Home > matpower7.1 > mp-opt-model > lib > @opt_model > solve.m



SOLVE Solve the optimization model.


function [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = solve(om, opt)


SOLVE  Solve the optimization model.
   X = OM.SOLVE()
   [X, F] = OM.SOLVE()
   [X, F, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, JAC] = OM.SOLVE()      (NLEQ problems)
   [X, F, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, LAMBDA] = OM.SOLVE()   (other problem types)
   [X ...] = OM.SOLVE(OPT)

   Solves the optimization model using one of the following, depending

       OPT : optional options structure with the following fields,
           all of which are also optional (default values shown in
           alg ('DEFAULT') : determines which solver to use, list of relevant
                   problem types are listed in parens next to each
               'DEFAULT' : automatic, depending on problem type, uses the
                       the first available of:
                   LP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, linprog (if MATLAB), GLPK,
                           BPMPD, MIPS
                   QP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, quadprog (if MATLAB), BPMPD,
                   MILP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, Opt Tbx (intlingprog), GLPK
                   MIQP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK
                   NLP - MIPS
                   MINLP - Artelys Knitro (not yet implemented)
                   NLEQ - Newton's method
               'BPMPD'   : (LP, QP) BPMPD_MEX
               'CLP'     : (LP, QP) CLP
               'CPLEX'   : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) CPLEX
               'FD'      : (NLEQ) fast-decoupled Newon's method
               'FMINCON' : (NLP) FMINCON, MATLAB Optimization Toolbox
               'FSOLVE'  : (NLEQ) FSOLVE, MATLAB Optimization Toolbox
               'GLPK'    : (LP, MILP) GLPK
               'GS'      : (NLEQ) Gauss-Seidel
               'GUROBI'  : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) Gurobi
               'IPOPT'   : (LP, QP, NLP) IPOPT, requires MEX interface to IPOPT solver
               'KNITRO'  : (NLP, MINLP) Artelys Knitro, requires Artelys Knitro solver
               'MIPS'    : (LP, QP, NLP) MIPS, MATPOWER Interior Point Solver
                        pure MATLAB implementation of a primal-dual
                        interior point method, if mips_opt.step_control = 1
                        it uses MIPS-sc, a step controlled variant of MIPS
               'MOSEK'   : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) MOSEK
               'NEWTON'  : (NLEQ) Newton's method
               'OSQP'    : (LP, QP) OSQP, https://osqp.org
               'OT'      : (LP, QP, MILP) MATLAB Optimization Toolbox,
                           LINPROG, QUADPROG or INTLINPROG
           verbose (0) - controls level of progress output displayed
               0 = no progress output
               1 = some progress output
               2 = verbose progress output
           bp_opt      - options vector for BP (BPMPD)
           clp_opt     - options vector for CLP
           cplex_opt   - options struct for CPLEX
           fd_opt      - options struct for fast-decoupled Newton's method,
           fmincon_opt - options struct for FMINCON
           fsolve_opt  - options struct for FSOLVE
           glpk_opt    - options struct for GLPK
           grb_opt     - options struct for GUROBI
           gs_opt      - options struct for Gauss-Seidel method,
           intlinprog_opt - options struct for INTLINPROG
           ipopt_opt   - options struct for IPOPT
           knitro_opt  - options struct for Artelys Knitro
           leq_opt     - options struct for MPLINSOLVE, with 'solver' and
               'opt' fields corresponding to respective MPLINSOLVE args
           linprog_opt - options struct for LINPROG
           mips_opt    - options struct for MIPS
           mosek_opt   - options struct for MOSEK
           newton_opt  - options struct for Newton method, NLEQS_NEWTON
           osqp_opt    - options struct for OSQP
           quadprog_opt - options struct for QUADPROG
           parse_soln (0) - flag that specifies whether or not to call
               the PARSE_SOLN method and place the return values in OM.soln.
           price_stage_warn_tol (1e-7) - tolerance on the objective fcn
               value and primal variable relative match required to avoid
               mis-match warning message if mixed integer price computation
               stage is not skipped
           skip_prices (0) - flag that specifies whether or not to skip the
               price computation stage for mixed integer problems, in which
               the problem is re-solved for only the continuous variables,
               with all others being constrained to their solved values
           x0 (empty)  - optional initial value of x, overrides value
               stored in model (ignored by some solvers)

