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CASE3BUS_P6_6 Case of 3 bus system.


function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost] = case3bus_P6_6


CASE3BUS_P6_6  Case of 3 bus system.
   From Problem 6.6 in book 'Computational
   Methods for Electric Power Systems' by Mariesa Crow
   created by Rui Bo on 2007/11/12


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost] = case3bus_P6_6
0002 %CASE3BUS_P6_6  Case of 3 bus system.
0003 %   From Problem 6.6 in book 'Computational
0004 %   Methods for Electric Power Systems' by Mariesa Crow
0005 %   created by Rui Bo on 2007/11/12
0007 %   MATPOWER
0009 %%-----  Power Flow Data  -----%%
0010 %% system MVA base
0011 baseMVA = 1000;
0013 %% bus data
0014 %    bus_i    type    Pd    Qd    Gs    Bs    area    Vm    Va    baseKV    zone    Vmax    Vmin
0015 bus = [
0016     1   3   350       100    0    0    1    1    0    230    1    1.00    1.00;
0017     2   2   400       250    0    0    1    1    0    230    1    1.02    1.02;
0018     3   2   250     100    0    0    1    1    0    230    1    1.02    1.02;
0019 ];
0021 %% generator data
0022 % Note:
0023 % 1)It's better of gen to be in number order, otherwise gen and genbid
0024 % should be sorted to make the lp solution output clearly(in number order as well)
0025 % 2)set Pmax to nonzero. set to 999 if no limit
0026 % 3)If change the order of gen, then must change the order in genbid
0027 % accordingly
0028 %    bus    Pg    Qg    Qmax    Qmin    Vg    mBase    status    Pmax    Pmin
0029 gen = [
0030     1    182.18   0    999    -999    1.00       100    1    600    0;
0031     2    272.77      0    999    -999    1.02       100    1    400    0;
0032     3    545.05   0    999    -999    1.02       100    1    100    0;
0033 ];
0034 %gen(:, 9) = 999; % inactive the Pmax constraints
0036 %% branch data
0037 %    fbus    tbus    r    x    b    rateA    rateB    rateC    ratio    angle    status
0038 branch = [
0039     1    2    0.01     0.1    0.050    999    100    100    0    0    1;
0040     1    3    0.05     0.1    0.025    999    100    100    0    0    1;
0041     2    3    0.05     0.1    0.025      999    100    100    0    0    1;
0042 ];
0044 %%-----  OPF Data  -----%%
0045 %% area data
0046 areas = [
0047     1    1;
0048 ];
0050 %% generator cost data
0051 %    2    startup    shutdown    n    c(n-1)    ...    c0
0052 gencost = [
0053     2    0    0    3    1.5     1    0;
0054     2    0    0    3    1       2    0;
0055     2    0    0    3    0.5      2.5    0;
0056 ];
0058 return;

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