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TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS Relax DC optimal power flow branch limits.


function mpc = toggle_softlims(mpc, on_off)


TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS Relax DC optimal power flow branch limits.
   T_F = TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS(MPC, 'status')

   Enables, disables or checks the status of a set of OPF userfcn
   callbacks to implement relaxed branch flow limits a DC optimal flow model.

   These callbacks expect to find a 'softlims' field in the input MPC,
   where MPC.softlims is a struct with the following fields:
       idx     (optional) n x 1, index vector for branches whos flow
               limits are to be relaxed, default is to use all on-line
               branches with non-zero limits specified in RATE_A
       cost    (optional) n x 1, linear marginal cost per MW of exceeding
               RATE_A. Can optionally be a scalar, in which case it is
               applied to all soft limits. Default if not specified is

   The 'int2ext' callback also packages up results and stores them in
   the following output fields of results.softlims:
       overload - nl x 1, amount of overload of each line in MW
       ovl_cost - nl x 1, total cost of overload in $/hr

   The shadow prices on the soft limit constraints are also returned in the
   MU_SF and MU_ST columns of the branch matrix.
   Note: These shadow prices are equal to the corresponding hard limit
       shadow prices when the soft limits are not violated. When violated,
       the shadow price on a soft limit constraint is equal to the
       user-specified soft limit violation cost.