       X : solution vector
       F : final (objective) function value
       EXITFLAG : exit flag
           1 = converged
           0 or negative values = solver specific failure codes
       OUTPUT : output struct with the following fields:
           alg - algorithm code of solver used
           (others) - solver specific fields
       JAC : final Jacobian matrix (if available, for LEQ/NLEQ problems)
       LAMBDA : (for all non-NLEQ problem types) struct containing the
           Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on the constraints, with
           eqnonlin - nonlinear equality constraints
           ineqnonlin - nonlinear inequality constraints
           mu_l - lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
           mu_u - upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
           lower - lower bound on optimization variables
           upper - upper bound on optimization variables



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = solve(om, opt)
0002 %SOLVE  Solve the optimization model.
0003 %   X = OM.SOLVE()
0004 %   [X, F] = OM.SOLVE()
0005 %   [X, F, EXITFLAG] = OM.SOLVE()
0006 %   [X, F, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT] = OM.SOLVE()
0007 %   [X, F, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, JAC] = OM.SOLVE()      (NLEQ problems)
0008 %   [X, F, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, LAMBDA] = OM.SOLVE()   (other problem types)
0009 %   [X ...] = OM.SOLVE(OPT)
0010 %
0011 %   Solves the optimization model using one of the following, depending
0012 %   on the problem type: QPS_MASTER, MIQPS_MASTER, NLPS_MASTER, NLEQS_MASTER.
0013 %
0014 %   Inputs:
0015 %       OPT : optional options structure with the following fields,
0016 %           all of which are also optional (default values shown in
0017 %           parentheses)
0018 %           alg ('DEFAULT') : determines which solver to use, list of relevant
0019 %                   problem types are listed in parens next to each
0020 %               'DEFAULT' : automatic, depending on problem type, uses the
0021 %                       the first available of:
0022 %                   LP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, linprog (if MATLAB), GLPK,
0023 %                           BPMPD, MIPS
0024 %                   QP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, quadprog (if MATLAB), BPMPD,
0025 %                           MIPS
0026 %                   MILP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, Opt Tbx (intlingprog), GLPK
0027 %                   MIQP - Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK
0028 %                   NLP - MIPS
0029 %                   MINLP - Artelys Knitro (not yet implemented)
0030 %                   NLEQ - Newton's method
0031 %               'BPMPD'   : (LP, QP) BPMPD_MEX
0032 %               'CLP'     : (LP, QP) CLP
0033 %               'CPLEX'   : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) CPLEX
0034 %               'FD'      : (NLEQ) fast-decoupled Newon's method
0035 %               'FMINCON' : (NLP) FMINCON, MATLAB Optimization Toolbox
0036 %               'FSOLVE'  : (NLEQ) FSOLVE, MATLAB Optimization Toolbox
0037 %               'GLPK'    : (LP, MILP) GLPK
0038 %               'GS'      : (NLEQ) Gauss-Seidel
0039 %               'GUROBI'  : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) Gurobi
0040 %               'IPOPT'   : (LP, QP, NLP) IPOPT, requires MEX interface to IPOPT solver
0041 %                           https://github.com/coin-or/Ipopt
0042 %               'KNITRO'  : (NLP, MINLP) Artelys Knitro, requires Artelys Knitro solver
0043 %                           https://www.artelys.com/solvers/knitro/
0044 %               'MIPS'    : (LP, QP, NLP) MIPS, MATPOWER Interior Point Solver
0045 %                        pure MATLAB implementation of a primal-dual
0046 %                        interior point method, if mips_opt.step_control = 1
0047 %                        it uses MIPS-sc, a step controlled variant of MIPS
0048 %               'MOSEK'   : (LP, QP, MILP, MIQP) MOSEK
