgen(tfgen==1)));
0046 if isfield (mpc,'gencost')
0047     mpc.gencost(tfgen,:)=[];
0048 end
0049 ind=ismember(ExBus,isobus);
0050 ExBus(ind)=[];
0051 if isfield(mpc,'dcline')
0052     tfdc1=ismember(mpc.dcline(:,1),isobus);
0053     tfdc2=ismember(mpc.dcline(:,2),isobus);
0054     mpc.dcline(tfdc1|tfdc2,:)=[]; % eliminate dcline connecting isolated terminal
0055     fprintf('\nEliminate %d dc lines',length(length(find(tfdc1|tfdc2))));
0057 end
0058 fprintf('\nPreprocessing complete');
0059 end

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