Home > matpower7.0 > lib > genfuels.m



GENFUELS Return list of standard values for generator fuel types


function gf = genfuels()


GENFUELS   Return list of standard values for generator fuel types


   Returns a cell array of strings containing the following standard
   generator fuel types for use in the optional MPC.GENFUEL field of the
   MATPOWER case struct. This is to be considered an unordered list,
   where the position of a particular fuel type in the list is not
   defined and is therefore subject to change.

       biomass     - Biomass
       coal        - Coal
       dfo         - Distillate Fuel Oil (Diesel, FO1, FO2, FO4)
       geothermal  - Geothermal
       hydro       - Hydro
       hydrops     - Hydro Pumped Storage
       jetfuel     - Jet Fuel
       lng         - Liquefied Natural Gas
       ng          - Natural Gas
       nuclear     - Nuclear
       oil         - Unspecified Oil
       refuse      - Refuse, Municipal Solid Waste
       rfo         - Residual Fuel Oil (FO5, FO6)
       solar       - Solar
       syncgen     - Synchronous Condensor
       wasteheat   - Waste Heat
       wind        - Wind
       wood        - Wood or Wood Waste
       other       - Other
       unknown     - Unknown
       dl          - Dispatchable Load
       ess         - Energy Storage System

       if ~ismember(mpc.genfuel{k}, genfuels())
           error('unknown fuel type');



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function gf = genfuels()
0002 %GENFUELS   Return list of standard values for generator fuel types
0003 %
0004 %   GF = GENFUELS()
0005 %
0006 %   Returns a cell array of strings containing the following standard
0007 %   generator fuel types for use in the optional MPC.GENFUEL field of the
0008 %   MATPOWER case struct. This is to be considered an unordered list,
0009 %   where the position of a particular fuel type in the list is not
0010 %   defined and is therefore subject to change.
0011 %
0012 %       biomass     - Biomass
0013 %       coal        - Coal
0014 %       dfo         - Distillate Fuel Oil (Diesel, FO1, FO2, FO4)
0015 %       geothermal  - Geothermal
0016 %       hydro       - Hydro
0017 %       hydrops     - Hydro Pumped Storage
0018 %       jetfuel     - Jet Fuel
0019 %       lng         - Liquefied Natural Gas
0020 %       ng          - Natural Gas
0021 %       nuclear     - Nuclear
0022 %       oil         - Unspecified Oil
0023 %       refuse      - Refuse, Municipal Solid Waste
0024 %       rfo         - Residual Fuel Oil (FO5, FO6)
0025 %       solar       - Solar
0026 %       syncgen     - Synchronous Condensor
0027 %       wasteheat   - Waste Heat
0028 %       wind        - Wind
0029 %       wood        - Wood or Wood Waste
0030 %       other       - Other
0031 %       unknown     - Unknown
0032 %       dl          - Dispatchable Load
0033 %       ess         - Energy Storage System
0034 %
0035 %   Example:
0036 %       if ~ismember(mpc.genfuel{k}, genfuels())
0037 %           error('unknown fuel type');
0038 %       end
0039 %
0040 %   See also GENTYPES, SAVECASE.
0042 %   MATPOWER
0043 %   Copyright (c) 2017, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0044 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0045 %
0046 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0047 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0048 %   See https://matpower.org for more info.
0050 gf = { ...
0051     'biomass';
0052     'coal';
0053     'dfo';
0054     'geothermal';
0055     'hydro';
0056     'hydrops';
0057     'jetfuel';
0058     'lng';
0059     'ng';
0060     'nuclear';
0061     'oil';
0062     'refuse';
0063     'rfo';
0064     'solar';
0065     'syncgen';
0066     'wasteheat';
0067     'wind';
0068     'wood';
0069     'other';
0070     'unknown';
0071     'dl';
0072     'ess';
0073 };

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