0049 %               'NEWTON'  : (NLEQ) Newton's method
0050 %               'OSQP'    : (LP, QP) OSQP, https://osqp.org
0051 %               'OT'      : (LP, QP, MILP) MATLAB Optimization Toolbox,
0052 %                           LINPROG, QUADPROG or INTLINPROG
0053 %           verbose (0) - controls level of progress output displayed
0054 %               0 = no progress output
0055 %               1 = some progress output
0056 %               2 = verbose progress output
0057 %           bp_opt      - options vector for BP (BPMPD)
0058 %           clp_opt     - options vector for CLP
0059 %           cplex_opt   - options struct for CPLEX
0060 %           fd_opt      - options struct for fast-decoupled Newton's method,
0061 %                           nleqs_fd_newton()
0062 %           fmincon_opt - options struct for FMINCON
0063 %           fsolve_opt  - options struct for FSOLVE
0064 %           glpk_opt    - options struct for GLPK
0065 %           grb_opt     - options struct for GUROBI
0066 %           gs_opt      - options struct for Gauss-Seidel method,
0067 %                           nleqs_gauss_seidel()
0068 %           intlinprog_opt - options struct for INTLINPROG
0069 %           ipopt_opt   - options struct for IPOPT
0070 %           knitro_opt  - options struct for Artelys Knitro
0071 %           leq_opt     - options struct for MPLINSOLVE, with 'solver' and
0072 %               'opt' fields corresponding to respective MPLINSOLVE args
0073 %           linprog_opt - options struct for LINPROG
0074 %           mips_opt    - options struct for MIPS
0075 %           mosek_opt   - options struct for MOSEK
0076 %           newton_opt  - options struct for Newton method, NLEQS_NEWTON
0077 %           osqp_opt    - options struct for OSQP
0078 %           quadprog_opt - options struct for QUADPROG
0079 %           parse_soln (0) - flag that specifies whether or not to call
0080 %               the PARSE_SOLN method and place the return values in OM.soln.
0081 %           price_stage_warn_tol (1e-7) - tolerance on the objective fcn
0082 %               value and primal variable relative match required to avoid
0083 %               mis-match warning message if mixed integer price computation
0084 %               stage is not skipped
0085 %           skip_prices (0) - flag that specifies whether or not to skip the
0086 %               price computation stage for mixed integer problems, in which
0087 %               the problem is re-solved for only the continuous variables,
0088 %               with all others being constrained to their solved values
0089 %           x0 (empty)  - optional initial value of x, overrides value
0090 %               stored in model (ignored by some solvers)
0091 %
0092 %   Outputs:
0093 %       X : solution vector
0094 %       F : final (objective) function value
0095 %       EXITFLAG : exit flag
0096 %           1 = converged
0097 %           0 or negative values = solver specific failure codes
0098 %       OUTPUT : output struct with the following fields:
0099 %           alg - algorithm code of solver used
0100 %           (others) - solver specific fields
0101 %       JAC : final Jacobian matrix (if available, for LEQ/NLEQ problems)
0102 %       LAMBDA : (for all non-NLEQ problem types) struct containing the
0103 %           Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on the constraints, with
0104 %           fields:
0105 %           eqnonlin - nonlinear equality constraints
0106 %           ineqnonlin - nonlinear inequality constraints
0107 %           mu_l - lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
0108 %           mu_u - upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
0109 %           lower - lower bound on optimization variables
0110 %           upper - upper bound on optimization variables
0111 %
0114 %   MP-Opt-Model
0115 %   Copyright (c) 2020, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0116 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0117 %
0118 %   This file is part of MP-Opt-Model.
0119 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0120 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model for more info.