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function mpc = toggle_softlims(mpc, on_off)
0002 %TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS Relax DC optimal power flow branch limits.
0003 %   MPC = TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS(MPC, 'on')
0004 %   MPC = TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS(MPC, 'off')
0005 %   T_F = TOGGLE_SOFTLIMS(MPC, 'status')
0006 %
0007 %   Enables, disables or checks the status of a set of OPF userfcn
0008 %   callbacks to implement relaxed branch flow limits a DC optimal flow model.
0009 %
0010 %   These callbacks expect to find a 'softlims' field in the input MPC,
0011 %   where MPC.softlims is a struct with the following fields:
0012 %       idx     (optional) n x 1, index vector for branches whos flow
0013 %               limits are to be relaxed, default is to use all on-line
0014 %               branches with non-zero limits specified in RATE_A
0015 %       cost    (optional) n x 1, linear marginal cost per MW of exceeding
0016 %               RATE_A. Can optionally be a scalar, in which case it is
0017 %               applied to all soft limits. Default if not specified is
0018 %               $1000/MW.
0019 %
0020 %   The 'int2ext' callback also packages up results and stores them in
0021 %   the following output fields of results.softlims:
0022 %       overload - nl x 1, amount of overload of each line in MW
0023 %       ovl_cost - nl x 1, total cost of overload in $/hr
0024 %
0025 %   The shadow prices on the soft limit constraints are also returned in the
0026 %   MU_SF and MU_ST columns of the branch matrix.
0027 %   Note: These shadow prices are equal to the corresponding hard limit
0028 %       shadow prices when the soft limits are not violated. When violated,
0029 %       the shadow price on a soft limit constraint is equal to the
0030 %       user-specified soft limit violation cost.
0031 %
0034 %   To do for future versions:
0035 %       - make softlims input field optional, convert all lines if missing
0036 %       Inputs:
0037 %       cost    n x 3, linear marginal cost per MW of exceeding each of
0038 %               RATE_A, RATE_B and RATE_C. Columns 2 and 3 are optional.
0039 %       brkpts  n x npts, allow to specify arbitrary breakpoints at which
0040 %               cost increases, defined as percentages above RATE_A.
0041 %       base_flow   n x 1, arbitrary baseline (other than RATE_A)
0043 %   MATPOWER
0044 %   $Id: toggle_softlims.m 2433 2014-12-03 14:45:50Z ray $
0045 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0046 %   Copyright (c) 2009-2014 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0047 %
0048 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0049 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0050 %
0051 %   MATPOWER is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0052 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
0053 %   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
0054 %   or (at your option) any later version.
0055 %
0056 %   MATPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0057 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0059 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0060 %
0061 %   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0062 %   along with MATPOWER. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0063 %
0064 %   Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
0065 %
0066 %   If you modify MATPOWER, or any covered work, to interface with
0067 %   other modules (such as MATLAB code and MEX-files) available in a
0068 %   MATLAB(R) or comparable environment containing parts covered
0069 %   under other licensing terms, the licensors of MATPOWER grant
0070 %   you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
0072 if strcmp(upper(on_off), 'ON')
0073     %% check for proper softlims inputs
0074     %% (inputs are optional, defaults handled in ext2int callback)
0076     %% add callback functions
0077     %% note: assumes all necessary data included in 1st arg (mpc, om, results)
0078     %%       so, no additional explicit args are needed
0079     mpc = add_userfcn(mpc, 'ext2int', @userfcn_softlims_ext2int);
0080     mpc = add_userfcn(mpc, 'formulation', @userfcn_softlims_formulation);
0081     mpc = add_userfcn(mpc, 'int2ext', @userfcn_softlims_int2ext);
0082     mpc = add_userfcn(mpc, 'printpf', @userfcn_softlims_printpf);
0083     mpc = add_userfcn(mpc, 'savecase', @userfcn_softlims_savecase);
0084     mpc.userfcn.status.softlims = 1;
0085 elseif strcmp(upper(on_off), 'OFF')
0086     mpc = remove_userfcn(mpc, 'savecase', @userfcn_softlims_savecase);
0087     mpc = remove_userfcn(mpc, 'printpf', @userfcn_softlims_printpf);
0088     mpc = remove_userfcn(mpc, 'int2ext', @userfcn_softlims_int2ext);
0089     mpc = remove_userfcn(mpc, 'formulation', @userfcn_softlims_formulation);
0090     mpc = remove_userfcn(mpc, 'ext2int', @userfcn_softlims_ext2int);
0091     mpc.userfcn.status.softlims = 0;
0092 elseif strcmp(upper(on_off), 'STATUS')
0093     if isfield(mpc, 'userfcn') && isfield(mpc.userfcn, 'status') && ...
0094             isfield(mpc.userfcn.status, 'softlims')
0095         mpc = mpc.userfcn.status.softlims;
0096     else
0097         mpc = 0;
0098     end
0099 else
0100     error('toggle_softlims: 2nd argument must be ''on'', ''off'' or ''status''');
0101 end
0104 %%-----  ext2int  ------------------------------------------------------
0105 function mpc = userfcn_softlims_ext2int(mpc, args)
0106 %
0107 %   mpc = userfcn_softlims_ext2int(mpc, args)
0108 %
0109 %   This is the 'ext2int' stage userfcn callback that prepares the input
0110 %   data for the formulation stage. It expects to find a 'softlims' field in
