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POSTPROC_MAXLOADLIM Performs some post processing on the results returned


function results = postproc_maxloadlim(results,dir_mll)


 POSTPROC_MAXLOADLIM Performs some post processing on the results returned
 by the ACOPF run in MATPOWER.
   RESULTS = POSTPROC_MAXLOADLIM(RESULTS,DIR_MLL) transforms the dispatchable
   loads back to normal loads and parse the results in the struct RESULTS
   to provide contextual information on the maximum loadability point
   found in the direction of load increase defined by DIR_MLL. It returns
   the updated struct RESULTS.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function results = postproc_maxloadlim(results,dir_mll)
0002 % POSTPROC_MAXLOADLIM Performs some post processing on the results returned
0003 % by the ACOPF run in MATPOWER.
0004 %   RESULTS = POSTPROC_MAXLOADLIM(RESULTS,DIR_MLL) transforms the dispatchable
0005 %   loads back to normal loads and parse the results in the struct RESULTS
0006 %   to provide contextual information on the maximum loadability point
0007 %   found in the direction of load increase defined by DIR_MLL. It returns
0008 %   the updated struct RESULTS.
0010 %   MATPOWER
0011 %   Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0012 %   by Camille Hamon
0013 %
0014 %   This file is part of MATPOWER/mx-maxloadlim.
0015 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0016 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mx-maxloadlim/ for more info.
0018 define_constants;
0020 % Transforming the dispatchable gen back to loads
0021 idx_gen_load_disp = isload(results.gen);
0022 idx_bus_load_disp = results.gen(idx_gen_load_disp,GEN_BUS);
0023 results.bus(idx_bus_load_disp ,[PD QD]) = -results.gen(idx_gen_load_disp,[PG QG]);
0024 results.gen(idx_gen_load_disp,:) = [];
0025 results.gencost(idx_gen_load_disp,:) = [];
0026 % Removing the shadow prices corresponding to dispatchable loads
0027 results.var.mu.u.Pg(idx_gen_load_disp) = [];
0028 results.var.mu.l.Pg(idx_gen_load_disp) = [];
0029 results.var.mu.u.Qg(idx_gen_load_disp) = [];
0030 results.var.mu.l.Qg(idx_gen_load_disp) = [];
0031 % If all gens at bus have non zero reactive power shadow prices, this bus
0032 % is PQ
0033 for bb = 1:size(results.bus,1)
0034     gen_list_at_bb = results.gen(:,GEN_BUS) == bb;
0035     if all(results.var.mu.u.Qg(gen_list_at_bb)>0)
0036         results.bus(bb,BUS_TYPE) = PQ;
0037     end
0038 end
0040 % Create a new field for the stability margin in load increase
0041 results.stab_marg = results.var.val.alpha;
0042 % Create a new field for the stability margin in gen change
0043 if isfield(results.var.val,'beta')
0044     results.gen_stab_marg = results.var.val.beta;
0045 end
0047 % Remove the cost for the printpf function to consider the results as load
0048 % flow results.
0049 results.f = [];
0050 % Direction defined over all buses (not only over nonzero loads)
0051 results.dir_mll = dir_mll;
0053 % Determining the type of bifurcation (SNB or SLL)
0054 % SLL is characterized by having both reactive power limit and voltage
0055 % limit binding at one generator
0056 shadow_price_Qg = results.var.mu.u.Qg;
0057 shadow_price_Vm = results.var.mu.u.Vm;
0058 % Map the shadow price of bus voltage magnitude to generators
0059 shadow_price_Vg = shadow_price_Vm(results.gen(:,GEN_BUS));
0060 idx_bus_sll = shadow_price_Qg & shadow_price_Vg;
0061 if sum(idx_bus_sll) > 0
0062     results.bif.short_name = 'LIB';
0063     results.bif.full_name = 'limit-induced bifurcation';
0064     results.bif.gen_sll = find(idx_bus_sll);
0065 else
0066     results.bif.short_name = 'SNB';
0067     results.bif.full_name = 'saddle-node bifurcation';
0068 end
0069 % Building the sets of gens that reached their Q lims and of gens that did
0070 % not
0071 gen_a = shadow_price_Vm(results.gen(:,GEN_BUS))~= 0;
0072 gen_b = shadow_price_Qg ~= 0;
0073 results.bif.gen_a = gen_a;
0074 results.bif.gen_b = gen_b;

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