0122 if nargin < 2
0123     opt = struct();
0124 end
0125 % opt.parse_soln = 1;
0127 %% call appropriate solver
0128 pt = om.problem_type();
0129 switch pt
0130     case 'MINLP'        %% MINLP - mixed integer non-linear program
0131         error('@opt_model/solve: not yet implemented for ''MINLP'' problems.')
0132     case 'LEQ'          %% LEQ   - linear equations
0133         if isfield(opt, 'leq_opt') && isfield(opt.leq_opt, 'solver')
0134             leq_solver = opt.leq_opt.solver;
0135         else
0136             leq_solver = '';
0137         end
0138         if isfield(opt, 'leq_opt') && isfield(opt.leq_opt, 'opt')
0139             leq_opt = opt.leq_opt.opt;
0140         else
0141             leq_opt = struct();
0142         end
0143         [A, b] = om.params_lin_constraint();
0144         x = mplinsolve(A, b, leq_solver, leq_opt);
0145         f = A*x - b;
0146         eflag = 1;
0147         output = struct('alg', leq_solver);
0148         lambda = A;     %% jac
0149     case 'NLEQ'         %% NLEQ  - nonlinear equations
0150         x0 = om.params_var();
0151         if isfield(opt, 'x0')
0152             x0 = opt.x0;
0153         end
0155         if om.getN('lin')
0156             [A, b] = om.params_lin_constraint();
0157             fcn = @(x)nleq_fcn_(om, x, A, b);
0158         else
0159             fcn = @(x)om.eval_nln_constraint(x, 1);
0160         end
0161         [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = nleqs_master(fcn, x0, opt);
0162     case 'NLP'          %% NLP  - nonlinear program
0163         %% optimization vars, bounds, types
0164         [x0, xmin, xmax] = om.params_var();
0165         if isfield(opt, 'x0')
0166             x0 = opt.x0;
0167         end
0169         %% run solver
0170         [A, l, u] = om.params_lin_constraint();
0171         f_fcn = @(x)nlp_costfcn(om, x);
0172         gh_fcn = @(x)nlp_consfcn(om, x);
0173         hess_fcn = @(x, lambda, cost_mult)nlp_hessfcn(om, x, lambda, cost_mult);
0174         [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = ...
0175             nlps_master(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt);
0176     otherwise
0177         %% get parameters
0178         [HH, CC, C0] = om.params_quad_cost();
0179         [A, l, u] = om.params_lin_constraint();
0181         if strcmp(pt(1:2), 'MI')    %% MILP, MIQP - mixed integer linear/quadratic program
0182             %% optimization vars, bounds, types
0183             [x0, xmin, xmax, vtype] = om.params_var();
0184             if isfield(opt, 'x0')
0185                 x0 = opt.x0;
0186             end
0188             %% run solver
0189             [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = ...
0190                 miqps_master(HH, CC, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, vtype, opt);
0191         else                        %% LP, QP - linear/quadratic program
0192             %% optimization vars, bounds, types
0193             [x0, xmin, xmax] = om.params_var();
0194             if isfield(opt, 'x0')
0195                 x0 = opt.x0;
0196             end
0198             %% run solver
0199             [x, f, eflag, output, lambda] = ...
0200                 qps_master(HH, CC, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, opt);
0201         end
0202         f = f + C0;
0203 end
0205 %% store solution
0206 om.soln.eflag = eflag;
0207 om.soln.x = x;
0208 om.soln.f = f;
0209 om.soln.output = output;
0210 if isstruct(lambda)
0211     om.soln.lambda = lambda;
0212 else
0213     om.soln.jac = lambda;
0214 end
0216 %% parse solution
0217 if isfield(opt, 'parse_soln') && opt.parse_soln
0218     ps = om.parse_soln();
0219     om.soln = nested_struct_copy(om.soln, ps, struct('copy_mode', '='));
0220 end
0222 %% system of nonlinear and linear equations
0223 function [f, J] = nleq_fcn_(om, x, A, b)
0224 if nargout > 1
0225     [ff, JJ] = om.eval_nln_constraint(x, 1);
0226     J = [JJ; A];
0227 else
0228     ff = om.eval_nln_constraint(x, 1);
0229 end
0230 f = [ff; A*x - b];

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