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CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK Default callback function for CPF


function [cb_state, results] =cpf_default_callback(k, V_c, lam_c, V_p, lam_p, cb_data, cb_state, cb_args, results)


CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK   Default callback function for CPF
   [CB_STATE, RESULTS] = ...
                            CB_DATA, CB_STATE, CB_ARGS, RESULTS)

   Default callback function used by RUNCPF. Takes input from current
   iteration, returns a user defined state struct and on the final call
   a results struct.

       K - continuation step iteration count
       V_C - vector of complex bus voltages after K-th corrector step
       LAM_C - value of LAMBDA after K-th corrector step
       V_P - vector of complex bus voltages after K-th predictor step
       LAM_P - value of LAMBDA after K-th predictor step
       CB_DATA - struct containing potentially useful static data,
           with the following fields (all based on internal indexing):
           mpc_base - MATPOWER case struct of base state
           mpc_target - MATPOWER case struct of target state
            Sxfr - nb x 1 vector of scheduled transfers in p.u.
           Ybus - bus admittance matrix
           Yf - branch admittance matrix, "from" end of branches
           Yt - branch admittance matrix, "to" end of branches
           pv - vector of indices of PV buses
           pq - vector of indices of PQ buses
           ref - vector of indices of REF buses
           mpopt - MATPOWER options struct
       CB_STATE - struct to which the user may add fields containing
           any information the callback function would like to
           pass from one invokation to the next (avoiding the
            following 5 field names which are already used by
            the default callback: V_p, lam_p, V_c, lam_c, iterations)
        CB_ARGS - struct specified in MPOPT.cpf.user_callback_args
       RESULTS - initial value of output struct to be assigned to
           CPF field of results struct returned by RUNCPF

       CB_STATE - updated version of CB_STATE input arg
       RESULTS - updated version of RESULTS input arg

   This function is called in three different contexts, distinguished
   as follows:
   (1) initial - called without RESULTS output arg, with K = 0,
           after base power flow, before 1st CPF step.
   (2) iterations - called without RESULTS output arg, with K > 0
           at each iteration, after predictor-corrector step
   (3) final - called with RESULTS output arg, after exiting
           predictor-corrector loop, inputs identical to
           last iteration call

