< Master index Index for matpower4.0/extras/smartmarket >

Index for matpower4.0/extras/smartmarket

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 auctionAUCTION Clear auction based on OPF results (qty's and lambdas).
 case2offCASE2OFF Creates quantity & price offers from gen & gencost.
 idx_dispIDX_DISP Defines constants for named column indices to dispatch matrix.
 off2caseOFF2CASE Updates case variables gen & gencost from quantity & price offers.
 pricelimitsPRICELIMITS Fills in a struct with default values for offer/bid limits.
 printmktPRINTMKT Prints results of ISO computation.
 runmarketRUNMARKET Runs PowerWeb-style smart market.
 runmktRUNMKT Runs smart market for PowerWeb.
 smartmktSMARTMKT Runs the PowerWeb smart market.

Generated on Mon 26-Jan-2015 14:56:44 by m2html © 2005