0111 %   mpc as described above. The optional args are not currently used.
0113 %% define named indices into data matrices
0114 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0115     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0116     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0118 %% check for proper softlims inputs
0119 default_cost = 1000;    %% used if cost is not specified
0120 if isfield(mpc, 'softlims')
0121     if ~isfield(mpc.softlims, 'idx')
0122         mpc.softlims.idx = [];
0123     end
0124     if ~isfield(mpc.softlims, 'cost')
0125         mpc.softlims.cost = default_cost;
0126     end
0127 else
0128     mpc.softlims.idx = [];
0129     mpc.softlims.cost = default_cost;
0130 end
0132 %% initialize some things
0133 s = mpc.softlims;
0134 o = mpc.order;
0135 nl0 = size(o.ext.branch, 1);    %% original number of branches
0136 nl = size(mpc.branch, 1);       %% number of on-line branches
0138 %% save softlims struct for external indexing
0139 mpc.order.ext.softlims = s;
0141 %%-----  convert stuff to internal indexing  -----
0142 s = softlims_defaults(s, o.ext.branch);     %% get defaults
0143 e2i = zeros(nl0, 1);
0144 e2i(o.branch.status.on) = (1:nl)';  %% ext->int branch index mapping
0145 s.idx = e2i(s.idx);
0146 k = find(s.idx == 0);   %% find idxes corresponding to off-line branches
0147 s.idx(k) = [];          %% delete them
0148 s.cost(k, :) = [];
0149 k = find(mpc.branch(s.idx, RATE_A) <= 0);   %% find branches w/o limits
0150 s.idx(k) = [];          %% delete them
0151 s.cost(k, :) = [];
0153 %%-----  remove hard limits on branches with soft limits  -----
0154 s.Pfmax = mpc.branch(s.idx, RATE_A) / mpc.baseMVA;  %% save limit first
0155 mpc.branch(s.idx, RATE_A) = 0;                      %% then remove it
0157 mpc.softlims = s;
0158 mpc.order.int.softlims = s;
0161 %%-----  formulation  --------------------------------------------------
0162 function om = userfcn_softlims_formulation(om, args)
0163 %
0164 %   om = userfcn_softlims_formulation(om, args)
0165 %
0166 %   This is the 'formulation' stage userfcn callback that defines the
0167 %   user costs and constraints for interface flow limits. It expects to
0168 %   find a 'softlims' field in the mpc stored in om, as described above. The
0169 %   optional args are not currently used.
0171 %% define named indices into data matrices
0172 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0173     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0174     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0176 %% initialize some things
0177 mpc = get_mpc(om);
0178 [baseMVA, bus, branch] = deal(mpc.baseMVA, mpc.bus, mpc.branch);
0179 s = mpc.softlims;
0181 %% form B matrices for DC model
0182 [B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj] = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch);
0183 n = size(Bf, 2);        %% dim of theta
0185 %% form constraints (flv is flow limit violation variable)
0186 %%   -Bf * Va - flv <=  Pfinj + Pfmax
0187 %%    Bf * Va - flv <= -Pfinj + Pfmax
0188 ns = length(s.idx);     %% number of soft limits
0189 I = speye(ns, ns);
0190 As = [-Bf(s.idx, :) -I; Bf(s.idx, :) -I];
0191 ls = -Inf(2*ns, 1);
0192 us = [   Pfinj(s.idx) + s.Pfmax;
0193         -Pfinj(s.idx) + s.Pfmax ];
0195 %% costs on flv variable
0196 Cw = s.cost(:, 1) * mpc.baseMVA;
0198 %% add vars, costs, constraints
0199 om = add_vars(om, 'flv', ns, zeros(ns, 1), zeros(ns, 1), Inf(ns, 1));
0200 om = add_costs(om, 'vc', struct('N', I, 'Cw', Cw), {'flv'});
0201 om = add_constraints(om, 'softlims',  As, ls, us, {'Va', 'flv'});   %% 2*ns
0204 %%-----  int2ext  ------------------------------------------------------
0205 function results = userfcn_softlims_int2ext(results, args)
0206 %
0207 %   results = userfcn_softlims_int2ext(results, args)
0208 %
0209 %   This is the 'int2ext' stage userfcn callback that converts everything
0210 %   back to external indexing and packages up the results. It expects to
0211 %   find a 'softlims' field in the results struct as described for mpc above.
0212 %   It also expects the results to contain solved branch flows and linear
0213 %   constraints named 'softlims' which are used to populate output fields
0214 %   in results.softlims. The optional args are not currently used.
0216 %% define named indices into data matrices
0217 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0218     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0219     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0221 %% get internal softlims struct
0222 s = results.softlims;
0224 %%-----  convert stuff back to external indexing  -----
0225 o = results.order;
0226 nl0 = size(o.ext.branch, 1);    %% original number of branches
0227 nl = size(results.branch, 1);   %% number of on-line branches
0228 o.branch.status.on;
0229 results.softlims = results.order.ext.softlims;
0231 %%-----  restore hard limits  -----
0232 results.branch(s.idx, RATE_A) = s.Pfmax * results.baseMVA;
0234 %%-----  results post-processing  -----
0235 %% get shadow prices
0236 n = size(results.lin.mu.u.softlims, 1) / 2;
0237 results.branch(s.idx, MU_ST) = results.lin.mu.u.softlims(1:n) / results.baseMVA;
0238 results.branch(s.idx, MU_SF) = results.lin.mu.u.softlims(n+1:end) / results.baseMVA;
0239 %% get overloads and overload costs
0240 results.softlims.overload = zeros(nl0, 1);
0241 k = find(results.branch(:, RATE_A) & ...
0242          abs(results.branch(:, PF)) > results.branch(:, RATE_A) );
0243 results.softlims.overload(o.branch.status.on(k)) = ...
0244         abs(results.branch(k, PF)) - results.branch(k, RATE_A);
0245 results.softlims.ovl_cost = zeros(size(results.softlims.overload));
0246 results.softlims.ovl_cost(o.branch.status.on(s.idx)) = ...