   See also RUNCPF.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [cb_state, results] = ...
0002     cpf_default_callback(k, V_c, lam_c, V_p, lam_p, cb_data, cb_state, cb_args, results)
0003 %CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK   Default callback function for CPF
0004 %   [CB_STATE, RESULTS] = ...
0005 %       CPF_DEFAULT_CALLBACK(K, V_C, LAM_C, V_P, LAM_P, ...
0006 %                            CB_DATA, CB_STATE, CB_ARGS, RESULTS)
0007 %
0008 %   Default callback function used by RUNCPF. Takes input from current
0009 %   iteration, returns a user defined state struct and on the final call
0010 %   a results struct.
0011 %
0012 %   Inputs:
0013 %       K - continuation step iteration count
0014 %       V_C - vector of complex bus voltages after K-th corrector step
0015 %       LAM_C - value of LAMBDA after K-th corrector step
0016 %       V_P - vector of complex bus voltages after K-th predictor step
0017 %       LAM_P - value of LAMBDA after K-th predictor step
0018 %       CB_DATA - struct containing potentially useful static data,
0019 %           with the following fields (all based on internal indexing):
0020 %           mpc_base - MATPOWER case struct of base state
0021 %           mpc_target - MATPOWER case struct of target state
0022 %            Sxfr - nb x 1 vector of scheduled transfers in p.u.
0023 %           Ybus - bus admittance matrix
0024 %           Yf - branch admittance matrix, "from" end of branches
0025 %           Yt - branch admittance matrix, "to" end of branches
0026 %           pv - vector of indices of PV buses
0027 %           pq - vector of indices of PQ buses
0028 %           ref - vector of indices of REF buses
0029 %           mpopt - MATPOWER options struct
0030 %       CB_STATE - struct to which the user may add fields containing
0031 %           any information the callback function would like to
0032 %           pass from one invokation to the next (avoiding the
0033 %            following 5 field names which are already used by
0034 %            the default callback: V_p, lam_p, V_c, lam_c, iterations)
0035 %        CB_ARGS - struct specified in MPOPT.cpf.user_callback_args
0036 %       RESULTS - initial value of output struct to be assigned to
0037 %           CPF field of results struct returned by RUNCPF
0038 %
0039 %   Outputs:
0040 %       CB_STATE - updated version of CB_STATE input arg
0041 %       RESULTS - updated version of RESULTS input arg
0042 %
0043 %   This function is called in three different contexts, distinguished
0044 %   as follows:
0045 %   (1) initial - called without RESULTS output arg, with K = 0,
0046 %           after base power flow, before 1st CPF step.
0047 %   (2) iterations - called without RESULTS output arg, with K > 0
0048 %           at each iteration, after predictor-corrector step
0049 %   (3) final - called with RESULTS output arg, after exiting
0050 %           predictor-corrector loop, inputs identical to
0051 %           last iteration call
0052 %
0053 %   See also RUNCPF.
0055 %   MATPOWER
0056 %   $Id: cpf_default_callback.m 2235 2013-12-11 13:44:13Z ray $
0057 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0058 %   Copyright (c) 2013 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0059 %
0060 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0061 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0062 %
0063 %   MATPOWER is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0064 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
0065 %   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
0066 %   or (at your option) any later version.
0067 %
0068 %   MATPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0069 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0071 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0072 %
0073 %   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0074 %   along with MATPOWER. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0075 %
0076 %   Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
0077 %
0078 %   If you modify MATPOWER, or any covered work, to interface with
0079 %   other modules (such as MATLAB code and MEX-files) available in a
0080 %   MATLAB(R) or comparable environment containing parts covered
0081 %   under other licensing terms, the licensors of MATPOWER grant
0082 %   you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
0084 %% initialize plotting options
0085 plot_level     = cb_data.mpopt.cpf.plot.level;
0086 plot_bus     = cb_data.mpopt.cpf.plot.bus;
0087 if plot_level
0088     if isempty(plot_bus)    %% no bus specified
0089         %% pick PQ bus with largest transfer
0090         [junk, idx] = max(cb_data.Sxfr(cb_data.pq));
0091         if isempty(idx)    %% or bus 1 if there are none
0092             idx = 1;
0093         else
0094             idx = cb_data.pq(idx(1));
0095         end
0096         idx_e = cb_data.mpc_target.order.bus.i2e(idx);
0097     else
0098         idx_e = plot_bus;    %% external bus number
0099         idx = full(cb_data.mpc_target.order.bus.e2i(idx_e));
0100         if idx == 0
0101             error('cpf_default_callback: %d is not a valid bus number for MPOPT.cpf.plot.bus', idx_e);
0102         end
0103     end
0104 end
0106 %%-----  INITIAL call  -----
0107 if k == 0
0108     %% initialize state
0109     cb_state = struct(  'V_p', V_p, ...
0110                         'lam_p', lam_p, ...
0111                         'V_c', V_c, ...
0112                         'lam_c', lam_c, ...
0113                         'iterations', 0);
0115     %% initialize lambda-V nose curve plot
0116     if plot_level
0117         plot(cb_state.lam_p(1), abs(cb_state.V_p(idx,1)), '-');
0118         title(sprintf('Voltage at Bus %d', idx_e));
0119         xlabel('\lambda');
0120         ylabel('Voltage Magnitude');
0121         axis([0 max([1;max(cb_state.lam_p);max(cb_state.lam_c)])*1.05 ...
0122             0 max([1;max(abs(cb_state.V_p(idx)));max(abs(cb_state.V_c(idx)))*1.05])]);
0123         hold on;
0124     end
0125 %%-----  FINAL call  -----
0126 elseif nargout == 2
0127     %% assemble results struct
0128     results = cb_state;     %% initialize results with final state
0129     results.max_lam = max(cb_state.lam_c);
0130     results.iterations = k;
0132     %% finish final lambda-V nose curve plot
0133     if plot_level
0134         %% plot the final nose curve
0135         plot(cb_state.lam_c', ...
0136             abs(cb_state.V_c(idx,:))', ...
0137             '-');
0138         axis([0 max([1;max(cb_state.lam_p);max(cb_state.lam_c)])*1.05 ...
0139             0 max([1;max(abs(cb_state.V_p(idx)));max(abs(cb_state.V_c(idx)))*1.05])]);
0140         hold off;
0141     end
0142 %%-----  ITERATION call  -----
0143 else
0144     %% update state
0145     cb_state.V_p   = [cb_state.V_p V_p];
0146     cb_state.lam_p = [cb_state.lam_p lam_p];
0147     cb_state.V_c   = [cb_state.V_c V_c];
0148     cb_state.lam_c = [cb_state.lam_c lam_c];
0149     cb_state.iterations    = k;
0151     %% plot single step of the lambda-V nose curve
0152     if plot_level > 1
0153         plot([cb_state.lam_c(k); cb_state.lam_p(k+1)], ...
0154             [abs(cb_state.V_c(idx,k)); abs(cb_state.V_p(idx,k+1))], ...
0155             '-', 'Color', 0.85*[1 0.75 0.75]);
0156         plot([cb_state.lam_p(k+1); cb_state.lam_c(k+1)], ...
0157             [abs(cb_state.V_p(idx,k+1)); abs(cb_state.V_c(idx,k+1))], ...
0158             '-', 'Color', 0.85*[0.75 1 0.75]);
0159         plot(cb_state.lam_p(k+1), abs(cb_state.V_p(idx,k+1)), 'x', ...
0160             'Color', 0.85*[1 0.75 0.75]);
0161         plot(cb_state.lam_c(k+1)', ...
0162             abs(cb_state.V_c(idx,k+1))', ...
0163             '-o');
0164         axis([0 max([1;max(cb_state.lam_p);max(cb_state.lam_c)])*1.05 ...
0165             0 max([1;max(abs(cb_state.V_p(idx)));max(abs(cb_state.V_c(idx)))*1.05])]);
0166         drawnow;
0167         if plot_level > 2
0168             pause;
0169         end
0170     end
0171 end

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