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GET_SOLN Fetch solution values for specific named/indexed sets.


function varargout = get_soln(om, set_type, tags, name, idx)


GET_SOLN  Fetch solution values for specific named/indexed sets.

   Returns named/indexed results for a solved model, evaluated at
   the solution found.

       SET_TYPE - one of the following, specifying the type of set:
           'var' - variables
           'lin' - linear constraints
           'nle' - nonlinear equality constraints
           'nli' - nonlinear inequality constraints
           'nlc' - nonlinear costs
           'qdc' - quadratic costs
       TAGS - char array or cell array of char arrays specifying the
           desired output(s). Valid tags vary by SET_TYPE as follows:
           'var' - default is {'x', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'}
               'x' - value of solution variable
               'mu_l' - shadow price on variable lower bound
               'mu_u' - shadow price on variable upper bound
           'lin' - default is {'g', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'}
               'g' - 1 x 2 cell array of upper and lower constraint
                   values, {A*x - u, l - A*x}
               'Ax_u' - upper constraint value, A*x - u
               'l_Ax' - lower constraint value, l - A*x
               'mu_l' - shadow price on constraint lower bound
               'mu_u' - shadow price on constraint upper bound
           'nle' - default is {'g', 'lam', 'dg'}
               'g' - constraint value g(x)
               'lam' - shadow price on constraint
               'dg' - Jacobian of constraint
           'nli' - default is {'h', 'mu', 'dh'}
               'h' - constraint value h(x)
               'mu' - shadow price on constraint
               'dh' - Jacobian of constraint
           'nlc' and 'qdc' - default is {'f', 'df', 'd2f'}
               'f' - cost function value f(x) (for 'qdc' can return a vector)
               'df' - gradient of cost function
               'd2f' - Hessian of cost function
       NAME - char array specifying the name of the set
       IDX  - cell array specifying the indices of the set

       Variable number of outputs corresponding to TAGS input. If TAGS
       is empty or not specified, the calling context will define the
       number of outputs, returned in order of default tags for the
       specified SET_TYPE.

       [P, muPmin, muPmax] = om.get_soln('var', 'P');
       [mu_u, mu_l] = om.get_soln('lin', {'mu_u', 'mu_l'}, 'lin_con_1');
       dg_b_2_3 = om.get_soln('nle', 'dg', 'nle_con_b', {2,3});

   For a complete set of solution vector values and shadow prices, using
   the PARSE_SOLN method may be more effecient.

