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This is a script file.


   Version 1.1         08-Oct-2020

   The MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool (MOST) is framework for solving
   generalized steady-state electric power scheduling problems.

   MOST can be used to solve problems as simple as a deterministic,
   single period economic dispatch problem with no transmission
   constraints or as complex as a stochastic, security-constrained,
   combined unit-commitment and multiperiod optimal power flow problem
   with locational contingency and load-following reserves, ramping
   costs and constraints, deferrable demands, lossy storage resources
   and uncertain renewable generation.

   While the problem formulation is general and incorporates a full
   nonlinear AC network model, the current implementation is limited
   to DC power flow modeling of the network. Some work has been done
   on an AC implementation, but it is not yet ready for release.

   The primary developers of MOST are Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez and
   Ray D. Zimmerman, with significant contributions from
   Daniel Munoz-Alvarez and Alberto J. Lamadrid. It is built on top of
   MATPOWER, a package of MATLAB/Octave M-files for solving power flow
   and optimal power flow problems.

   The latest version of MOST can be found on GitHub at:


   MOST is covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE for details).


This function calls: This function is called by:
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