0247     results.softlims.overload(o.branch.status.on(s.idx)) .* s.cost(:, 1);
0250 %%-----  printpf  ------------------------------------------------------
0251 function results = userfcn_softlims_printpf(results, fd, mpopt, args)
0252 %
0253 %   results = userfcn_softlims_printpf(results, fd, mpopt, args)
0254 %
0255 %   This is the 'printpf' stage userfcn callback that pretty-prints the
0256 %   results. It expects a results struct, a file descriptor and a MATPOWER
0257 %   options struct. The optional args are not currently used.
0259 %% define named indices into data matrices
0260 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0261     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0262     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0264 %%-----  print results  -----
0265 ptol = 1e-6;        %% tolerance for displaying shadow prices
0266 isOPF           = isfield(results, 'f') && ~isempty(results.f);
0267 SUPPRESS        = mpopt.out.suppress_detail;
0268 if SUPPRESS == -1
0269     if size(results.bus, 1) > 500
0270         SUPPRESS = 1;
0271     else
0272         SUPPRESS = 0;
0273     end
0274 end
0275 OUT_ALL         = mpopt.out.all;
0276 OUT_FORCE       = mpopt.out.force;
0277 OUT_BRANCH      = OUT_ALL == 1 || (OUT_ALL == -1 && ~SUPPRESS && mpopt.out.branch);
0279 if isOPF && OUT_BRANCH && (results.success || OUT_FORCE)
0280     s = softlims_defaults(results.softlims, results.branch);   %% get defaults
0281     k = find(s.overload(s.idx) | sum(results.branch(s.idx, MU_SF:MU_ST), 2) > ptol);
0283     fprintf(fd, '\n================================================================================');
0284     fprintf(fd, '\n|     Soft Flow Limits                                                         |');
0285     fprintf(fd, '\n================================================================================');
0286     fprintf(fd, '\nBrnch   From   To     Flow      Limit    Overload     mu');
0287     fprintf(fd, '\n  #     Bus    Bus    (MW)      (MW)       (MW)     ($/MW)');
0288     fprintf(fd, '\n-----  -----  -----  --------  --------  --------  ---------');
0289     fprintf(fd, '\n%4d%7d%7d%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%11.3f', ...
0290             [   s.idx(k), results.branch(s.idx(k), [F_BUS, T_BUS]), ...
0291                 results.branch(s.idx(k), [PF, RATE_A]), ...
0292                 s.overload(s.idx(k)), ...
0293                 sum(results.branch(s.idx(k), [MU_SF:MU_ST]), 2) ...
0294             ]');
0295     fprintf(fd, '\n                                         --------');
0296     fprintf(fd, '\n                                Total:%10.2f', ...
0297             sum(s.overload(s.idx(k))));
0298     fprintf(fd, '\n');
0299 end
0302 %%-----  savecase  -----------------------------------------------------
0303 function mpc = userfcn_softlims_savecase(mpc, fd, prefix, args)
0304 %
0305 %   mpc = userfcn_softlims_savecase(mpc, fd, mpopt, args)
0306 %
0307 %   This is the 'savecase' stage userfcn callback that prints the M-file
0308 %   code to save the 'softlims' field in the case file. It expects a
0309 %   MATPOWER case struct (mpc), a file descriptor and variable prefix
0310 %   (usually 'mpc.'). The optional args are not currently used.
0312 if isfield(mpc, 'softlims')
0313     s = mpc.softlims;
0315     fprintf(fd, '\n%%%%-----  Soft Flow Limit Data  -----%%%%\n');
0317     if isfield(s, 'idx')
0318         fprintf(fd, '%%%% branch indexes\n');
0319         fprintf(fd, '%%\tbranchidx\n');
0320         if isempty(s.idx)
0321             fprintf(fd, '%ssoftlims.idx = [];\n\n', prefix);
0322         else
0323             fprintf(fd, '%ssoftlims.idx = [\n', prefix);
0324             fprintf(fd, '\t%d;\n', s.idx);
0325             fprintf(fd, '];\n\n');
0326         end
0327     end
0329     fprintf(fd, '%%%% violation cost coefficients\n');
0330     fprintf(fd, '%%\trate_a_cost\n');
0331     fprintf(fd, '%ssoftlims.cost = [\n', prefix);
0332     fprintf(fd, '\t%g;\n', s.cost);
0333     fprintf(fd, '];\n');
0335     %% save output fields for solved case
0336     if isfield(mpc.softlims, 'overload')
0337         fprintf(fd, '\n%%%% overloads\n');
0338         fprintf(fd, '%%\toverload\n');
0339         fprintf(fd, '%ssoftlims.overload = [\n', prefix);
0340         fprintf(fd, '\t%g;\n', s.overload);
0341         fprintf(fd, '];\n');
0343         fprintf(fd, '\n%%%% overload costs\n');
0344         fprintf(fd, '%%\toverload_costs\n');
0345         fprintf(fd, '%ssoftlims.ovl_cost = [\n', prefix);
0346         fprintf(fd, '\t%g;\n', s.ovl_cost);
0347         fprintf(fd, '];\n');
0348     end
0349 end
0351 %%-----  softlims_defaults  --------------------------------------------
0352 function s = softlims_defaults(s, branch)
0353 %
0354 %   s = softlims_defaults(s, branch)
0355 %
0356 %   Takes a softlims struct that could have an empty 'idx' field or a
0357 %   scalar 'cost' field and fills them out with the defaults, where the
0358 %   default for 'idx' includes all on-line branches with non-zero RATE_A,
0359 %   and the default for the cost is to apply the scalar to each soft limit
0360 %   violation.
0362 %% define named indices into data matrices
0363 [F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_R, BR_X, BR_B, RATE_A, RATE_B, RATE_C, ...
0364     TAP, SHIFT, BR_STATUS, PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, ...
0365     ANGMIN, ANGMAX, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX] = idx_brch;
0367 if isempty(s.idx)
0368     s.idx = find(branch(:, BR_STATUS) > 0 & branch(:, RATE_A) > 0);
0369 end
0370 if length(s.cost) == 1 && length(s.idx) > 1
0371     s.cost = s.cost * ones(size(s.idx));
0372 end

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