   See also PARSE_SOLN.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = get_soln(om, set_type, tags, name, idx)
0002 %GET_SOLN  Fetch solution values for specific named/indexed sets.
0007 %
0008 %   Returns named/indexed results for a solved model, evaluated at
0009 %   the solution found.
0010 %
0011 %   Inputs:
0012 %       SET_TYPE - one of the following, specifying the type of set:
0013 %           'var' - variables
0014 %           'lin' - linear constraints
0015 %           'nle' - nonlinear equality constraints
0016 %           'nli' - nonlinear inequality constraints
0017 %           'nlc' - nonlinear costs
0018 %           'qdc' - quadratic costs
0019 %       TAGS - char array or cell array of char arrays specifying the
0020 %           desired output(s). Valid tags vary by SET_TYPE as follows:
0021 %           'var' - default is {'x', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'}
0022 %               'x' - value of solution variable
0023 %               'mu_l' - shadow price on variable lower bound
0024 %               'mu_u' - shadow price on variable upper bound
0025 %           'lin' - default is {'g', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'}
0026 %               'g' - 1 x 2 cell array of upper and lower constraint
0027 %                   values, {A*x - u, l - A*x}
0028 %               'Ax_u' - upper constraint value, A*x - u
0029 %               'l_Ax' - lower constraint value, l - A*x
0030 %               'mu_l' - shadow price on constraint lower bound
0031 %               'mu_u' - shadow price on constraint upper bound
0032 %           'nle' - default is {'g', 'lam', 'dg'}
0033 %               'g' - constraint value g(x)
0034 %               'lam' - shadow price on constraint
0035 %               'dg' - Jacobian of constraint
0036 %           'nli' - default is {'h', 'mu', 'dh'}
0037 %               'h' - constraint value h(x)
0038 %               'mu' - shadow price on constraint
0039 %               'dh' - Jacobian of constraint
0040 %           'nlc' and 'qdc' - default is {'f', 'df', 'd2f'}
0041 %               'f' - cost function value f(x) (for 'qdc' can return a vector)
0042 %               'df' - gradient of cost function
0043 %               'd2f' - Hessian of cost function
0044 %       NAME - char array specifying the name of the set
0045 %       IDX  - cell array specifying the indices of the set
0046 %
0047 %   Outputs:
0048 %       Variable number of outputs corresponding to TAGS input. If TAGS
0049 %       is empty or not specified, the calling context will define the
0050 %       number of outputs, returned in order of default tags for the
0051 %       specified SET_TYPE.
0052 %
0053 %   Examples:
0054 %       [P, muPmin, muPmax] = om.get_soln('var', 'P');
0055 %       [mu_u, mu_l] = om.get_soln('lin', {'mu_u', 'mu_l'}, 'lin_con_1');
0056 %       dg_b_2_3 = om.get_soln('nle', 'dg', 'nle_con_b', {2,3});
0057 %
0058 %   For a complete set of solution vector values and shadow prices, using
0059 %   the PARSE_SOLN method may be more effecient.
0060 %
0061 %   See also PARSE_SOLN.
0063 %   MP-Opt-Model
0064 %   Copyright (c) 2020, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0065 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0066 %
0067 %   This file is part of MP-Opt-Model.
0068 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0069 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model for more info.
0071 %% input arg handling
0072 if nargin == 3              %% om.get_soln(set_type, name)
0073     idx = [];
0074     name = tags;
0075     tags = {};
0076 elseif nargin == 4
0077     if ischar(name)         %% om.get_soln(set_type, tags, name)
0078         idx = [];
0079     else                    %% om.get_soln(set_type, name, idx)
0080         idx = name;
0081         name = tags;
0082         tags = {};
0083     end
0084 end
0086 %% set up tags for default outputs
0087 if isempty(tags)
0088     switch set_type
0089         case 'var'
0090             tags = {'x', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'};
0091         case 'lin'
0092             if strcmp(om.problem_type(), 'LEQ')
0093                 tags = {'f'};   %% 'Ax_u', 'l_Ax' are also options
0094             else
0095                 tags = {'g', 'mu_l', 'mu_u'};   %% 'Ax_u', 'l_Ax' are also options
0096             end
0097         case 'nle'
0098             tags = {'g', 'lam', 'dg'};
0099         case 'nli'
0100             tags = {'h', 'mu', 'dh'};
0101         case 'nlc'
0102             tags = {'f', 'df', 'd2f'};
0103         case 'qdc'
0104             tags = {'f', 'df', 'd2f'};
0105     end
0106 elseif ~iscell(tags)
0107     tags = { tags };
0108 end
0110 %% set up indexing
0111 om_ff = om.(set_type);
0112 if isempty(idx)         %% simple named set
0113     N = om_ff.idx.N.(name);
0114     i1 = om_ff.idx.i1.(name);           %% starting row index
0115     iN = om_ff.idx.iN.(name);           %% ending row index
0116 else                    %% indexed named set
0117     %% calls to substruct() are relatively expensive, so we pre-build the
0118     %% structs for addressing cell and numeric array fields, updating only
0119     %% the subscripts before use
0120     sc = struct('type', {'.', '{}'}, 'subs', {name, idx});  %% cell array field
0121     sn = sc; sn(2).type = '()';                         %% num array field
0122     N = subsref(om_ff.idx.N, sn);
0123     i1 = subsref(om_ff.idx.i1, sn);     %% starting row index
0124     iN = subsref(om_ff.idx.iN, sn);     %% ending row index
0125 end
0127 %% get outputs
