t_auction_case | T_AUCTION_CASE Power flow data for testing auction code. |
t_auction_minopf | T_AUCTION_MINOPF Tests for code in auction.m, using MINOPF solver. |
t_auction_mips | T_AUCTION_MIPS Tests for code in auction.m, using MIPS solver. |
t_auction_tspopf_pdipm | T_AUCTION_TSPOPF_PDIPM Tests for code in auction.m, using PDIPMOPF solver. |
t_begin | T_BEGIN Begin running tests. |
t_case30_userfcns | T_CASE30_USERFCNS Power flow data for 30 bus, 6 gen case w/reserves & iflims |
t_case9_opf | T_CASE9_OPF Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case, with OPF data. |
t_case9_opfv2 | T_CASE9_OPFV2 Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case, with OPF data. |
t_case9_pf | T_CASE9_PF Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case, no OPF data. |
t_case9_pfv2 | T_CASE9_PFV2 Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case, no OPF data. |
t_case_ext | T_CASE_EXT Case data in external format used to test EXT2INT and INT2EXT. |
t_case_int | T_CASE_INT Case data in internal format used to test EXT2INT and INT2EXT. |
t_end | T_END Finish running tests and print statistics. |
t_ext2int2ext | T_EXT2INT2EXT Tests EXT2INT and INT2EXT. |
t_hasPQcap | T_HASPQCAP Tests for HASPQCAP. |
t_hessian | T_HESSIAN Numerical tests of 2nd derivative code. |
t_is | T_IS Tests if two matrices are identical to some tolerance. |
t_jacobian | T_JACOBIAN Numerical tests of partial derivative code. |
t_loadcase | T_LOADCASE Test that LOADCASE works with a struct as well as case file. |
t_makeLODF | T_MAKELODF Tests for MAKELODF. |
t_makePTDF | T_MAKEPTDF Tests for MAKEPTDF. |
t_mips | T_MIPS Tests of MIPS NLP solver. |
t_mips6 | ------------------------------ deprecated ------------------------------ |
t_modcost | T_MODCOST Tests for code in MODCOST. |
t_off2case | T_OFF2CASE Tests for code in OFF2CASE. |
t_ok | T_OK Tests if a condition is true. |
t_opf_constr | ------------------------------ deprecated ------------------------------ |
t_opf_dc_bpmpd | T_OPF_DC_BPMPD Tests for DC optimal power flow using BPMPD_MEX solver. |
t_opf_dc_cplex | T_OPF_DC_CPLEX Tests for DC optimal power flow using CPLEX solver. |
t_opf_dc_ipopt | T_OPF_DC_MIPS Tests for DC optimal power flow using MIPS solver. |
t_opf_dc_mips | T_OPF_DC_MIPS Tests for DC optimal power flow using MIPS solver. |
t_opf_dc_mips_sc | T_OPF_DC_MIPS_SC Tests for DC optimal power flow using MIPS-sc solver. |
t_opf_dc_mosek | T_OPF_DC_MOSEK Tests for DC optimal power flow using MOSEK solver. |
t_opf_dc_ot | T_OPF_DC_OT Tests for DC optimal power flow using Opt Tbx solvers. |
t_opf_fmincon | T_OPF_FMINCON Tests for FMINCON-based optimal power flow. |
t_opf_ipopt | T_OPF_IPOPT Tests for IPOPT-based AC optimal power flow. |
t_opf_lp_den | ------------------------------ deprecated ------------------------------ |
t_opf_lp_spf | ------------------------------ deprecated ------------------------------ |
t_opf_lp_spr | ------------------------------ deprecated ------------------------------ |
t_opf_minopf | T_OPF_MINOPF Tests for MINOS-based optimal power flow. |
t_opf_mips | T_OPF_MIPS Tests for MIPS-based AC optimal power flow. |
t_opf_mips_sc | T_OPF_MIPS_SC Tests for step-controlled MIPS-based AC optimal power flow. |
t_opf_tspopf_pdipm | T_OPF_TSPOPF_PDIPM Tests for PDIPM-based optimal power flow. |
t_opf_tspopf_scpdipm | T_OPF_TSPOPF_SCPDIPM Tests for SCPDIPM-based optimal power flow. |
t_opf_tspopf_tralm | T_OPF_TSPOPF_TRALM Tests for TRALM-based optimal power flow. |
t_opf_userfcns | T_OPF_USERFCNS Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF. |
t_pf | T_PF Tests for power flow solvers. |
t_qps_matpower | T_QPS_MATPOWER Tests of QPS_MATPOWER QP solvers. |
t_run_tests | T_RUN_TESTS Run a series of tests. |
t_runmarket | T_RUNMARKET Tests for code in RUNMKT, SMARTMKT AND AUCTION. |
t_runopf_w_res | T_RUNOPF_W_RES Tests RUNOPF_W_RES and the associated callbacks. |
t_scale_load | T_SCALE_LOAD Tests for code in SCALE_LOAD. |
t_skip | T_SKIP Skips a number of tests. |
t_total_load | T_TOTAL_LOAD Tests for code in TOTAL_LOAD. |
t_totcost | T_TOTCOST Tests for code in TOTCOST. |
test_matpower | TEST_MATPOWER Run all MATPOWER tests. |