0128 varargout = cell(1, nargout);
0129 s = om.soln;
0130 if N && ~isempty(s.eflag)
0131     switch set_type
0132         case 'var'
0133             for k = 1:nargout
0134                 switch tags{k}
0135                     case 'x'
0136                         varargout{k} = s.x(i1:iN);
0137                     case 'mu_l'
0138                         varargout{k} = s.lambda.lower(i1:iN);
0139                     case 'mu_u'
0140                         varargout{k} = s.lambda.upper(i1:iN);
0141                     otherwise
0142                         error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0143                 end
0144             end
0145         case 'lin'
0146             if strcmp(om.problem_type(), 'LEQ') %% tag must be 'f'
0147                 varargout{1} = s.f(i1:iN);
0148             else
0149                 if any(ismember({'g', 'Ax_u', 'l_Ax'}, tags(1:nargout)))
0150                     g = cell(1,2);
0151                     [g{:}] = om.eval_lin_constraint(s.x, name, idx);
0152                 end
0153                 for k = 1:nargout
0154                     switch tags{k}
0155                         case 'g'
0156                             varargout{k} = g;
0157                         case 'Ax_u'
0158                             varargout{k} = g{1};
0159                         case 'l_Ax'
0160                             varargout{k} = g{2};
0161                         case 'mu_l'
0162                             varargout{k} = s.lambda.mu_l(i1:iN);
0163                         case 'mu_u'
0164                             varargout{k} = s.lambda.mu_u(i1:iN);
0165                         otherwise
0166                             error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0167                     end
0168                 end
0169             end
0170         case 'nle'
0171             if ismember('dg', tags(1:nargout))
0172                 [g, dg] = om.eval_nln_constraint(s.x, 1, name, idx);
0173             elseif ismember('g', tags(1:nargout))
0174                 g = om.eval_nln_constraint(s.x, 1, name, idx);
0175             end
0176             for k = 1:nargout
0177                 switch tags{k}
0178                     case 'g'
0179                         varargout{k} = g;
0180                     case 'dg'
0181                         varargout{k} = dg;
0182                     case 'lam'
0183                         varargout{k} = s.lambda.eqnonlin(i1:iN);
0184                     otherwise
0185                         error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0186                 end
0187             end
0188         case 'nli'
0189             if ismember('dh', tags(1:nargout))
0190                 [h, dh] = om.eval_nln_constraint(s.x, 0, name, idx);
0191             elseif ismember('h', tags(1:nargout))
0192                 h = om.eval_nln_constraint(s.x, 0, name, idx);
0193             end
0194             for k = 1:nargout
0195                 switch tags{k}
0196                     case 'h'
0197                         varargout{k} = h;
0198                     case 'dh'
0199                         varargout{k} = dh;
0200                     case 'mu'
0201                         varargout{k} = s.lambda.ineqnonlin(i1:iN);
0202                     otherwise
0203                         error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0204                 end
0205             end
0206         case 'nlc'
0207             if ismember('d2f', tags(1:nargout))
0208                 [f, df, d2f] = om.eval_nln_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0209             elseif ismember('df', tags(1:nargout))
0210                 [f, df] = om.eval_nln_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0211             else
0212                 f = om.eval_nln_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0213             end
0214             for k = 1:nargout
0215                 switch tags{k}
0216                     case 'f'
0217                         varargout{k} = f;
0218                     case 'df'
0219                         varargout{k} = df;
0220                     case 'd2f'
0221                         varargout{k} = d2f;
0222                     otherwise
0223                         error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0224                 end
0225             end
0226         case 'qdc'
0227             if ismember('d2f', tags(1:nargout))
0228                 [f, df, d2f] = om.eval_quad_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0229             elseif ismember('df', tags(1:nargout))
0230                 [f, df] = om.eval_quad_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0231             else
0232                 f = om.eval_quad_cost(s.x, name, idx);
0233             end
0234             for k = 1:nargout
0235                 switch tags{k}
0236                     case 'f'
0237                         varargout{k} = f;
0238                     case 'df'
0239                         varargout{k} = df;
0240                     case 'd2f'
0241                         varargout{k} = d2f;
0242                     otherwise
0243                         error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown tag ''%s''', tags{k});
0244                 end
0245             end
0246         otherwise
0247             error('opt_model/get_soln: unknown set_type ''%s''', set_type);
0248     end     %% switch set_type
0249     end
0250 end     %% if N

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